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- Title
- Brotherhood of America Medals
- Description
- George Lippard (1822-1854) founded a fraternal organization, the Brotherhood of the Union c. 1847. It was a secret labor and socialist organization that hoped to overthrow the capitalist system in America. Later (c. 1890) the organization was called the Brotherhood of America and turned into a social and mutual aid society. The Brotherhood of America dissolved in 1995., All ten medals read “Truth, Hope, Love” and have a scene depicting men on a ship across the top. Each medal has a different metal ornament hanging from the top piece (see descriptions below). All have a blue ribbon with “Brotherhood of America” in metal at the bottom of the ribbon. The medallion depicts an “H.F.” on an altar with a torch surrounded by stars. “H.F.” stands for “The Hope of the Future.” It can also stand for: Holy Flame, Holy Fruit, Holy Faith, Holy Freedom, Hope Fulfilled, Holy Fraternity, Human Family. See the B.C.G.[79190.O] for more information., 876 a.: Chief Washington: A cross in a circle hangs from the top piece. 876 b: PCW: Liberty Bell hangs from the top piece. 876 c: Watcher of the Night: A sword hangs from the top piece. 876 d: Treasurer: A key hangs from the top piece. 876 e: Jefferson: 2 crisscrossing torches hang from the top piece. 876 f: Watcher of the Day: 2 crisscrossing swords hang from the top piece. 876 g: Honorable Scroll Keeper: A scroll with “H.F.” hangs from the top piece. 876 h: Herald: 2 crisscrossing horns or trumpets hang from the top piece. 876 i: Franklin: 2 crisscrossing fasces hang from the top piece. 876 j: Register: An open book with “H.F.” hangs from the top piece., All medals except 876j are pinned to a Whitehead and Hoag Co. cardboard advertisement., Gift of the Brotherhood of America, 1994.
- Creator
- The Whitehead & Hoag Co.
- Date
- 20th c
- Location
- OBJ 876
- Title
- Metal Die: Sydenham
- Description
- Die of a Benjamin Rush commemorative medal. This die is the Reverse side of the medal. (Obverse is OBJ 249.), Inscribed: “Sydenham, Read Think Observe MDCCCVIII.” Sydenham was Rush's country home. Depicts a flowing river. In the background is a setting sun with clouds and mountains; there are large trees in the foreground. In front a block of stone with " Read, Think, Observe" and upon this an open book. Beneath, to the right, M. Furst Fec., Bequest of Dr. James Rush, 1869.
- Creator
- Furst, Moritz, b. 1782
- Date
- Ca. 1808
- Location
- OBJ 248
- Title
- Benjamin Franklin 200th Year Anniversary Commemorative Medal
- Description
- Inscription on the front reads, “Benjamin Franklin Printer Philosopher Scientist Statesman Diplomat.” The back reads, “Struck by an Act of Congress of the United States History Literature Science Philosophy To Commemorate Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Benjamin Franklin MCMVI.” A profile of Franklin’s head appears on the medal with the dates, “1706-1790.”, Gift of the American Philosophical Society.
- Date
- 1906
- Location
- OBJ 044
- Title
- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Commemorative Medal
- Description
- Inscription reads, “The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company 1827-1927; Peter Cooper’s Tom Thumb.”, A card accompanying the medal reads, “This medal is issued on the one hundredth birthday of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company to commemorate not merely the important milestone in its own history but the rounding out of a century of a definite American Railroad achievement. The Baltimore and Ohio was the first American railroad to operate its line for the public handling of passengers and freight. This was early in 1830. In all the one hundred years of its life it has changed neither its corporate name, its charter nor its fundamental organization. The obverse of the medal depicts one of the most modern trains of the Baltimore and Ohio—The Capital Limited or The National Limited—drawn by one of the largest and most modern passenger locomotives built. The spirit of Transportation guides the locomotive on its onward flight. The reverse shows the Tom Thumb, designed by Alderman Peter Cooper of New York and the first steam locomotive to be built in the United States even though it was never put into practical service. Mr. Hans Schuler, director of the Maryland Institute in Baltimore, is the sculptor who designed the medal and it was reproduced direct from his models by the Medallic Art Company of New York City.”, Gift of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, 1927.
