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[Seated musician holding a brass horn in his right hand.]

[Portrait of two unidentified male musicians holding their instruments, a flute and a violin.]

Negre jouant du balafo [graphic].

[Musicians playing in a field]

Tuning up [graphic].

Concert Hall immense success : Every evening, at eight o'clock, and matinees Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, at 2.30. Doors open one hour previous. Tom! The blind Negro boy--of musical inspiration! Sightless and untutored from birth--his very soul over

Thomas Greene Bethune ("Blind Tom"), 1849-1908 [graphic].

Matinee musicale by Mrs. Nevins assisted by Miss Susan Galton and others, : at the Amateur Drawing Room, 17th Street, above Chestnut, Thursday, May 20th at 12 o'clock, doors open at half past eleven. Tickets one dollar. To be had at the Drawing Room.

Emerick, Albert G.

The "West Point," the second locomotive built in the United States for actual service [graphic].

[Celebration at building construction site]

[African American youth playing banjo.]

[African American woman playing tambourine] [graphic].

Hiram W. Stout, groceries, &c., 5th and Erie Ave. [graphic].

Fine clothing, for men, youths and boys at the Misfitstore, cor. 10th & F Sts. [graphic].

Happy contraband [graphic].

$154 bounty 112th Regiment, P.V., 2d Artillery. : A few good men wanted for the heavy artillery service! This regiment is now doing garrison duty in the fortifications for the defence of the city of Washington, and wishing to fill up their numbers to the

$154 bounty! 112th Regiment, P.V., Second Artillery. : A few good men wanted for the heavy artillery service. This regiment is now doing garrison duty in the fortifications for the defence of the city of Washington; it is the largest regiment in the servi

The festival [graphic] / Whitney & Annin sc.

[African American minstrel group performing on a riverboat]

Cab Calloway [and his orchestra]

George Miller & Son, wholesale confectioners, 610 & 612 Market street, Philadelphia [graphic].

Use Lautz Bros. & Co's soaps, best in the market [graphic].

Use Lautz Bros. & Co's soaps, best in the market [graphic].

Use Lautz Bros. & Co's soaps, best in the market [graphic].

Use Lautz Bros. & Co's soaps, best in the market [graphic].

Compliments of McGeoch & Pierce. [graphic].

Melodeon Hall--Tuesday evening, Dec. 15, 1863. : Readings by the Cincinnati Shakespeare Club, for the benefit of the Sanitary Fair. The distinguished pianist Miss Eugenie de Roode has kindly consented to appear on the occasion. ... Reading to begin at hal

[The Singer Manufacturing Company trade cards]

Robert Bogel.

Go way white trash, dis chile dance yer blind [graphic] / G. W. Leonard. 1877.

[Full-length group portrait of Imperial Japanese Troupe members Denkichi, Sentarō, Yonekichi, and Rinzō Hamaikari] [graphic] / F. S. Keeler, S. E. cor. Eighth & Market Sts., Philadelphia.


A scene in the Golden Dragon, 1526 Market Street, Philadelphia's most beautiful restaurant [graphic].

Concert Hall Chestnut Street, above Twelfth. Positively for two weeks only commencing Monday evening, Feb'y 8th, 1864. : An entire change of programme every other evening. The best band in the world, and undisputed champions of minstrelsy ... The far-fame

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Friday, January 6th, 1865. Benefit of Jake Wallace when the following rich, rare and racy bill, will be presented. Programme. ... The hungry musicians ... Cruelty to Johnny. ... To conclude

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Saturday, January 7, 1865, benefit of Mr. J.P. Reese! when the following unprecedented acts, by Sanford's star troupe will be presented. Programme. ... Cruelty to Johnny. ... Stage-struck he

Band at Hampton [Institute, Va.] [graphic].

Band playing for march, [Hampton Institute, Va.] [graphic].

New market, in South Second Street Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn, Engraved & Published by W. Birch & Son.; Sold by R. Campbell & Co. No. 30 Chesnut Street Philada.

A scene in the Golden Dragon, 1526 Market Street, Philadelphia's most beautiful restaurant [graphic].

The colored band. [graphic].

Hopkinson, Joseph, 1770-

Band leading students to dinner, [Hampton Institute, Va.] [graphic].

Mason's challenge blacking. James S. Mason & Co., nos. 138 & 140 North Front Street, Philadelphia.

[Scene on Atlantic City boardwalk near Lindley's baths.]

Philharmonic T[h]eatre, Islington. Every evening at eight. [Sa]turday at three and eight. Sam Hague's Ori[gi]nal Slave Troupe at St. James's Hall, Li[me] Street, Liverpool. Every evening at 8, Saturdays at 3 & 8, all the year round. Positively for four we

Portrait album of well known 19th-century African American men of Philadelphia
