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- Title
- Sanford's Opera House Eleventh Street, above Chestnut S.S. Sanford, proprietor Cool White, stage manager Monday eve'ng, Decem'r 30th, '61. Crowded houses. Second week of the great Christmas pantomime! Introducing all the principal features of the Rebellion. National tableaux: Capture of the Black Horse Cavalry. Surrender of Beauregard to the brave McClellan! End of the Rebellion! Capture of Jeff Davis & Floyd! The stars and stripes triumphant! ... To conclude with a new comic pantomime, written by S.S. Sanford, expressly for this establishment, entitled The harlequin, shoemaker, and tailor of Kensington ... New Year's day, 2 performances Afternoon at half-past 2 o'clock. Evening at half-past 7. The holiday pantomime at both performances! Admission, 25 cents. Children, 13 cents Doors open at half-past 6 o'clock. To commence at half-past 7
- Description
- The performers include: Sanford's Opera Troupe, Professor Buch, J.L. Carncross, J.S. Cox, E.F. Dixey, Hughey Dougherty, Frank Moran, J.A. Palmer, Julia Sanford, S.S. Sanford, Charles Villiers, and Cool White., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
- Date
- [1861]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare PB Phi Sanford 1861 5786.F.101b (McAllister)
- Title
- Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third Friday evening, Decem'r 30th, 1864, immense success of the holiday pantomime!! Ladies and their children out en masse. Children will be admitted during the holidays, with their parents, at 15 cts. Programme. ... That's my boy. ... To conclude with the grand fairy operatic pantomime of Cinderella! or, The harlequin prince. ... Cards of admission, 25 cents Orchestra seats, 50 cts Private boxes, dress circle, $5 Private boxes, family circle, $4 & $3 Office will be open from 9 to 2 o'clock, for the sale of secured seats and boxes, without extra charge. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock. To commence quarter before 8 Second day performance Monday, January 2d, 1865, order of the day--The pantomime of Cinderella will be performed at 10 o'clock, A.M., especially for the poor, who are unable to spend their money for amusements. A few reserved seats for those who wish to pay. The proceeds to be devoted to the poor. Immediately after this performance, 2000 loaves of fresh hot bread! will be distributed to the poor. A grand extra afternoon performance, half-past 2 o'clock, when the minstrels will perform and the pantomime will be presented
- Description
- The company includes: F. Basquin, W. Buckley, Fulton Myers, H.J. Raynor, J.P. Reese, Eddie Rivers, Julia Sanford, S.S. Sanford, Frank Schaeffer, W. Schaffer, Jake Wallace, and J. Williams., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare PB Phi Sanford 1864 (26)5761.F.77b (McAllister)
- Title
- Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third Monday, January 2d, 1865. Grand gala day Morning performance for the poor! Doors open at 10 o'clock. Commence at half past 10. The poor admitted free A few seats reserved for those who can pay. 2000 loaves of fresh hot bread! will be distributed to the poor, immediately after the morning performance. Afternoon performance! Doors open at quarter of 2 o'clock. Commence at half-past 2. Programme. ... Paddy's wedding, ... To conclude with the grand fairy operatic pantomime of Cinderella! or, The harlequin prince. ... Cards of admission, 25 cents Children will be admitted during the holidays, with their parents, at 15 cts. Orchestra seats, 50 cts Private boxes, dress circle, $5 Private boxes, family circle, $4 & $3 Office will be open from 9 to 2 o'clock, for the sale of secured seats and boxes, without extra charge. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock. To commence quarter before 8
- Description
- The company includes: F. Basquin, W. Buckley, T.R. Deverill, J.P. Heffron, H.J. Raynor (and his learned dog, Lilly Dale), J.P. Reese, Eddie Rivers (a.k.a. Nino Eddie), Julia Sanford, S.S. Sanford, W. Schaffer, Jake Wallace, and J. Williams., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
- Date
- [1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare PB Phi Sanford 1865 (26)5761.F.78b (McAllister)
- Title
- Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third Saturday evening, December 24, 1864 Grand holiday pantomime, Cinderella, or The harlequin prince with new scenery, tricks, transformations, &c. Programme. ... The truants, ... To conclude with the grand fairy operatic pantomime of Cinderella! or, The harlequin prince. ... Cards of admission, 25 cents Orchestra seats, 50 cts Private boxes, dress circle, $5 Private boxes, family circle, $4 & $3 Office will be open from 9 to 2 o'clock, for the sale of secured seats and boxes, without extra charge. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock. To commence quarter before 8 Don't forget Monday afternoon--the great Christmas pantomime at 2 o'clock. Children admitted with their parents at 15 cents each, secure your seats early in the day
- Description
- The company includes: F. Basquin, W. Buckley, Fulton Myers, H.J. Raynor, J.P. Reese, Eddie Rivers (a.k.a. El Nino Eddie), Julia Sanford, S.S. Sanford, Frank Schaeffer, W. Schaffer, Jake Wallace, and J. Williams., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare PB Phi Sanford 1864 (26)5761.F.76a (McAllister)
