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Magnolia ham, winter cured. Don't talk bout henhouses to me. [graphic].

J. H. Michener & Cos. curing, packing & smoking establishment S.W. corner of Front and Willow Sts. Philadelphia. [graphic] / On stone by W. H. Rease, 17 So. 5th. St.

High Street Market, Philadelphia [graphic] / Designed & Published by W. Birch Enamel Painter 1800.

Try Atmore's mince meat and genuine English plum pudding [graphic].

In seventy six, that old Continental; that Fourth-of-July-m'an; hatchet-can't-lie-man gave orders for dinner, "and said "use Enterprise beef shaver, for beef so sliced, will meet with much favor."

Enterprise Congress-World's Fair.

Atmore's mince meat and genuine English plum pudding.

N.H. Graham & Cos. curing, packing & smoking establishment. Filbert St. between Schuylkill 2d. & 3d. Sts. Philadelphia.

J. H. Michener & Cos. curing, packing & smoking establishment S.W. corner of Front and Willow Sts. Philadelphia.

Ask for Liebig Company's extract of meat. Annual sale, four million jars.

White's great cattle show, and grand procession of the victuallers of Philadelphia

John Weik's (Philadelphia) kochbuecher (cookbooks) [graphic] / Invented & drawn on stone by J. Nissle.

Véritable extrait de viande Liebig. [graphic] : La case de l'oncle