A frowning man wears a red waistcoat and a green frock coat. The valentine mocks the recipient for being large and deficient., Text: Believe me when I say I've always thought / That you were simply nothing -- a big naught; / I'd like to know what 't'is you want a wife for, / For she would nothing gain except a cypher., Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.
The valentine shows an elephant ice skating (and smoking). He wears a blue jacket and green pants and carries a walking stick. The sender rejects the recipient because of his weight., Text: I've heard fat men singing, / I'm told of their swimming, / I've seen them in various states -- / I've known of their dancing, / And ogling and glancing, / But ne'er have I seen one on skates. / I always am laughing, / When fat men I'm chaffing, / Who think that it will be my fate -- / It sets me tee-heeing, / A Valentine being, / To an elephant trying to skate., Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.
A man holds out his empty pockets., Text: So bad your name for paying up, / That I believe that when / Grim death shall come for "nature's debt," / You'll tell him to "call again.", Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.
A man holds his hands to his heart. He wears a frock coat, bow-tie, and thin trousers. His hair is curled., Text: Quit your tricks, my young man, and quickly to wed, / Lead some charming young damsel to church; / No delight, you'll then take, our poor hearts to break / Then leave us alone in the lurch., Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.
A man with a pig's head reads a poster, which states, "GREAT VALENTINE DEPOT/ THE FAT HOG," and has a picture of a hog on it. He carries a walking stick with a man's head carved on the top., Text: You are the very antidote to love! / A man of taste undoubtedly you prove; / But 'tis of dinners, Hog, and that you know full well, / And if a wife you choose, 'twill be-- a dinner bell(e)? / Upon my word, I'd give a dollar bill, / To know the jade that sent this Valentine; / The saucy minx, she says I'm sour as swill, / She won't be good for a pig's head like mine., Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.
A young man sits in a chair., Text: You sleepy headed numskull, go home and take a snooze, / When you go to see the girls, they think you’re full of booze. / As vain as any weather-cock, you know not how to talk, / Nor can you take a slight hint, when you’re told it’s time to walk. / You ought to be a baker’s boy, for now wherever you go, / The girls all laugh at such a calf, and say your head is dough., Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.
A man is watching a woman through a window. He has spilled a pail of water. The valentine criticizes him for paying attention to the woman and not to his work., Text: The sight of a Boddice, or few stray curls, / Sets your mouth watering after the Girls, / While you are staring with lecherous eyes / Your blundering movements your pail will capsize, / Splashing and pouring all into the street, / Making the passers by white as a sheet; / While you get the sack, as truly you luck it / Deserves for so stupidly kicking the Bucket., "117", Provenance: Helfand, William H..
A man in a coat and top hat and bear are separated by bars. The man's head is turned away from the bear and the bear is looking at the man. The text characterizes the man as having dangerous animal qualities, and the placement of the two figures poses the question of who is really the beast in a cage., Text: A Bear, what is it but a surly brute? / A pest to women, above dispute, / A surly brute are you, none can deny, / Also a nuisance to society, / Therefore, old Growler, I do decline / To Bruin be a Valentine., Provenance: Helfand, William H..
A man in a coat and top hat and bear are separated by bars. The man's head is turned away from the bear and the bear is looking at the man. The text characterizes the man as having dangerous animal qualities, and the placement of the two figures poses the question of who is really the beast in a cage., Text: A Bear, what is it but a surly brute? / A pestto women, above dispute, / A surly brute are you, none can deny, / Also a nuisance to society, / Therefore, old Growler, I do decline / To Bruin be a Valentine., Provenance: Helfand, William H..
A man in the form of a pig rides a bicycle. The valentine criticizes him for unmannerly behavior., Text: We never need / To ask your breed, / It shows so plain in word and deed, / And your face so well reveals the story ; / But when we deal / With you on a Wheel / More strongly than ever you make us feel / That here's a HOG in all his glory., Provenance: Helfand, William H.
A man with disheveled hair sits at a table with his chin resting on one hand. In the other hand, he holds a handkerchief., Text: O! you sigh for a wife-- how funny / No a girl must be flat indeed, / Unless you had mints of money, / To take up such a broken reed., Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.
