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Young Friends Association Building, Philadelphia, Pa.

Seamen's Church Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.

[Boy Scout Headquarters, 22nd and Winter Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.]

Hibernian Benevolent Institution. Incorporated 1833.

Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania postcards.

Happy Hollow Playground, opened April 29, 1911.

Tel-Aviv Inc. Hotel and Convalescent Home for the Elderly and Retired, 145 West School House Lane, Philadelphia, Pa.

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft des staates Pennsylvanien [membership certificate].

Gambrinus Unterstutzungus Gesellschaft [membership certificate].

Charter of the Pennsylvania Deutsche Gesellschaft [membership certificate]

[Proof of membership certificate for a choral society, probably German- American society]

Washington and Lafayette Benefical Society.

Odd Fellow's Hall Philadelphia.

[Deutscher Club Beer Garden, 532 North 4th Street, Philadelphia.]

Knights of Pythias [membership certificate]

Odd Fellows Hall, s.e. corner of Broad and Spring Garden sts. [graphic].

Teutonia Sänger Bund [membership certificate]

Germantown Maennerchor [membership certificate]

Knights of Pythias [membership certificate]

Junger Maennerchor [membership certificate]

Philadelphia Fire Department Relief Association. [membership certificate]

Knights of Pythias [membership certificate]

Knights of Pythias [membership certificate]

Knights of Pythias [membership certificate]

Unabhangiger Deutscher Orden der Harugari. Dieses diploma [certificate]

Charity ball of the Sons of Malta at the American Academy of Music Philadelphia March 4th 1859.

Maennerchor carnaval [sic]. Mardi Gras. Tuesday, Febry 29th, 1876. Academy of Music [graphic] / Th. Bosin.

Grand United Order Odd Fellows America [membership certificate]

Junger Maennerchor, Philadelphia, 1868 [graphic] / Del. & lith. by Ch. P. & A.J. Tholey, No. 119 Green St.

[Interior of House of Industry with women at work, 114 North 7th Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Sailors from North Atlantic Squadron. G.A.R. Encampment Phila'da.

School gardens as a practical educational method - showing Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls, Philadelphia, Pa.

Freiheit Edelmuth & Bruderliebe, Unabhangiger Orden der Rothmaenner [membership certificate]

[Grand Army of the Republic procession, North Broad Street, Philadelphia, September 5-6, 1899]

Interior of House of Industry with women at work [graphic].

Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of the Cruelty to Animals. [membership certificate]

Pennsylvania Industrial Home for Blind Women. [membership certificate]

President McKinley reviewing G.A.R. heroes, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 5, '99.

High Street, from Ninth Street. Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn, Engraved & Published by W. Birch & Son.; Sold by R. Campbell & Co. No. 30 Chesnut [sic] St. Philada.

High Street, from Ninth Street. Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn, Engraved & Published by W. Birch & Son.; Sold by R. Campbell & Co. No. 30 Chestnut St. Philada.

Odd Fellows' Broadway Hall. Broad & Spring Garden Streets, Philadelphia.

High Street in 1799 at present Market Street postcards.

Testimonial banquet to Ms. Eugenia M. Neal. Daughter Ruler Keystone Temple, No. 448 I.B.P.O.E.W., Dec. 8, 1930. O. V. Catto Elks Home, Philadelphia. [graphic] / Standard Photo Service, 1357 South St., Phila., Pa.