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World War One

Smith Memorial postcards.

Catholic Total Abstinence Union Fountain postcards.

Lion Fighter, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa.

[Orestes and Pylades Fountain, East Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.]

Catholic Total Abstinence Union Fountain postcards.

Old stone monument to Continental soldiers buried inside gateway to Chas. Wharton's place, Old York Road below Chelten Ave.

N.W. 23 and Market Sts. Monument. [graphic].

Outline of the monument to liberty to be erected in Independence Square, Philadelphia

The monument to liberty to be erected in Independence Square, Philadelphia, designed by William W. Story.

[Hudson Bay Wolves Quarreling over the Carcass of a Deer, Philadelphia Zoological Gardens, Philadelphia.]

Soldiers' Monument.

Soldiers monument from uptown side, [Germantown] [graphic].

New Soldiers Monument from up street. [Germantown] [graphic].

Soldiers Monument, Market Sq[uare] from down street, [Germantown] [graphic].

Soldier's Monument, Market Sq[uare], front view, [Germantown] [graphic].

Soldier's monument-Market Square, [Germantown] [graphic].

Market Sq[uare] from under Eberle's kitchen window. [Germantown] [graphic].

Market Sq[uare] looking uptown from Wom[en's] Christian Ass[ociation] pavement, [Germantown] [graphic].

Washington Monument postcards.

Washington Monument, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa.

Triumphal Arch. Peace Jubilee. Oct. 1898.

Court of Honor, Peace Jubilee. Oct. 25-28, 1898. Looking north from Locust St. Shows Dundas House cor. Broad & Walnut.

The American Volunteer.

Main Exhibition Building. Machinery Hall. International Exhibition. 1876. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Girard College. Grounds and statue.

Humboldt Monument in Fairmount Park, designed by Collins & Autenrieth, for the Humboldt Festival Committee.

Garfield Monument postcards.

Grant's monument postcards.

Religious Liberty Statue postcards.

[Lincoln Monument, Kelly Drive, Fairmount Park.]

[Morton McMichael monument, Lemon Hill Drive, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.]

[Goethe, near Horticultural Hall, West Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.]

Independence Hall postcards.

34th Street [sic], entrance to University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.

Battle of Germantown Monument, Vernon Park.

Independence Hall postcards.

Philadelphia, von dem grossen Baume zu Kensington aus geschen, unter welchem William Penn den tractat mit den Indianern abschloss.

[Lincoln Monument, Kelly and Lemon Hill Drives, entrance to East Fairmount Park, Philadelphia]

[Bronze statue of General Antonio Guzman Blanco]

Washington statue--front of Independence Hall.

Washington Monument, front of Independence Hall, Philadelphia.

Washington Monument and Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pa.

[Market Square Presybterian] Church from [Germantown] Saving Fund pavement, [Germantown] [graphic].

Old Presbyterian Church, opp. side of [Market] Square, from our front gate, [Germantown] [graphic].

[Old Presbyterian] Church from [Charles W. & William A.] Schaeffers pavement. [Germantown] [graphic].

[Old Presbyterian] Church from Saving Fund pavement. [Germantown] [graphic].

[Soldiers] Monument [Market Square] fr[om] up town, [Germantown] [graphic].

[Soldier's] Monument & Presbyterian Church from Dr. Schaeffer's pavement. [Germantown] [graphic].

Monument & Square from our front steps, [Germantown] [graphic].