Illustrated trade card and caricature depicting a lampoon of the balcony scene from William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," except Juliet is much larger than Romeo and cannot see him even though he is immediately below her., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of John H. Serembus., Digitized.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Coe [P.2005.30.1]
Cartoon depicting two unidentified white men, attired in suits, on the balcony of the "Cleveland Hotel" in front of a hostile crowd calling out "Traitor" and "You be Damned." The speaker clutches a handkerchief and the bannister of the balcony as he tries to placate the crowd by stating it is their "Congress that is trying to break up the Government." The man beside him in the left smugly comments that he hopes the mayor is in town. An African American man in the crowd, portrayed in racist caricature, taunts the speaker, "How about that $400 Gold watch.", Title from item., Date inferred from content., Originally part of American political caricatures, likely a scrapbook, accessioned 1899. Collection primarily comprised of gifts from Samuel Breck, John A. McAllister, and James Rush., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Political Cartoons - 1884 Tra [5760.F.110]
Cartoon relishing the surrender of the Confederacy to the Union depicting a Southern general moving from his war damaged home which is to undergo a "Sheriff Sale" and to be let by "Lincoln & Co." Three white Southerners and two African American men, one who thumbs his nose, witness the General and a mover begin to load a "C.S.A." (i.e., Confederate States of America) cart. The cart, to be pulled by two dogs, is situated next to a "C.S.A Treasury" box of "Waste Paper" that is being urinated upon by another dog. The mover is burdened by several packages, many falling off his back, labeled with the names of Confederate states., Title from item., Date from copyright statement: Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1865, by H. & W. Voight in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York., Accessioned 1979., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014., Kimmel and Forster was a 19th-century firm known more so for their engraving than their lithography.
Kimmell & Forster, lithographers
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1865-4W [P.2275.29]
Bust-length portrait depicting an African American man, portrayed in racist caricature, laughing with his head tilted back to the right, eyes closed and mouth wide open, as he reads a "Texas" newspaper. He is attired in a white collared shirt, a tie, and a jacket., Title supplied by cataloger., Gift of Elsie Wood Harmon, 1982., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014., Wood, a Philadelphia artist, turned to photography in the 1880s exhibiting his work, including genre studies of African Americans, in national and international photography exhibitions. His work won several prizes.
Wood, George Bacon, 1832-1909, photographer
[ca. 1885]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department photo - Wood [P.8743.184]
Bust-length portrait depicting an African American man, portrayed in racist caricature, laughing with his head tilted back to the right, eyes slightly open, and mouth wide open, as he reads a "Texas" newspaper. He is attired in a white collared shirt, a tie, and a jacket., Title supplied by cataloger., Gift of Elsie Wood Harmon, 1982., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014., Wood, a Philadelphia artist, turned to photography in the 1880s exhibiting his work, including genre studies of African Americans, in national and international photography exhibitions. His work won several prizes.
