Block numbered in one places: 9257, also 1751 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two girls in a field of flowers and tall grass; one stands and holds a small bunch of flowers; the other girl wears a large sun hat and seems to be sitting or kneeling on the ground., Back of block covered by pasted-down paper., Signed: [Triangle; i.e., Frank Bellew].
Gift of David Doret and Linda G. Mitchell, 2021., Landscape of a field showing green grass, bushes, and trees with a wooden fence running along the center. Dated, 1871, in red in the lower left corner. Title from manuscript label on the reverse of the frame (now photographed and pasted on the back). Montgomery Avenue and 27th Street are east of the Schuylkill River and Fairmount Park in Philadelphia.
African American woman sitting in a meadow holding up a small dog from her lap. The woman, attired in a short-sleeved dress, smiles and looks at the viewer as she holds a small white and brown dog up. Trees and a vegetable garden are visual in the background., Title supplied by cataloger., Date inferred from attire of sitter and active dates of the photographer., Purchase 1988., Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014., Rich was a professional Philadelphia landscape photographer and avid traveler who privately produced several candid portraits of family and friends.
Rich, James Bartlett, 1866-1942, photographer
[ca. 1920]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Rich - Portraits - Unidentified [P.9266.970]
View looking east showing the 300 block of Chestnut Street, including the former residence of Zachariah Poulson, editor, publisher, and Library Company of Philadelphia librarian, at 310 Chestnut. Building tenanted by A. Bachmann & Co.'s confectionery, the United States Journal office, and Meadows & Co., manufacturers of silverware. Also shows the office of Peterson's Ladies National Magazine (306 Chestnut); James B. Chandler's Steam Power Printing Office, John W. Harper, watch importer, Carrow, Thibault & Co., jewelry manufacturer, and Goodyear's rubber warehouse (308 Chestnut); and F.W. Melizet & Co., commission merchants (312 Chestnut). Signage and merchandise displays adorn the storefronts and store front windows. View also includes a horse-drawn wagon and carriage., Title and photographer's imprint from Poulson inscription on mount., Date inscribed on photograph., Originally part of a series of eleven scrapbooks compiled by Philadelphia antiquarian Charles A. Poulson in the late 1850s entitled "Illustrations of Philadelphia" volume 3, page 72. The scrapbooks contained approximately 120 photographs by Philadelphia painter and pioneer photographer Richards of 18th-century public, commercial, and residential buildings in the city of Philadelphia commissioned by Poulson to document the vanishing architectural landscape., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Select link below for a digital image.
Richards, F. De B. (Frederick De Bourg), photographer
May 1859
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department photo - Richards - Residences - P [(3)2526.F.72 (Poulson)],