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Landscape with People and Animals

New York Harbor - View of New York from Upper Bay near Bedloes Island

Mountains with Cottage and Person with Cart

Hollandische Kuff

An Academic Study (Possibly of the Acropolis in Athens)

Mountainous Landscape with Bridge

Landscape with Temple on Cliff

Picture of a sailing ship in stormy sea

Ship Towing a Small Boat Astern

Der Handeck wit dem Erlgletscher (Mountains, trees, wood chopper)

Interior Scene - People Dancing

Market Scene- Woman with a Jug

Market Scene- Woman with a Basket

Lake Scene

Still Life with Peaches


Philadelphia Harbor from the South

Winter Landscape

Edward Waldmayer, show card, sign, and ornamental painter, [No. 8 So. 5th St., below Mkt], Philadelphia.

E.A. Heyl, house, sign and decorative painter and wall decorator, [2030 Cherry St.], Philadelphia.

Meeting of Jacob and Esau

Jas. Walker, dealer in fine groceries, 706 South Broad Street, (formerly with John H., Parker, 11th & Market Sts.) Orders by mail solicited.

Collins West, painter, graining and calcimining, No. 302 South Second St., Philadelphia.

[James S. Loag trade cards]

Andrew Beash, wagon and carriage painter, 4119 Market Street, West Philadelphia.

Compliments of Malven, Gordon & Co., Port Jervis, N.Y. 1891 [graphic].

[A.C. Yates & Co. clothing trade cards]

[Darlington, Runk & Co. trade cards]

[Clark's mile end spool cotton trade cards]

Painter's [Shem Pearce and his brother] horse & wagon in front of Avocado & his ladder up flag pole, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

[Elliston Perot Morris and men with ladders, Avocado, Sea Girt] [graphic].

Shem Pearce & his brother painting the flag pole, Theo[dore William] Richards sitting at base of pole, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Flag pole & Shem Pearce's wagon from front fence. Father & T[heodore] W[illiam] R[ichards], [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].