Wood, George Bacon, 1832-1909, photographer
[ca. 1885]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department photo - Wood [P.8743.185]
Racist trade card depicting an African American delivery man standing on the front steps of a home and smoking a cigarette. He carries a basket full of packages with his left arm and holds a package of coffee in his right hand, which is torn and is spilling beans without the man's knowledge. The man is attired in a top hat, a white collared shirt, a brown jacket, blue pants, a white apron, and black shoes. M.H. Moses & Co. was founded in 1840 and was located in the West Village in New York City., Title from item., Place of publication deduced from place of operation of advertised business., Advertising text on verso: Make a Specialty of High Grade Teas and Fine Coffees, Sugars at Actual Cost. Try Our No. 81 Combination Coffee, 25 Cents Per Poud Package., Gift of David Doret.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Moses [P.2017.95.112]
Racist trade card promoting Merrick thread and depicting a domestic scene of an older African American man sewing. Shows the man, in a cabin setting, seated atop a stool, his feet slightly turned in, and mending the seat of a pair of blue pants. The man holds th epants in his left hand and pulls a needle and thread through a patch on the pants in his right. The thread comes from a large spool beside the man which is marked with "Merrick Thread Co. Best Six Cord 8" logo. Behind the man is a window with a sill. Plants line the window sill. A candelabrum rests on a shelf attached to the wall below the window. The man is attired in a red button-down shirt, blue suspenders, brown pants, and brown shoes. Merrick Thread Co. was founded in 1865 by Timothy Merrick, Austin Merrick, and Origen Hall in Mansfield, Connecticut. After its founding, the company established mills in Holyoke, Massachusetts. In 1898, the company merged with thirteen other independent thread and yarn manufacturers to form the American Thread Company., Title from item., Date inferred from content and genre of print., Several lines of advertising text printed on verso. Verso is defaced and text is illegible., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1885]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Merrick [P.2017.95.122]
Racist trade card illustration depicting a white man pasting advertisements on an unattended horse and a carriage. The carriage's driver, an African American man, gestures at the white man to get him to stop. The white man is attired in a flat cap, a collared shirt, suspenders, checkered pants, and boots. He carries a messenger bag and holds a pasting brush in his right hand. A bucket of paste is visible on the ground to the left of the man. The African American man is attired in a hat, a jacket, a vest, and a collared shirt. He holds a whip in his right hand and raises both arms in the air. A caption in the bottom left of the image reads, "The Latest.", Title from item., Advertising text printed on verso: The Star Clothing House is the place for you to get any-thing made. Entire line of clothing at the bottom figures. 808 Elm Street., Text printed on recto: For honest goods we warrant our prices lower than the lowest, and [..]h every suit from $10 up we give a hat such as purchasers may select., Printer's imprint partially legible., Series number printed in left corner on recto: 464., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1870]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Star [P.2017.95.167]
Racist, Valentine card depicting a caricature of an African American man waiter. Shows the man, attired in a white collared shirt, a black bowtie, a black jacket with a white lapel, a white apron, black pants, yellow socks, and black shoes, looking to the right. He has a white towel draped over his right wrist, and he holds his index finger up on his left hand. He stands in front of a red heart and speaks in the vernacular that, “I’se a good waiter, but I cain’t wait foh’ever.”, Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Manuscript note on recto: Guess., Manuscript note on verso: G.G., Series number printed on recto: 5V12., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Greeting Cards, etc. - Tip [P.2017.95.252]
Racist, holiday greeting card depicting a caricature of an African American man. Shows the bust length portrait of the man facing right with his eyes looking at the viewer. He is portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in a white hat with a brown band, gold earrings, a white collared shirt with a gold pin, a yellow and red bowtie, and a white jacket with a red flower boutonniere., Title from item., Publication information from the copyright statement: Raphael Tuck & Sons Copyright., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Greeting Cards, etc. - With [P.2017.95.253]
Die cut card depicting a racist caricature of an African American man holding a sprig of mistletoe. The man is balding and has tufts of white hair on the sides of his head and is attired in a yellow and purple scarf, a pink and white checked shirt, a black jacket, red mittens, blue and green striped pants, and black shoes. In his left hand he carries a gray hat with a purple band. In his right hand he holds a sprig of mistletoe, made of wire and cloth, and speaks in the vernacular, “heah I is honey wid dem old time Christmas temptations.” Below him is a small red frame with a depiction of a white woman, attired in a pink bonnet, a yellow coat, white socks, and black shoes, leaning in to kiss a white man, attired in a black hat, a blue jacket, green pants, and black shoes. They are flanked by two pine trees in red containers., Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Manuscript note on verso: With all the love in the world - Duke & [Ercil?]., Gift of David Doret and Linda G. Mitchell.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Greeting Cards, etc. - Christmas [P.2017.95.240]