- Creator
- Schuler, Hans
- Date
- 1927
- Location
- OBJ 158
- Title
- Centennial Medal
- Description
- Inscription reads, “In Commemoration of the Hundredth Anniversary of American Independence Act of Congress 1874.”, The obverse depicts the "Genius of American Independence" with a sword in her right hand while her left hand is raised to thirteen stars representing the orginal thirteen colonies. On the reverse is the "Genius of Liberty" bestowing laurel wreaths to the “arts” and “sciences.”, Gift of F. Lynwood Garrison, Esq.
- Date
- 1876
- Location
- OBJ 184
- Title
- Metal Die: Benjamin Rush
- Description
- Die of a Benjamin Rush commemorative medal. This die is the Obverse of the medal. (Reverse is OBJ 248)., Inscribed: "Benjamin Rush M.D. of Philadelphia.", Bequest of Dr. James Rush.
- Creator
- Furst, Moritz, b. 1782
- Date
- Ca. 1808
- Location
- OBJ 249
- Title
- Henry Clay Medallion
- Description
- Copper medallion set in an oval wood frame. Profile bust of Clay facing left, with a laurel wreath border. Nothing on the reverse., "T.D. Jones, Del., C.C. Wright, fecit."
- Creator
- Wright, Charles Cushing, 1796-1857
- Location
- OBJ 847
- Title
- Political campaign medal "Harrison The People's Choice."
- Description
- Political campaign medal promoting William Henry Harrison for president., Inscribed, “Maj. Gen. W.H. Harrison.” The reverse reads, “The People’s Choice, the Hero of Tippecanoe.”
- Date
- 1840 or 1841
- Location
- OBJ 163
- Title
- William Penn medal
- Description
- Obverse: Profile of William Penn with Legend that reads, “William Penn. B. 1644 D. 1718. L.P.” (Lewis Pingo). Reverse: Penn shaking hands with a Native American who has a bow in his left hand. Legend reads, “By Deeds of Peace. Pennsylvania Settled 1681.” John Fothergill (1712-1780) was a Quaker and a friend of Peter Collinson and John Bartram. Collinson introduced Fothergill to Benjamin Franklin. When Franklin became ill after his arrival in London in 1757, he became Fothergill’s patient. They remained close friends. William Logan (1718-1776) was the son of James Logan., LCP Minutes, Vol. 2, p. 121: At a meeting of the Directors held September 12th 1775. Mr. William Logan having in the Name and by the Direction of Doctor Fothergill presented the Library with a silver Medal representing on the Face a striking Likeness of William Penn the worthy Founder of this Province Legend “William Penn. B 1644. D. 1718” and on the Reverse William Penn shaking hands with an Indian Legend “By Deeds of Peace Pennsylvania settled 1681.” The Board request Mr. Logan will be pleased to communicate their Thanks to the Doctor for his truly valuable present—Ordered that the Secretary furnish Mr. Logan with a Copy of the aforegoing Minute.”, Gift of John Fothergill, 1775.
- Creator
- Pingo, Lewis, 1743-1830
- Date
- 1775
- Location
- OBJ 903
- Title
- German Prisoner of War Camp Medal
- Description
- Commemorates the prisoner-of-war camp for German soldiers on the Isle of Man during World War I., Obverse shows a view of the prison camp with tents and huts, castle and lighthouse in background, within a wreath of barbed wire. Inscription on the reverse reads: Weltkrieg 1914-1916 Erinnerung an die Kriegshaft Douglas Isle of Man.
- Date
- 1916?
