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Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Sanford's Troupe! Tuesday evening, December 20th, '64 Go see the star troupe Nino Eddie one week more! Programme. ... Strange scenes from The stranger ... Our ancestors! ... Sublime & ridicu

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Sanford's Troupe! Monday evening, December 19th, '64 Go see the star troupe Nino Eddie one week more! Programme. ... Strange scenes from The stranger ... Our ancestors! ... Sublime & ridicul

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Wednesday evening, Dec'r 21st, 1864. Card to the public. Mr. Sanford begs leave to acquaint the unknowing, who are daily asking the question, whether ladies attend his entertainments? at the

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Friday evening, December 23d, 1864. Card to the public. Mr. Sanford begs leave to acquaint the unknowing, who are daily asking the question, whether ladies attend his entertainments? at the

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Thursday evening, Decem'r 22, 1864. Card to the public. Mr. Sanford begs leave to acquaint the unknowing, who are daily asking the question, whether ladies attend his entertainments? at the