Racist post card depicting a satiric caricature of an African American man urinating behind a tree and a goose biting him. Shows the man in the left portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in a yellow hat, a white shirt, and yellow pants with white cuffs at the bottom. He stands behind a tree to urinate. In the right, a white goose with its wings stretched out has surprised him and bites him. The man opens his mouth wide in alarm., Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Series number printed on the recto: 421., Text printed on the verso: Post Card. Place one cent stamp here., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Greeting Cards, etc. - Early [P.2017.95.241]
Racist Christmas card depicting a caricature of an African American man minstrel singing and playing the accordion. Shows the African American man minstrel attired in a beige top hat with a blue band, a white collared shirt, a pink ascot with a pin, a yellow jacket, a green plaid waistcoat and pants, yellow and white striped socks, and black shoes. He sings with his mouth wide open and pulls a pink accordion apart in both of his hands. Behind him is a white bust of a woman on a pedestal., Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Greeting Cards, etc. - Here's [P.2017.95.246]
Racist, trade card specimen depicting caricatures of two African American men stealing watermelons from a farm. Shows the barefooted, African American man, attired in a long-sleeved shirt and ragged pants, carrying a watermelon under each arm as he tries to get over a wooden fence. He has a fearful expression on his face as a dog has ripped and holds the back of his pants in its mouth. Another barefooted, African American man, attired in a long-sleeved shirt and striped pants, opens his mouth in alarm as he has fallen over the fence and landed face down with his legs in the air. The pieces of a smashed watermelon lie on the ground beside him. In the right background is a house and a white man, attired in a hat and carrying a rifle, moving towards the fence., Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - Which [P.2017.95.211]
Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man minstrel playing a banjo. Shows the African American man minstrel portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in a white collared shirt, a blue bowtie with white polka dots, a white jacket with orange polka dots and tails, yellow pants with blue and white stripes, and black shoes. He lifts his left leg up and sticks his tongue out as he strums on the banjo., Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Series number printed on recto: 58., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - Yes [P.2017.95.211x]
Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man minstrel playing the cello. Shows the African American man minstrel, attired in a white collared shirt, a striped jacket, polka-dotted pants, and shoes, sitting on a wooden stool and playing the cello. He smiles at the viewer as he picks the strings near the neck of the instrument with his left hand and runs a bow along the strings at the lower body of it with his right hand. In the background behind his head is an open book of sheet music., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Printed in blue ink., Text stamped on recto: No. 478, 4 designs, price $1.55 per 1000., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 2 [P.2017.95.213]
Racist, trade card specimen depicting a white woman sitting on a candy stick being carried by a white man jockey and an African American man. Shows the blond-haired, white woman, attired in a white hat decorated with a green band and red feather; spectacles; a white collared shirt; a red bowtie; and a green jacket and skirt, sitting on top of an oversized, striped red and yellow candy stick. She holds reins in both of her hands that are wrapped around the white man jockey, attired in a white and yellow striped jockey cap; a white collared shirt; a blue bowtie; a red jacket; beige breeches; and black boots, who is carrying the front of the candy stick on his right shoulder. The African American man, portrayed in caricature and attired in a white top hat with a blue band; a white bowtie; a blue jacket; a yellow waistcoat and pants; white socks; and buckled shoes, carries the back end of the candy stick on his right shoulder., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 6 [P.2017.95.217]
Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man minstrel dancing. Shows the African American man, portrayed with exaggerated features and spindly arms and legs, attired in a white shirt with an oversized collar, a blue tie, a green jacket with tails, green pants, and white shoes. He smiles broadly with his arms pointed down and out to the sides and his left foot back in a dance step., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 7 [P.2017.95.218]
Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man minstrel dancing. Shows the African American man, portrayed with exaggerated features and spindly arms and legs, attired in a black top hat, white gloves, a white collared shirt, a red tie, a brown jacket, orange pants, and black shoes. He sways to the left and places his left hand on his hip. He crosses his right arm across his body and holds a lit cigar between his fingers. His right foot comes forward in a dance step., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 8 [P.2017.95.219]
Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man minstrel dancing. Shows the African American man, portrayed with exaggerated features and spindly arms and legs, attired in a black top hat with a peacock feather, yellow gloves, a white shirt with an oversized collar, a yellow and black striped bowtie, a green jacket with tails, pink leggings, and black shoes. He smiles at the viewer with both hands out to his sides and his left foot forward in a dance step., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 9 [P.2017.95.220]
Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man minstrel playing the flute. Shows the African American man minstrel portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in a hat; a ruffled, white shirt with an oversized collar; a plaid jacket with tails; pants with a black stripe, and black shoes. He sits on a wooden stool and blows on the flute, which he holds up to his mouth in both hands. In front of him is a music stand with sheet music on it., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Printed in red ink., Text stamped on recto: No. 478, 4 designs, price $1.55 per 1000., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 12 [P.2017.95.223]
Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man holding a white cloth out of the window. Shows the African American man portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in a white collared shirt with red stripes and a blue vest. He stands at an open window with his head and upper torso outside of the building and holds a white cloth in both hands, which hangs out of the window. The exterior of the building is yellow brick., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 13 [P.2017.95.224]
Racist trade card depicting a genre scene showing an African American delivery man making a delivery to a residence. Shows the man standing on the front steps of a townhouse, looking at the door, and smoking a cigarette. He carries a basket full of packages over his left arm and holds in his right hand, a package of coffee, which is torn. Beans spill out of the package. The man is attired in a black bowler hat, a white collared shirt, a brown jacket, blue pants, a white apron, and black shoes. Image also includes an iron gate in the right., Title supplied by cataloger., Publication information from copyright statement: Copyright R. Hoyt 1882., Gift of David Doret.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 17 [P.2017.95.228]
Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man minstrel holding a banjo. Shows the African American man minstrel portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in a brown top hat, a blue and white striped shirt with an oversized collar, a yellow bowtie, an orange jacket with tails, a rose boutonniere, green pants, and black buckled shoes. He stands facing to the right slightly bend over as though taking a bow, with his left hand out at his side. He holds a white banjo by the neck in his right hand., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 18 [P.2017.95.229]
Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature an African American man portrayed with exaggerated features sticking his head through a large piece of paper. Shows the African American man, attired in a white apron, plaid pants, and black shoes, standing with his hands at his sides. He smiles at the viewer as his oversized head has burst through a sheet of paper. The torn pieces of paper surround his head., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 19 [P.2017.95.230]
Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature an African American man minstrel playing the clarinet. Shows the African American man minstrel portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in a red cap, a white shirt with an oversized collar, a green bowtie, a brown jacket, blue and white striped pants, and brown shoes. He walks forward and carries a clarinet in both of his hands, which he holds up to his lips., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 21 [P.2017.95.232]
Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an older African American man, possibly a peddler, carrying a dead duck and a basket of produce. The man is balding and has tufts of white hair on the sides of his head and is attired in plaid pants, a collared shirt, a collared jacket, and a plaid scarf tied around his neck. He holds a dead duck by the legs in his left hand. Around his left shoulder, he carries a straw handled basket, which has the leaves of a vegetable sticking out of it. Behind him in the background is a shelf that has a bottle and a glass on it., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Printed in red ink., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 25 [P.2017.95.236]
Racist trade card specimen depicting a caricature an African American man lying on top of a barrel and drinking from it with a straw. Shows the barefooted man, portrayed with exaggerated features, and attired in a straw hat, a striped shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, and patched and torn pants. He lies straddling on top of a wooden barrel and rests his head in his hands. He closes his eyes as he drinks from a straw through a hole in the barrel. The barrel has a label pasted on it and is marked “XXX.” In the foreground, a painter’s palette leans against the front of the barrel., Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - Absorbing [P.2017.95.195]