- Location
- OBJ 161
- Title
- Philadelphia Founders Week Commemorative Medal
- Description
- Medal of William Penn with "1683-1908, Founders Week." Attached to a blue and yellow ribbon which reads, "City Council." Engraved, George Morris Abbott on the reverse.
- Date
- [1908.]
- Location
- OBJ 692
- Title
- Centennial medal
- Description
- Small medal from the 1876 Centennial Exhibition. Obverse inscribed, "Memorial medal, 1776" with image of Independence Hall; reverse inscribed, "Struck Within the International Exhibition 1876.", Gift of Raymond Holstein, 2011.
- Date
- 1876
- Location
- OBJ 888
- Title
- Libertas Americana
- Description
- Reads, "Libertas Americana" and "4 Juil 1776." Translation: "American Liberty—4th of July, 1776." Depicts Liberty with her cap and pole. Reverse reads, "Non Sine Diis animosus infans" "17 19 Oct. 1777-1781." Translation: "The fearless child was not without the help of gods." (Verse from the Odes of Horace; Book III, Ode IV, 20.) Depicts Minerva, with a spear and shield, protecting an infant Hercules from a lion. Hercules is strangling two serpents., Gift of Benjamin Franklin., Exhibited in, Benjamin Franklin: In Search of a Better World (2005-2007).
- Creator
- Dupré, Augustin, 1748-1833, engraver
- Date
- 1782, struck in 1783
- Location
- OBJ 877
- Title
- Franklin Bifocal Sesquicentennial, 1784-1934, Medal
- Description
- Profile of Franklin holding bifocals in his hand. Back states, “Commemorating the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of Benjamin Franklin’s Invention of the Bifocal Lens in 1784.”, Gift of Donald Oresman, 2000.
- Creator
- Bausch and Lomb Optical Co.
- Date
- 1934
- Location
- OBJ 855
- Title
- Political campaign medal, Harrison/Tyler
- Description
- Political campaign medal promoting William Henry Harrison for president and John Tyler for vice president., Obv.: military bust of Harrison with the inscription: “Maj. Gen. W.H. Harrison 1841.” On the reverse side an eagle is depicted with the inscription, “Go it Tip Come it Tyler.” There is a small hole at the top of the medal.
- Date
- 1840 or 1841
- Location
- OBJ 162
- Title
- Silver Medal
- Description
- Reads: “Presented by the American Association of Book Sellers to Hopkins and Seymour for the Second best Specimen of Printing 1804.” Verso reads, “Charles 5th, 3. vol.”, From 1802-1804 the first American book fairs were held semi-annually in New York and Philadelphia to encourage cooperation among publishers. The fairs marked the birth of the American publishing industry. In 1804, the gold medal went to Rober Carr of Philadelphia for a bible. This silver medal was awarded to a new edition of William Robertson's classic History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V (New York: Hopkins and Seymour, 1804)., Purchase of the Library Company with the help of Joesph Felcone, 1997.
- Creator
- American Association of Booksellers
- Date
- 1804
- Location
- OBJ 861
- Title
- Walt Whitman Medal
- Description
- Medal commemorating Walt Whitman's centenary year made by the Franklin Inn Club., Portrait of Whitman with the inscription, "Walt Whitman 1819-1919, The Franklin Inn Club.”, Gift of Dr. Horace Howard Furness, 1919.
