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Scene of camp life. [graphic].

Col. Hyatt's military polka

Camp Knox, 11th Regt. Me. Vols. [graphic] : John C. Caldwell, colonel.

Camp Meridian Hill 7th Regt. N. Jersey vols. [graphic] : Col. Revere.

Camp Graham, Birney's Zouaves, 23d Regiment, P.V. [graphic] : Col. D.B. Birney . Lt. Col. Charles Wilhelm. Major George C. Spear. Junior Major. John Ely.

Camp Brightwood 2d Rhode Island. [graphic] : Col. Frank Wheaton, Comdg.

Camp Barcly, Meridian Hill, D.C. 1st Lancers 6th Penna Cavalry. [graphic] : Col. R.H. Rush - L.t Col. J.H. McArthur - Major, C. Ross Smith - Jun. Major, Robert Morris jr.

Camp Brightwood, Col. Henry S. Briggs, 10th Massachusetts Volunteers [graphic].

View of Camp Gallegher [sic] 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry, 2d Battalion. near Falls of Schuylkill. [graphic].

Scene of camp life.

View of Camp Gallegher [sic] 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry, 2d Battalion. near Falls of Schuylkill.

Camp Palmer, 1st Regiment Mich. Cavalry [graphic] : Col. T.F. Broadhead Lient. Col. T.J. Copeland 1st Major W.S. Atwood 2nd A. Paldi 3rd C.H. Town.

Camp Palmer, 1st Regiment Mich. Cavalry [graphic] : Col. T.F. Broadhead Lient. Col. T.J. Copeland 1st Major W.S. Atwood 2nd A. Paldi 3rd C.H. Town.

24th Regiment, U[nited] S[tates] C[olored] T[roops] at Camp William Penn

Camp Meigs

United States soldiers at Camp "William Penn" Philadelphia, PA [graphic]: "Rally round the flag, boys! Rally once again, shouting the battle cry of freedom" / P.S. Duval & Son. Lith. Cor. 5th & Minor St. Phila.

United States soldiers at Camp "William Penn" Philadelphia, PA