Scrap depicting a racist caricature of an African American man attired in a cap. Shows the bust-length portrait of the man portrayed with exaggerated featured facing left. He is attired in a yellow and orange cap with a black brim. An orange shirt collar is visible., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret and Linda G. Mitchell.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Scraps - Scrap 8 [P.2017.95.261]
Scrap depicting a racist caricature of an African American man minstrel playing the bones and dancing. Shows the full-length portrait of the man attired in a white collared shirt and bowtie, a white waistcoat with blue polka dots, a green and orange jacket with tails, red and white striped pants, and brown shoes. He jumps up in a dance step with his right leg up. He plays the bones in his left hand., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Scraps - Scrap 3 [P.2017.95.256]
Scrap depicting a racist caricature of an African American man holding a cigar. Shows the bust-length portrait of the man attired in a white top hat with a blue band, a white shirt with an oversized collar, a white bowtie with red dots, and a blue jacket. He looks at the viewer and smiles as he holds a cigar in his left hand. Red, pink, and white flowers are in the left foreground., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Scraps - Scrap 4 [P.2017.95.257]
Die-cut scrap depicting a racist caricature of an African American man minstrel playing the drum. Shows the full-length portrait of the man, attired in a white hat with a blue band, a white collared shirt, a white bowtie, a blue jacket with tails, white pants, and black shoes. A gold strap is slung around his shoulders, which carries the red and gold drum. He smiles as he beats the drum with a drumstick with a ball on the end that he holds in his right hand., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Scraps - Scrap 33 [P.2017.95.285]
Die-cut scrap depicting a racist caricature of an African American man looking through a hand lense or magnifying glass. Shows the man attired in a red top hat with a black band, a white collared shirt, a white bowtie with a gold pin, a yellow waistcoat, a blue jacket with gold buttons, off-white gloves, and red and white striped pants. He stands facing to the left and looks through a hand lense or magnifying glass, which he holds in his right hand., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret and Linda G. Mitchell.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Scraps - Scrap 34 [P.2017.95.286]
Die-cut scrap depicting a racist caricature of an African American man riding in a two-wheeled, horse-drawn cart. Shows the man, attired in a white top hat, yellow gloves, a white collared shirt, a blue bowtie, a black jacket with tails, white pants, and black shoes, seated on a red cart, smiling and looking at the viewer. He holds the reins to the brown horse, which trots and pulls the cart in the right. He also carries a black whip in his right hand., Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Duplicate copy [P.2017.95.269]., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Scraps - Scrap 35 - The start [P.2017.95.287]
Die-cut scrap depicting a racist caricature of an African American man minstrel playing the flute. Shows the full-length portrait of the man attired in a brown hat, a white collared shirt with red polka dots, a blue jacket with green plaid cuffs, green plaid pants, and red and black shoes. He smiles at the viewer as he holds a flute in both of his hands., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Scraps - Scrap 36 [P.2017.95.288]
Die-cut scrap depicting a racist caricature of an African American man minstrel playing the violin. Shows the full-length portrait of the man attired in a black top hat, a white collared shirt, a blue jacket with red lapels and tails, blue pants, and black shoes. He plays the violin, resting it underneath his chin, and sweeps the bow over the strings with this right hand., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Scraps - Scrap 37 [P.2017.95.289]
Die-cut scrap depicting a racist caricature of an African American man singing from sheet music. Shows the full-length portrait of the man attired in a white collared shirt, a green bowtie, a brown jacket with tails, white pants with blue stripes, and brown shoes. Shows the full-length portrait of the man standing and singing. He raises his right hand up and holds sheet music in his left hand. On the ground behind him is a black top hat turned upside down., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret and Linda G. Mitchell.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Scraps - Scrap 38 [P.2017.95.290]
Scrap depicting a racist caricature of an African American man playing the triangle. Shows the man, attired in a gray top hat with a blue band, a gray coat with a red collar, white and red striped pants, blue socks, and black shoes, straddling a wooden chair backwards. He smiles at the viewer as he plays the triangle., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Scraps - Scrap 39 [P.2017.95.291]
Scrap depicting a racist caricature of an African American man tipping his hat and carrying a parasol. Shows the full-length portrait of the man standing and attired in a brown top hat, a white collared shirt, a red bowtie, a white waistcoat, a gold pocket watch chain, a blue jacket with tails, white pants with gold polka dots, and black shoes. He smiles and looks at the viewer as he tips his hat with his right hand. He carries an open, multi-colored parasol edged in white lace in his left hand., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Scraps - Scrap 40 [P.2017.95.292]