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One penny specie.

$100 bounty, back pay & pension office. / George W. Ford, 241 Dock St., below Third, adjoining the post office, Philadelphia, Pa. Bounty land, back pay, pension, prize money, state pay, and all other claims of soldiers, seamen, their widows or heirs, agai

Bank of True Love.

Mementos of the Rebellion. Confederate notes and shinplasters. : The undersigned has just published perfect fac-similes of the following "Confederate States of America" notes and shinplasters, which will be found curious as well as interesting mementos of

Half price! Half price! Confederate notes and shinplasters selling at one-half former prices. : Fourteen different rebel notes, shinplasters and postage stamps, perfect fac-similes of the originals, (printed in red, green and black ink,) sold by the 100 o

D. Wilmot Richardson, fashionable hatter, 2024 & 2026 Callowhill St., Philadelphia.

Money bags, Chestnut Street Theatre. Marrying for money.

Last night but four of the engagement of Mr. John Wilkes Booth! : when he will appear as "Evelyn!" in Bulwer's celebrated comedy of Money, which will be presented in its original form restoring the very important club house scenes! Mrs. John Drew as Clara