Depicts an aerial view of McDowell Paper Mills in the Manayunk section of Philadelphia. On the back of the postcard is a list of the paper products manufactured by the mill., Sheet number: 40A07B, Divided back. Advertisement on verso describing the types of products manufactured at the mill., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Brightbill, George M., collector
ca. 1910
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Brightbill postcards [Business and Industry - Miscellaneous - 40]
Advertisement after a circa 1858 oil painting "Magarge Paper Mill" by William E. Winner showing the expanded paper mill originally built for William Dewees in 1731 at the foot of Wise's Mill Road on the bucolic Wissahickon Creek. Mill includes the main building, boiler house, machine room, and chimney. Mill was rented by Charles Magarge (President of Bank of Germantown) in 1844 and purchased by him in 1853 and thereafter expanded to house a Fourdrinier Paper machine. It was the first mill to use wood pulp to make paper. Also shows a girl gathering flowers on a hillside in the foreground and a horse-drawn carriage on a dirt road in front of the mill in the background., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 847, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Bc 35 W 763, Original painting in the collections of the Germantown Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa.
Frey, A., artist
[ca. 1858]
Historical Society of Pennsylvania HSP Bc 35 W 763
5793.F.33a contains inscriptions about ream price., Originally part of McAllister scrapbooks of Civil War miscellanies and materials related to George McClellan., Seven of the collection trimmed., Collection includes ream wrappers for ruled note paper from Ellsworth Mills; Fremont Mills; McClellan Mills; Parsons Paper Co. (Holyoke, Mass.); and S.C. Upham (Philadelphia, Pa.). Also includes two "Union Note Paper" wrappers issued from unidentified sources. Majority of wrappers contain ornate borders and patriotic designs including eagles, the figure of Liberty, portraits of Elmer Ellsworth and George McClellan, and military iconography.
ca. 1863.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Ream wrappers [(2)5786.F.159f; (5)5786.F.169d; 5793.F.33a&35a; P.2006.1.13a-d]
5793.F.33a contains inscriptions about ream price., Originally part of McAllister scrapbooks of Civil War miscellanies and materials related to George McClellan., Seven of the collection trimmed., Collection includes ream wrappers for ruled note paper from Ellsworth Mills; Fremont Mills; McClellan Mills; Parsons Paper Co. (Holyoke, Mass.); and S.C. Upham (Philadelphia, Pa.). Also includes two "Union Note Paper" wrappers issued from unidentified sources. Majority of wrappers contain ornate borders and patriotic designs including eagles, the figure of Liberty, portraits of Elmer Ellsworth and George McClellan, and military iconography.
ca. 1863.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Ream wrappers [(2)5786.F.159f; (5)5786.F.169d; 5793.F.33a&35a; P.2006.1.13a-d]