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View of the high banks & bed of Genesee River

Haines Falls, cascade below Main Falls, [Catskills] [graphic].

Haines Falls, Main Falls, [Catskills] [graphic].

Fall in Plaaterkill [sic] Clove, tree hanging over cliff, [Catskills] [graphic].

[Ship Yorktown, Pier 20, East River]

American Fall from Luna Island.

The Horse-shoe Fall, Niagara, as viewed from Goat Island.

Cooper's Lake with Mt. Tobias, Party in foreground, [Catskills] [graphic].

Yankee notions for July.

Ende der Feindseeligkeiten. Die Englander raumen den Americanern Neu-Yorck ein - 1783.

Comic monthly June.

Rustic boat landing. Central Park, N. Y.

Kingford's Oswego starch, the best starch in the world! : Kingsford's Oswego corn starch for puddings, custards, blanc mange, &c. Kingsford's silver gloss starch, gives a beautiful finish to the linen. Read this! Less than half a cent will pay the differe

Niagara -- General view from American side.

Dwelling house, corner Avenue A & 85th Street, New York.

Dwelling house, corner Avenue A & 85th Street, New York. [graphic] : 38 x 38 feet.

Church, corner 4th St. & Washington Av. Morrissania, Long Island, N.Y.

Church, corner 4th St. & Washington Av. Morrissania, Long Island, N.Y. [graphic] : 55 x 80 feet.

Falls of Niagara from New Suspension Bridge. On the line of the N.Y.C. & H.R.R.R.

American Fall from Canada.

General view of the falls, Niagara, from Prospect Point.

Overlook Mt. House from Huckleberry Patch, [Catskills] [graphic].

Fawn's Leap Fall, Kaaterskill clove, [Catskills] [graphic].

Tower on top of mountain from Overlook Mt. House, [Catskills] [graphic].

Haines Falls, Main fall, [Catskills] [graphic].

Mountains west from above Devil's Kitchen, [Catskills, NY] [graphic].

Echo Lake & Plaaterkill [sic] Mt. from Plaaterkill [sic] Rd. [Catskills] [graphic].

N. gate of Hudson Highlands, from West Point Hotel, [West Point, NY] [graphic].

Catskill's north of Overlook, eastern half [graphic].

Broadway, New York City.

Dancing for eels at Catharine [sic] Market N.Y.

Five Points, 1827.

Central Park, N.Y., the oak bridge.

[East River Pier 20, New York, N.Y.]

Important manifesto! Citizens! Look to your rights!! : P.F.W. having evacuated his late premises, and taken possession of a more tenable position, hopes, by an ample supply of ammunition, and all the materials necessary for a prolonged business siege, to

Important manifesto! Citizens! Look to your rights!! : P.F.W. having evacuated his late premises, and taken possession of a more tenable position, hopes, by an ample supply of ammunition, and all the materials necessary for a prolonged business siege, to

Farrington Hall, Yonkers Positively one night only : Wednesday evening, June 10th, '63. Cards of admission, twenty-five cts. No half-price. Doors open at half-past 7 o'clock. Performance to commence at 8. The world-celebrated Peak Family Swiss bell ringer

Simpson's Hall, Peekskill Positively one night only : Thursday evening, June 11th, '63. Cards of admission, twenty-five cts. No half-price. Doors open at half-past 7 o'clock. Performance to commence at 8. The world-celebrated Peak Family Swiss bell ringer

[Winter view of icicles and waterfall, Niagara Falls, New York]

Central Park, N. Y. The lake, from terrace.

Iron Tank, Plaaterkill [sic] Road, from S. [Catskills] [graphic].

Laurel House & Kaaterskill Falls from Prospect Rock, [Catskills] [graphic].

Glen (Devils Kitchen) near Observatory , Overlook Mt. [Catskills] [graphic].

Turtle Rock, Overlook Mt. [Catskills] [graphic].

Echo Lake from near Turtle Rock Mts in background. [Catskills] [graphic].

Iron Duke, Overlook Mt. From E. [Catskills, NY] [graphic].

Bridge over Devil's Kitchen & path. [Catskills, NY] [graphic].

Iron Duke [Overlook Mt. From E. Catskills, NY] [graphic].

Falls on creek above house at Swiftwater, Lu Watt standing on bank, [Catskills] [graphic].

Yacht "Tidal Wave" in N.Y. Bay. From Iron S. Boat Co.'s ferries [graphic].
