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The Philadelphia inquirer. Wednesday, September 25. 1861. : The Rebellion A grand review of infantry and cavalry The war in Missouri Col. Mulligan fights 59 hours without water Gen. Prentiss not heard from Gen. Fremont taking the field The Kentucky war nw

Evening Bulletin postcards.

The Philadelphia inquirer. Saturday, October 26, 1861. : The Battle of Balls Bluff further interesting particulars! A list of the killed, wounded and missing. Later from Gen. Banks' command! A large rebel force in view! News from Washington Latest from Mi

Neujahrs-Wunsch des Herumträgers des Lancaster Adlers, an seine Kunden, bey dem Eintritt des Jahrs 1829.

Neujahrs-Wunsch des Herumträgers des Lancaster Adlers, an seine Kunden, bey dem Eintritt des Jahrs 1829.

The Philadelphia inquirer. Friday, December 13, 1861. : Important from Europe. The Mason-Slidell arrest in England! How the news was received! Doings in Congress! Complaint against Gen. Stone! Rebel force at Leesburg. The war in Georgia! The fight at Fort

["It leads them all." The Sunday Item.]

[Liberator masthead, 1831] [graphic].

[Liberator masthead, 1850 [graphic] / Hartwell.

[Liberator masthead, 1838] [graphic].

John Brown. Leader of the Harper's Ferry insurrection.

A high caste lady's dainty "lily feet" - as they really are - China. [graphic].

[Armand Dalsemer trade cards]

Five Brothers plug tobacco "the best" [graphic].

Mexican news

Mexican news

An affecting scene in Kentucky. [graphic]

The abolition Garrison in danger & the narrow escape of the Scotch Ambassador. [graphic]

Southern ideas of liberty ; New method of assorting the mail, as practised by southern slave-holders, or attack on the post office, Charleston, S.C. [graphic]

Immediate emancipation illustrated. [graphic]