- Title
- Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third Saturday evening, Decem'r 31, 1864, unprecedented success of Sanford's Troupe and the holiday pantomime. Programme. ... That's my boy. ... To conclude with the grand fairy operatic pantomime of Cinderella! or, The harlequin prince. ... Cards of admission, 25 cents Children will be admitted during the holidays, with their parents, at 15 cts. Orchestra seats, 50 cts Private boxes, dress circle, $5 Private boxes, family circle, $4 & $3 Office will be open from 9 to 2 o'clock, for the sale of secured seats and boxes, without extra charge. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock. To commence quarter before 8 Second day performance Monday, January 2d, 1865, order of the day--The pantomime of Cinderella will be performed at 10 o'clock, A.M., especially for the poor, who are unable to spend their money for amusements. A few reserved seats for those who wish to pay. The proceeds to be devoted to the poor. Immediately after this performance, 2000 loaves of fresh hot bread! will be distributed to the poor. A grand extra afternoon performance, half-past 2 o'clock, when the minstrels will perform and the pantomime will be presented. On Monday next, the learned dog, Lilly Dale
- Description
- The company includes: F. Basquin, W. Buckley, Fulton Myers, H.J. Raynor, J.P. Reese, Eddie Rivers, Julia Sanford, S.S. Sanford, Frank Schaeffer, W. Schaffer, Jake Wallace, and J. Williams., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare PB Phi Sanford 1864 (26)5761.F.78a (McAllister)
- Title
- Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third Wednesday, Jan'y 4th, 1865. Triumph! Come to-night!! Programme. ... Paddy's wedding, ... To conclude with the grand fairy operatic pantomime of Cinderella! or, The harlequin prince. ... Friday evening, Jan 6th, 1865, benefit of J. Wallace Saturday evening, Jan. 7th, benefit of J.P. Reese! Cards of admission, 25 cents Children will be admitted during the holidays, with their parents, at 15 cts. Orchestra seats, 50 cts Private boxes, dress circle, $5 Private boxes, family circle, $4 & $3 Office will be open from 9 to 2 o'clock, for the sale of secured seats and boxes, without extra charge. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock. To commence quarter before 8
- Description
- The company includes: F. Basquin, W. Buckley, T.R. Deverill, J.P. Heffron, H.J. Raynor (and his learned dog, Lilly Dale), J.P. Reese, Eddie Rivers (a.k.a. Nino Eddie), Julia Sanford, S.S. Sanford, W. Schaffer, Jake Wallace, and J. Williams., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
- Date
- [1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare PB Phi Sanford 1865 (26)5761.F.89a (McAllister)
- Title
- Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third Tuesday, January 3d, 1865. Immense success!!! Houses crowded nightly! by the beauty & fashion of the city Programme. ... Paddy's wedding, ... To conclude with the grand fairy operatic pantomime of Cinderella! or, The harlequin prince. ... Saturday evening, Jan. 7th, benefit of J.P. Reese. Cards of admission, 25 cents Children will be admitted during the holidays, with their parents, at 15 cts. Orchestra seats, 50 cts Private boxes, dress circle, $5 Private boxes, family circle, $4 & $3 Office will be open from 9 to 2 o'clock, for the sale of secured seats and boxes, without extra charge. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock. To commence quarter before 8
- Description
- The company includes: F. Basquin, W. Buckley, T.R. Deverill, J.P. Heffron, H.J. Raynor (and his learned dog, Lilly Dale), J.P. Reese, Eddie Rivers (a.k.a. Nino Eddie), Julia Sanford, S.S. Sanford, W. Schaffer, Jake Wallace, and J. Williams., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
- Date
- [1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare PB Phi Sanford 1865 (26)5761.F.79a (McAllister)
- Title
- Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third Tuesday evening, December 27, 1864 Grand holiday pantomime, Cinderella, or The harlequin prince Children will be admitted during the holidays, with their parents, at 15 cts. Programme. ... The truants, ... To conclude with the grand fairy operatic pantomime of Cinderella! or, The harlequin prince. ... Cards of admission, 25 cents Orchestra seats, 50 cts Private boxes, dress circle, $5 Private boxes, family circle, $4 & $3 Office will be open from 9 to 2 o'clock, for the sale of secured seats and boxes, without extra charge. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock. To commence quarter before 8 Second day performance Monday, January 2d, 1865, order of the day---Bread to the poor at 11 o'clock. Afternoon performance at quarter-past 2 o'clock. Evening, at half-past 7
- Description
- The company includes: F. Basquin, W. Buckley, Fulton Myers, H.J. Raynor, J.P. Reese, Julia Sanford, S.S. Sanford, Frank Schaeffer, W. Schaffer, Jake Wallace, and J. Williams., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare PB Phi Sanford 1864 (26)5761.F.76b (McAllister)
- Title
- Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third Thursday evening, Dec'r 29th, 1864, immense success of the holiday pantomime!! Ladies and their children out en masse. Children will be admitted during the holidays, with their parents, at 15 cts. Programme. ... That's my boy. ... To conclude with the grand fairy operatic pantomime of Cinderella! or, The harlequin prince. ... Cards of admission, 25 cents Orchestra seats, 50 cts Private boxes, dress circle, $5 Private boxes, family circle, $4 & $3 Office will be open from 9 to 2 o'clock, for the sale of secured seats and boxes, without extra charge. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock. To commence quarter before 8 Second day performance Monday, January 2d, 1865, order of the day--The pantomime of Cinderella will be performed at 10 o'clock, A.M., especially for the poor, who are unable to spend their money for amusements. A few reserved seats for those who wish to pay. The proceeds to be devoted to the poor. Immediately after this performance, 2000 loaves of fresh hot bread! will be distributed to the poor. A grand extra afternoon performance, half-past 2 o'clock, when the minstrels will perform and the pantomime will be presented
- Description
- The company includes: F. Basquin, W. Buckley, Fulton Myers, H.J. Raynor, J.P. Reese, Eddie Rivers, Julia Sanford, S.S. Sanford, Frank Schaeffer, W. Schaffer, Jake Wallace, and J. Williams., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare PB Phi Sanford 1864 (26)5761.F.77a (McAllister)
- Title
- The Bijou Music Hall! No. 607 Arch Street, next door below the theatre. The peoples' favorite place of amusement Harry Enochs, sole proprietor Billy Boyd, stage manager J. Nosher, musical director Andrew Enochs, ticket agent, William Early, officer ... Look at this bill for Christmas week Programme for this evening: ... Bijou Minstrels! ... The school ... Grand impalement feat! ... Imitations! of dogs, cats, monkeys, apes, chickens, goats, horses, turkeys and geese, ... Medical college! by the Corkonians. ... Turning the tables! ... To conclude with the comic pantomime of Paul and Julia or Troubles in a kitchen. ... On Christmas Day three grand performances, at 10 in the morning, half-past 2 in the afternoon, and half-past 7 in the evening. Miss Nellie Taylor, Philadelphia's favorite vocalist, is engaged, and will positively make her first appearance Monday, January 4th, 1864. Grand matinee every Saturday at half-past 2 o'clk for the accommodation of ladies and children. Admission, 10 and 15 cents Private boxes, $2.00. Single seats, 50 cents Doors open at quarter-before 7 o'clock. Commence quarter-before 8
- Description
- Performers include: Billy Boyd, Carrie Carson, Harry Enochs, Helene Smith, Tom Vance, Dave Williams, Ida Williams, Sammy Williams, and Billy Wright., "Card.--The management takes pleasure in informing his patrons, and the public generally, that the Bijou is next door to the Arch St. Theatre, easy of access, and the only place in the city entitled to the name. Gentlemen visiting here will find none of the difficulties pertaining to second floor and basement establishments. Our latch-strings are always out, and no pitfalls around the threshold.", Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Bijou Music Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)
- Date
- [1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare PB Phi Bijou 1863 (27)5761.F.1a (McAllister)
- Title
- The Bijou Music Hall! No. 607 Arch Street, next door below the theatre. The peoples' favorite place of amusement Harry Enochs, sole proprietor Bill Yboyd [sic], stage manager J. Nosher, musical director Andrew Enochs, ticket agent William Early, officer ... 2 grand performances on New Year's Day at half-past 2 and half-past 7 o'clock. Programme for this evening: ... Bijou Minstrels! ... Malicious trespassing, ... Grand impalement feat! ... Imitations! of dogs, cats, monkeys, apes, chickens, goats, horses, turkeys and geese, ... Arkansaw traveler! ... Turning the tables! ... To conclude with the comic pantomime of Paul and Julia or Troubles in a kitchen. ... Miss Nellie Taylor, Philadelphia's favorite vocalist, is engaged, and will positively make her first appearance Monday, January 4th, 1864. Grand matinee every Saturday at half-past 2 o'clk for the accommodation of ladies and children. Admission, 10 and 15 cents Private boxes, $2.00. Single seats, 50 cents Doors open at quarter-before 7 o'clock. Commence quarter-before 8
- Description
- Performers include: Billy Boyd, Carrie Carson, Harry Enochs, Helene Smith, Tom Vance, Dave Williams, Ida Williams, Sammy Williams, and Billy Wright., "Card.--The management takes pleasure in informing his patrons, and the public generally, that the Bijou is next door to the Arch St. Theatre, easy of access, and the only place in the city entitled to the name. Gentlemen visiting here will find none of the difficulties pertaining to second floor and basement establishments. Our latch-strings are always out, and no pitfalls around the threshold.", Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Bijou Music Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)
- Date
- [1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare PB Phi Bijou 1863 (26)5761.F.140a (McAllister)