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Jew David's Plaster.

'Tis the genuine

Medicine bottle.

Swaim, James

Dr. George Stuart's botanical syrup and vegetable pills, the greatest family medicine in the world. [graphic].

Dr. Hoofland's celebrated German bitters and balsamic cordial. Prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, 418 Arch St., Philadelphia. [graphic].

A bitter "draught" [graphic].

[Frederick Brown's Ginger trade cards]

[Drs. Starkey & Palen's Compound Oxygen, 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia]

Dr. C.W. Kierstead's unrivalled remedy, the King of All Pain! : The great internal & external medicine, ... You will find full directions in the German and English languages, how to use the King of All Pain, on the inside wrapper of each bottle. ... Sold

Swaim, William

[Abraham Lincoln caricature satirizing the draft] [graphic].

London Mfg. Co. essences of meats, 77 & 79 Varick Street, New York.

The Shaker extract of roots. Sold by A.J. White, New York City. Office, 29 Murray Street.

[Advertisements for proprietary medicines prepared and sold by Thomas Hollis, druggist and apothecary, 23 Union Street, Boston, Mass.]

[Thermaline, manufactured by Dundas Dick & Co., New York]

Pleis' fit powders & liver pills, Phila. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

[Advertisements for proprietary medicines manufactured and marketed by the Egyptian Drug Co., of New York, N.Y.]

Warner's safe rheumatic cure

Horsford's acid phosphate for mental & physical exhaustion, dyspepsia &c. It makes a delicious drink with water & sugar only. Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R.I.

[Materials relating to Renne's Pain Killing Magic Oil, manufactured and marketed by Wm. Renne & Sons, of Pittsfield, Mass.]

Use ideal quinine and sulphur soap.

[Advertisements for proprietary medicines marketed by Dr. A. Snyder, of Newville, Herkimer County, N.Y.]

[Advertisements for proprietary medicines marketed by W. Gilmore & Son, of Pavilion, N.Y.]

For the world of sufferers. For warding off disease. For securing good health. To enjoy cheerful spirits, health, and happiness. Take Simmons Liver Regulator.

[Business stationery of Geo. C. Goodwin & Co., patent medicine warehouse, Boston Ma.]

Dr. O. Phelps Brown's acacian balsam, renovating pills, magic assimilant ethereal ointment, with full directions for use. Herbal remedies.

Doct. Hoofland's celebrated German bitters, for the permanent cure of liver complaint, jaundice, dyspepsia, nervous debility, asthma, disease of the kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered liver or stomach

Doct. Hoofland's celebrated German bitters, for the permanent cure of liver complaint, jaundice, dyspepsia, nervous debility, asthma, disease of the kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered liver or stomach [graphic] : Haupt Depot, German medic

Doctor Laroch's von Paris, ächte Pillen für die rhumatischen Uebel, &c.

Doctor Laroch's von Paris, ächte Pillen für die rhumatischen Uebel, &c. : Das schäzbarste Hülfsmittel fur Rhumatismus, rhumatische Gicht, scorbutische Umstäde, &c. Auszug ans einem Brief des Doctoren Laroche in Paris, an den Doctor M. Lechleitner in Lanca

American hair dye warranted

Dundas Dick & Co.'s compliments. 1776-1876.

Use Dalley's magical pain extractor. The great family ointment.

Circular to the trade. : Office of B.L. Judson & Co. 106 Franklin Street, New York. On and after March 26th, 1864, the prices of the following articles will be: ... The large advance in prices of all things used in the manufacture of the above articles re

Hoofland's German bitters, a pure tonic.

Hoofland's German bitters, a pure tonic. [graphic].

[Carter Medicine Co. trade cards]

Dr. Browning's C. & C. cordial. For coughs and colds.

"A slight cold," coughs, hoarseness, or sore throat, : which might be check with a simple remedy, if neglected, often terminates seriously. Few are aware of the importance of stopping a cough, ... "Brown's Bronchial Troches" were first introduced in the y

Williams anti-dyspeptic elixir. Prepared by Dr. James Williams, no. 4 South Seventh Street, 3 doors below Market St. Philadelphia. [graphic].

Brown's Vermifuge Comfits, or Worm Lozenges. : Much sickness undoubtedly with children and adults, attributed to other causes, is occasioned by worms. ... / All orders should be addressed to the Curtis & Brown Manufacturing Co., (Limited.) Nos. 215 & 217

Dr. Hooker's medicines. : J.T. Webber & Co., druggists and apothecaries, No. 7 State Street, Springfield, Mass. Proprietors of Dr. Hooker's Cough and Croup syrup, Solidified Balsam and Liquid Balm. Dealers in patent medicines, cooking extracts, perfumery,

Henry C. Blair's Sons, apothecaries, [8th and Walnut Sts.], Philadelphia.

Schlichter & Zug, Proprietors. 929 Market Street, Philadelphia. :

Mishlers Garden

[Tarrant & Co.'s Seltzer Aperient trade cards]

Bought of Breinig, Fronefield & Co. Druggists & chemists, no. 187 North 3rd Street. Wholesale dealers and importers of drugs, medicines, paints, dye stuffs, glass, perfumery &c.&c.

Laboratory of Minnie Mueller Tolke, manufacturing chemist. Chemical, dermatological and pharmaceutical preparations. Cincinatti, O.

Sine's tar, wild cherry, and hoarhound. Turkish ladies' noontime amusement, while gathering herbs for Sine's syrup of tar, wild cherry and hoarhound.
