View showing the 1000-1100 blocks of Market street near North Eleventh Street. Businesses include Bull's Head Hotel (1025 Market); V.E. Archambault, dry goods and carpets (N.E. cor. Eleventh and Market); a tin manufactory and John H. Parker, grocer (1101 Market); and J. Barr's bookstore (1105 Market). Awnings adorn all of the storefronts. Street traffic includes horse-drawn omnibuses, carts, and a conestoga wagon., Title supplied by cataloguer., Yellow mount with square corners., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
ca. 1865
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo -unidentified - Streets [P.8464.34]