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Thos. P. Conard, 30th and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. Telephone 88, W.P.

[Joseph Feinour & Son stove store and Joseph Feinour's tin, copper brass & iron ware house 213-215 South Front Street, Philadelphia] [graphic] / W. H. Rease, 17, So. 5th St.

[Samuel Powell & Co. ship & house work in tin, copper, brass and iron, No. 8 Market Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Importers & dealers in tin plate, copper sheet, rod and hoop iron, metals, N. & G. Taylor Co. 301, 303 & 305 Branch St., between race and Vine Sts. Philadelphia.

Diamonds, mutilated coins, old gold, silver, teeth plates, jewelry, and silverware. Full value paid. J.L. Clark, refiner, 823 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

William Boekel & Co., metal spinners and manufactr's of metal goods, 110 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

[Samuel Powell & Co. ship & house work in tin, copper, brass and iron]