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A meeting of the Union League of Bethlehem will be held at the League Room this evening, : (Monday, Oct. 12th,) at 8 o'clock. Members of the league and all who are favorable to the cause are invited to attend. / Ira Cortright, pres.

A special meeting of the members of the Union League : will be held at their room on Thursday evening, Sept. 10, at eight o'clock. Please be in attendance. / Ira Cortright, pres't. Edw. Kummer, rec. sec'y. Bethlehem, September 8, 1863.

National Union League of Bethlehem! : The members of the league, and all loyal citizens who desire to become members, are requested to meet at the Eagle Hotel, on Friday evening, 27th inst., at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of electing permanent officers, an

The members of the Union League will please be in attendance at the regular meeting! : at No. 7 N. Main Street, on Monday, Apr. 4, at 8 P.M. / Ira Cortright, pres't. Edw. Kummer, sec'y.

Union League : The regular stated monthly meeting of the Union League of Bethlehem, will be held at the League Room, corner of Main and Market Streets, on Monday evening, May 4th, at 8 o'clock. All loyal citizens who wish to become members are cordially i

On Thursday, Nov. 5, at 8 o'clock P.M., the Union League will hold a special meeting. : Please be punctual in attendance! / Ira Cortright, president. Edw. Kummer, sec'y.

Attention! A regular meeting of the Union League will be held at their room : this Monday eve'g, Nov. 2, at 8 o'clock. All the members are requested to attend, as business of importance is on hand. / Ira Cortright, president. Edw. Kummer, sec'y.

Thanks to God! : The Union League will proceed from their headquarters to Independence Square, this afternoon, at 5 o'clock, where thanks will be given to almighty God! For the great successes which He has vouchsafed to the armies of the American Union! A

Bounty! Notice is hereby given that we are prepared to pay a bounty of three hundred dollars : to all those willing to volunteer to fill the quota of the borough of Bethlehem. / By order of the committee. Feb. 25, 1863. Recruiting office is at the room of

Order of the United Daughters of America [membership certificate]

Union League, 22d Ward! : Will open their house, Main St., Germantown, on Thursday, May 28th, 1863, at eight o'clock, P.M. Hon. Charles Gilpin, Hon. Morton McMichael, Daniel Dougherty, Esq. Hon. M. Russell Thayer, Hon. Charles Gibbons, Hon. J.C. Knox, and

Grand celebration of the organization of the National Union Club of Philadelphia! : The executive committee of the National Union Club having directed the Committee on Meetings to make arrangements for celebrating the anniversary of the organization of th