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Brotherhood of America Medals

Metal Die: Sydenham

Benjamin Franklin 200th Year Anniversary Commemorative Medal

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Commemorative Medal

Centennial Medal

Metal Die: Benjamin Rush

Henry Clay Medallion

Political campaign medal "Harrison The People's Choice"

William Penn medal.

German Prisoner of War Camp Medal

Philadelphia Founders Week Commemorative Medal

Centennial Medal

Libertas Americana

Franklin Bifocal Sesquicentennial, 1784-1934, Medal

Political campaign medal, Harrison/Tyler

Silver Medal

Walt Whitman Medal

H.M.S. Pinafore.

[Collection of business correspondence of W. H. Schieffelin & Co., 170 and 172 William Street, New York]

[Duryeas' Glen Cove Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

Thomas Hunter, successor. Duval & Hunter's catalogue of oleograph publications for the season 1873-4.

W.H. Furness, D.D.   [graphic] /  W. &. C. Barber.

De Fleury at Stony Point Medal

H.G. Clagston, 806 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, manufacturer of military and naval goods. [graphic] : Corps badges- - - Army of the Potomac.

[Unidentifed African American man]

Wagner & McGuigan's lithographic establishment for drawing lettering & printing no. 116 Chesnut [sic] St. Philadelphia.

H. P. & W. C. Taylor perfumers

[Advertising specimens]

[Abraham Lincoln miscellany] [graphic].