- Creator
- McKenzie, R. Tait (Robert Tait), 1867-1938
- Date
- 1919
- Location
- OBJ 155
- Title
- H.M.S. Pinafore
- Description
- Illustrated trade card depicting a scene from Sullivan & Gilbert's comic opera "Her Majesty's Ship Pinafore" including a captain, his crew and women on the deck of a ship with two large spools of Willimantic's "Superior Six Cord Thread". Caption reads: "B.--Did you ever? C.--No! Never! B.--What never? C. Positively never! used anything equal to Willimantic Six Cord Spool Cotton.", Advertising text printed on verso lists the awards won by Willimantic's Six Cord Spool Cotton, including the gold medal awarded by Maryland Institute Fair in 1878. Includes vignettes of the obverse and reverse surfaces of the medal., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Willimantic [1975.F.666]
- Title
- [Collection of business correspondence of W. H. Schieffelin & Co., 170 and 172 William Street, New York]
- Description
- Collection of business correspondence dated between August 23, 1879 and May 5, 1898, including form letters, stationery, blank forms, billheads, and a circular. Two of the billheads contain ornamented type, decorative lettering, and an allegorical view. View includes an inset of a medieval apothecary at work surrounded by scenes of transportation and trade. Scenes show a train traveling past a large bundle and barrels, and a man standing near a horse-drawn cart loaded with bundles near a wharf by which a steam ship and sailing ship are visible on the water. Items billed include "Eng Catheters asstd," Rhubarb Root, Cuttle Bone, "Jayne's Cough Pills," Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Dandelion Root German, Garfield Tea, "Box from Fowler Mfg & Novelty Co.," Best Tooth Brush, and Dodds Kidney Pills. Collection also contains the August 1885 promotional circular "W. H. Schieffelin & Co's Soluble Pills and Granules" illustrated with images of the exhibition medals awarded to the firm, including Gold Medal, Holland International Exhibition, 1883; Paris Exposition, 1878; First Award, Sydney, 1879; Medal of Superiority, American Institute, New York, 1879; and Silver Medal, Melbourne, 1880. Medal imagery includes allegorical female figures, portrait busts, and garlands. Other correspondence relates to an invoice of goods, receipt for goods, requests for circulars from college of Pharmacy, the incorrect "William N. Clark," and an erroneous shipment of diphtheria antitoxin., Title supplied by cataloger., Printers include American Bank Note Company New York., Correspondents include G. W. Aimar & Co., Charleston, S.C. (founded in 1852); O. J. Griffin; David Hayes; M. Berliner & Co., Carry, Pa.; A. W. L. Jackson; William N. Clark; H. J. Patterson; and Polk Miller Drug Co., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand., W.H. Schieffelin & Co. was originally founded by Effingham Lawrence in 1791. Lawrence sold the business to his brother-in-law Jacob Schieffelin and his brother John B. Lawrence in 1794 and it operated as Lawrence & Schieffelin until 1799 and the departure of Lawrence. Schieffelin continued in business and in 1805 entered into partnership with his son as Jacob Schieffelin & Son, which was reestablished in 1814 as H. H. Schieffelin & Co. following the retirement of Jacob. Henry H. retired in 1849 and his four sons assumed the firm, which became Schieffelin Brothers & Co. Between 1853 and 1859, Asher F. Randolph, John D. Dix, and William H. Schieffelin, William A. Gellatly and Joseph H. Westerfield also became partners in the business. In 1865, the four Schieffelin brothers retired and the firm became W.H. Schieffelin & Co. Schieffelin died in 1895 and William N. Clark, great-grandson of Jacob Schieffelin became president in 1895. The firm, which specialized in the manufacture of heavy chemicals and the distribution of synthetics, was incorporated as Schieffelin & Co. in 1903.
