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[Hannah T. White and baby]

[Mrs. William George Spencer holding her baby Warren Otis Spencer on her lap.]

[Portrait of an unidentified young woman in a patterned dress with a child in her lap.]

Tappan, Sarah, 1748-1826

Paine, Mary Ann, 1799-1852.

The mother's struggle [graphic].

White, Sarepta Caroline, 1810-1897.

Crossen, Phebe, 1837-1857.

Park, Mary Brewster Baldwin, 1815-1854.

Baldwin, Henry, Mrs.

[Julianna Randolph Wood holding her baby son Stuart.]

[Charity and the Devil trade cards]

A free lunch.

Mother and great-grand-aunt of the two daughters [graphic].

Industry & sloth.

Bless'd Baby.

Wilson, Elizabeth

Coster, Mrs.

Primary Lessons No. 5

You Darling Pet.

[G.A. Schwarz trade cards]

The Young Mother.

Book of cabinet chromos 1881 [graphic].

[Clark's O.N.T. spool cotton trade cards]

[African American woman nursing a baby on a porch in the presence of a man.]

The life & age of man. Stages of man's life from the cradle to the grave. [graphic].

R. & G.A. Wright [graphic] : Manufacturers of the celebrated gold medal perfumery and importers of French, English & German druggist & fancy articles, no. 23 South 4th St. Philadelphia. / Reen, engr.

The light-running New Home sewing machine, D.S. Ewing, general agent, 1127 Chestnut St. Phila, PA. [graphic].

The life & age of man. Stages of man's life from the cradle to the grave. [graphic].

John Brown - the martyr. Meeting a slave mother and her child on the steps of Charlestown jail on his way to execution. Regarding them with a look of compassion Captain Brown stooped and kissed the child then met his fate.

[Double-sided proof print containing a racist caricature with a mammy and a comic genre scene with a bookmaker] [graphic] / Bernhard Hall 1902.

Warner's Safe Yeast. Up with the sun. [graphic].

Freedom to the slaves. Proclaimed January 1st 1863, by Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof”__ Lev. XXV 10 [graphic].

Martyrdom of John Brown.

John Brown meeting the slave mother and her child on the steps of Charlestown jail on his way to execution.

Scrapbook with periodical illustrations, comic valentines, and patent medicine advertisements

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Partridge & Richardson trade cards]

[Partridge & Richardson trade cards]

Effect of the Fifteenth Amendment. [graphic]: Indignant mother, "Cum in out of dat mud right straight! Fust ting you'll know you'll be took for Irish chil'en!"

Republican platform, or the political montebank. [graphic]

No. 2 The introduction [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 10 The event Or where "2 pair is better than 4 of a kind" [graphic] / McGreer.

Photographing the Baby

Saturday. Whoa! Dar Sambo! What do yer mean, what makes yer jump and shout? I will wash yer clean with Higgins' soap, and then yer may jump out [graphic].

Scenes from Uncle Tom's Cabin. No. 1

Slaves concealing their master from a search party

The pious Mr. All-bone, taking leave of his directors previous to his departure for Europe. [graphic].
