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Overlook Mt. House from Huckleberry Patch, [Catskills] [graphic].

Tower on top of mountain from Overlook Mt. House, [Catskills] [graphic].

Mountains west from above Devil's Kitchen, [Catskills, NY] [graphic].

Echo Lake & Plaaterkill [sic] Mt. from Plaaterkill [sic] Rd. [Catskills] [graphic].

Catskill's north of Overlook, eastern half [graphic].

Haines Falls, cascade below Main Falls, [Catskills] [graphic].

Haines Falls, Main Falls, [Catskills] [graphic].

Fall in Plaaterkill [sic] Clove, tree hanging over cliff, [Catskills] [graphic].

Iron Tank, Plaaterkill [sic] Road, from S. [Catskills] [graphic].

Laurel House & Kaaterskill Falls from Prospect Rock, [Catskills] [graphic].

Glen (Devils Kitchen) near Observatory , Overlook Mt. [Catskills] [graphic].

Turtle Rock, Overlook Mt. [Catskills] [graphic].

Echo Lake from near Turtle Rock Mts in background. [Catskills] [graphic].

Iron Duke, Overlook Mt. From E. [Catskills, NY] [graphic].

Bridge over Devil's Kitchen & path. [Catskills, NY] [graphic].

Iron Duke [Overlook Mt. From E. Catskills, NY] [graphic].

Turtle Rock, [Catskills, NY] [graphic].

Rock with Marriott [most likely Marriott C. Morris]. Overlook Mountain, Catskills [graphic].

Below Haines Falls, [Catskills, NY] with Sam[uel Buckely Morris] [graphic].

Laurel House & Kaaterskill Fall from near the Grotts and above it, [Catskills] [graphic].

Cooper's Lake with Mt. Tobias, Party in foreground, [Catskills] [graphic].

Big rock on Overlook Mt. Sam [Morris] by rock. [Catskills, NY] [graphic].

Iron tank [Platterkill Road] from N. [Catskills, NY] [graphic].

Turtle Rock with E[lliston] P. M[orris], Overlook Mountain, Catskills [graphic].

Turtle rock. Father at side, [Catskills, NY] [graphic].

[Group on Overlook Mt. Ann Emlen, Mary Emlen, Elliston P. Morris, Samuel B. Morris, & Martha C. Morris]. [Catskills] [graphic].

Group on Overlook Mt. A[nn] E[mlen], M[ary] E[mlen], E[lliston] P. M[orris], S[amuel] B. M[orris], & M[artha] C. M[orris], [Catskills] [graphic].