- Date
- [ca. 1870-ca. 1890]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - S [P.2011.46.220-228]
- Title
- [Duryeas' Glen Cove Manufacturing Co. trade cards]
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards depicting a bird's eye view of Duryea's manufactory in Glen Cove, New York; facsimilies of prize medals awarded the company, including the obverse and reverse sides of the gold medal awarded at the Paris Exposition in 1878; and a man posting a broadside advertisement for "Duryea's improved cornstarch" on the side of a brick building as two children and a dog stand nearby and watch., Printers and engravers include the Major & Knapp Engraving, Manufacturing & Lithographic Co., Includes advertising text promoting Duryea's improved corn starch and satin gloss starch printed on versos., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Duryea's [1975.F.250; 1975.F.252; 1975.F.256; 1975.F.267]
- Title
- Thomas Hunter, successor. Duval & Hunter's catalogue of oleograph publications for the season 1873-4
- Description
- Trade catalog containing an ornate front and back cover and two specimen pages of script promoting Thomas Hunter, former partner in Hunter & Duval (active 1869-1874). Front cover contains central vignette showing a woman with two cherubic figures seated on filigree. The woman writes on a lithographic stone and the figures hold a banner reading "Duval & Hunter" and a printing ink roller. Rear cover contains a wreath of medals awarded to predecessor firms P. S. Duval and Duval & Hunter. Medals, many from the Franklin Institute, enclose text reading "Duval and Hunter's Steam Lithographic Establishment. 19 First Premiums in Diplomas and Medals. 1841-1872" and contain inscriptions, dates, allegorical figures, seals, and busts of Benjamin Franklin and King Albert. Several of the medals reference color lithography and chromolithography., Also includes two specimen pages of script for "Duval & Hunter, Designer, Lithographers, and Chromo Publishers, Nos. 716-722 Filbert St. Philadelphia" that promote the services and prints supplied by the establishment, including "a liberal discount to the trade," "check books," "labels of all kinds," and "Portraits and Lithography in all its Branches." Catalog also contains preface "To the Trade" and title list with prices., Not in Wainwright., Title annotated with stamp Thomas Hunter, Successor., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 102, Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Graphic Arts 1984-774-01
- Creator
- Duval & Hunter
- Date
- [1873]
- Location
- Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Graphic Arts SI NMAH Graphic Arts 1984-774-01-Cover, Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Graphic Arts SI NMAH Graphic Arts 1984-774-01-ToTheTrade, Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Graphic Arts SI NMAH Graphic Arts 1984-774-01-Insurance, Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Graphic Arts SI NMAH Graphic Arts 1984-774-01-Back
- Title
- W.H. Furness, D.D
- Description
- Bronze medal commemorating William H. Furness's fifty years as pastor of the First Unitarian Society in Philadelphia. Shows a silhouette bust of Furness facing left. On the verso, depicts a wreath encircling the text. William Henry Furness (1802-1896) became the minister of the First Unitartian Church of Philadelphia in 1825 and served until his retirement in 1875., Text on verso: 1825 - 1875, In Honor of a Pastorate of 50 Years Over the First Unitarian Society Philadelphia., Gift of David Doret, 2011.
- Creator
- W. & C. Barber, engraver
- Date
- 1875
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department PRINT albums [P.2011.45.31]
- Title
- De Fleury at Stony Point Medal
- Description
- Reads, "Virtutis Et Audaclae Monum. Et Praemium" and "D. De Fleury Equitt Gallo Primo Super Muros Resp. Americ D.D." Translation: "A memorial and reward for bravery and boldness—The American Republic presented this award to M. de Fleury, a French officer, who as the first scaled the walls." Mars is depicted on the ruin of the fort treading on the British flag with his sword raised. Reverse reads, "Aggeres Paludes Hostes Victi” “STONY PT EXPUGN xv Jul MDCCLXXIX." Translation: "Fortifications, marshes, and the enemy overcome—Stony Point taken by assault, July 15th, 1779." Depicts the fort of Stony Point and the enemy’s vessels on the river below it., On July 26, 1779, Congress decided to reward Lieutenant Colonel Fleury for bravery in the attack of the fort at Stony Point. Benjamin Franklin, in Paris, employed Benjamin Duvivier, Chief Engraver at the Paris Mint, to create the medal. This medal is the first ever struck by a Resolution of Congress., Gift of Benjamin Franklin., Exhibited in, Benjamin Franklin: In Search of a Better World (2005-2007).
