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The Bijou Music Hall, No. 607 Arch Street, next door below the theatre. : Harry Enochs, sole lessee C. McMillan, acting and stage manager ... Third week of the engagement of Billy Holmes, the favorite comic singer. Second week of Dave Williams, the greate

The celebrated combination troupe, Green & Dale's Minstrels, and Burlesque Opera Troupe fifteen star performers. This unequaled company of talented artists will give two of their select soirees de Ethiope at the above place, on Monday and Tuesday evenings

Laugh and be merry. : Grand complimentary benefit to Wm. D. Dunsford late of Co. "F," 196th Regiment, P.V. The Excelsior Minstrels at Washington Hall, S.W. corner of Eighth and Spring Garden Streets, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 4, 1865. Leader, E. Brennan