- Creator
- Duvivier, Benjamin, 1730-1819, engraver
- Date
- 1780
- Location
- OBJ 878
- Title
- H.G. Clagston, 806 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, manufacturer of military and naval goods Corps badges- - - Army of the Potomac
- Description
- Advertisement containing 18 red, white, and blue specimens of corps badges for the 1st, 2d, and 3d Divisions of the 1st, 2d, 3d, 5th, 6th, and 12th Corps. Also contains a decorative border and advertising text promoting new designs and bargain presentation swords., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War miscellanies.
- Date
- [ca. 1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Ph Pr - 11x14 - Advertisements - H [(2)5786.F.1a]
- Title
- [Three-quarter length portrait of an unidentified African American man]
- Description
- Three-quarter length portrait of an African American man standing with his hands behind his back facing slightly left. He is attired in a white collared shirt, a bowtie, a waistcoat, a jacket, and pants. His jacket is adorned with a ribbon on his lapel, and there is a watch chain on his waistcoat, both decorated with metal stars, possibly signifying his membership within a fraternal lodge., Title supplied by cataloger., Mount contains gold border., Gift of Mrs. Barbara Jacobsen, 1988., Image slightly out of focus., Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Creator
- Graeff, photographer
- Date
- [ca. 1890]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department cabinet card portraits - photographer - Graeff [P.9216]
- Title
- Wagner & McGuigan's lithographic establishment for drawing lettering & printing no. 116 Chesnut [sic] St. Philadelphia Portraits, landscapes, anatomical & architectural drawings, views of stores, fancy prints, show cards, maps, plans, certificates, circulars, all kinds of fancy labels, cards, &c., printing in illuminated colours & gold, transferring from steel, copper & stone. Wagner & McGuigan have received the highest award [a silver medal] for their lithography from the Franklin Institute of the state of Penna. Orders done with neatness and despatch
- Description
- Advertisement containing an interior view of the shop at 116 Chestnut Street (ie. 320 Chestnut Street) after a daguerreotype depicting a long row of presses lined along the perimeter of the room near tall windows for natural light. Pressmen work on stones propped flat and on an angle. The man at the first press rolls ink onto a stone, as another man, probably an apprentice, carries a stone from the reserve of fresh stones arranged and stacked on the shelves on the opposite wall. Bottles and other supplies line the shelves between each window, and several packaged stones are piled on the floor in the foreground awaiting shipment. View includes a standing press. A foreman, possibly Wagner or McGuigan, attired in a suit observes the printers. Includes views of the recto and verso of the silver medal awarded to Wagner & M'Guigan for "skill and ingenuity" in lithography by the Franklin Institute in 1844 below the image and flanking the advertising text. Advertisement shows text printed in various fonts and shades to demonstrate the range and ability of the recently established lithographic firm of Wagner & M'Guigan (fl. 1846-1858)., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 113, T.B. Shaw, possibly Trueman Shaw, operated from the same address as Wagner & McGuigan (116 Chestnut) between 1846 and 1849., Smithsonian Institution NMAH H&CL - Harry T. Peters America on Stone Collection [DL *60.3081]
- Creator
- Aub, Jacob, artist
- Date
- [ca. 1847]
- Location
- Smithsonian Institution, NMAH, Home and Community Life Collection SI NMAH H&CL - Harry T. Peters America on Stone Collection [DL *60.3081]
- Title
- H. P. & W. C. Taylor perfumers Sons of and successors to Curtis Taylor original manufacturer of superior transparent soap shaving saponaceous compound &c. Eight highest premiums awarded to the Franklin and American Institute and at the World's Fair London 1851
- Description
- Advertisement for the perfumery containing a central scene set within a border designed as a monument that is adorned with a vignette and pictorial details. Central image depicts a shipping scene at a pier above the Navy Yard on the Delaware River. Shows laborers loading a tall ship with goods from a pier on which a horse-drawn wagon and cart are surrounded by crates across from warehouses. Several members from the crew of the ship line the deck of the vessel. A barge is also moored near the pier. In the foreground, on the dock, a horse-drawn coach passes near a man loading a dray with crates marked "H.P. & W.C. Taylors Fancy Soaps Phila." under the watch of a gentleman as a freight rail car approaches. Sailing vessels are docked at another pier visible in the left of the image. Barrels, crates, and planks of wood line the wharf on which draymen load and transport goods. Vignette shows the exterior of the "H.P. & W.C Taylor, Transparent & Soaps" factory at 379-381, i.e., 641-643 North Ninth Street. A locomotive and freight car of the Norristown and Germantown Railroad passes in the street and pedestrians walk in front of and enter the factory. Banners reading "1819 Business Established 1819 Philadelphia," filigree, and sprigs of flowers flank the vignette., Pictorial details include depictions of the Franklin medals grouped in a series of five and of three interspersed among strands of flowers, and two larger depictions of the recto and obverse of one of the medals won by the firm. One side shows an allegorical scene with the female figure "Britannia" laying a wreath on the head of "Industry" and reads "Dissociata Locis Concordi Pace II Gavit. H.P. & W.C. Taylor Class XXIX." Other side shows the head of a mustached man and that of a classical female figure and reads Victoria D.G. Brit Reg. F.D. Albertus Princeps Conjux MDCCCII.", Philadelphia on Stone, POS 338, LCP exhibit catalogue: Made in America #71., Wainwright retrospective conversion project, edited.
- Creator
- Dreser, William, b. ca. 1820, artist
- Date
- [ca. 1851]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department **W165 [P.2074]
- Title
- [Advertising specimens]
- Description
- Series of advertising specimens, including trade cards, book marks, and a proof of an invitation. Prints depict a girl character in allegorical scenes representing the seasons; views of South Ferry Hotel (Kaighn Point, N.J) and a standard scale at use at a farm; medals; coats of arms; and pharmaceutical apparatus. Businesses represented include Peter Bazzanti & Son, manufactory of Florentine Mosaics; Fairbanks' Standard Scale; Hawkins Brothers, army, navy, & police contractors and post office & railway contractors; and W.B. Horner, druggist & apothecary., Title supplied by cataloger., Various printers, including S. C. Boreum and Major & Knapp., Varous publishers, including Philadelphia Inquirer., Print P.9399.449 inscribed on verso: Od [sic] Fellow Hall, Sixth St. Below Race. Race., Originally part of Specimens Album [P.9349]., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- [ca. 1860-1895]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Specimens Album Loose Prints Collection - Advertising Specimens [P.9349.364, 366-367, 384, 402, 404-405, 414, 449]
- Title
- [Abraham Lincoln miscellany]
- Description
- Collection of miscellaneous Lincoln prints and ephemera, including a circa 1880 right-profile, photo mechanical portrait print of the president; 1909 souvenirs from the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (MOLUS) and the Philadelphia Electric Company in honor of the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Lincoln; and a series of ca. 1890 illustrations of medals commemorating and memorializing him. Imagery on souvenirs includes a portrait of Lincoln bordered by an American and MOLUS flag and the reproduced Jean Leon Gerome Ferris painting "Lincoln and the Contrabands" depicting Lincoln greeting an African American woman freedom seeker with her two children. Scene also shows African American men and women freedom seekers near a Union soldier, including a woman sitting with her head in her hands and an older man who takes his hat off., Title supplied by cataloger., Artists, printers, and publishers include Jean Leon Gerome Ferris and Wolf & Co., 5792.F.94c contains copyright statement: painting only copyrighted, Wolf & Co, Philada, 1908., During the Civil War, the U.S. government declared African American freedom seekers as "contraband of war.", RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points 2021., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of materials related to Abraham Lincoln. McAllister Collection, gift, 1886.
- Date
- 1880
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department GC - Lincoln [5792.F.88d; 5792.F.92a-d&93a&c; 5792.F.93d; and 5792.F.94c]