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Reward of merit

Maas & Vogdes, job printers, [N.E.?] corner of Second & Chestnut Sts., over Corn Exchange Bank.

[Harris, card & job printer trade cards]

Patriotic souvenir pies.

Thomas Magee, stationer, cor. Second and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia.

Marshall House, "The Union and the Constitution." No. 243 N. Fourth St., above New, Philadelphia.

Hurrah! for Thayer's Printing House, 805 Sansom Street, above 8th, Philada.

F. Keeler, daguerreotype and stereoscope rooms, No. 276 Market Street, above Eighth, S. side, Philadelphia.

Philadelphia Evening Journal, N.W. corner of Third and Chestnut Sts., January 28th, 1861. Published by Carr & Elliott.

David Newton, manufacturer of Union tea & coffee ware, wholesale and retail, No. 710 North Fourth Street, above Coates, west side, Philadelphia.

G.T. Stockdale, printer, 117 South Second Street, Philadelphia.

Evans printer. The fast cardpress, Philadelphia, cor. Fourth and Library Sts.

[Familton & Rogers trade cards]

Ehrgott & Forbriger, practical lithographers. s.w. cor. of 4th & Walnut sts., Cincinnati, O.

Ehrgott & Forbriger, practical lithographers. s.w. cor. of 4th & Walnut sts., Cincinnati, O.

Ehrgott & Forbriger, practical lithographers. s.w. cor. of 4th & Walnut sts., Cincinnati, O. [graphic].

Auner's printing office, No. 110 North Tenth Street, above Arch, Philadelphia.

Wagner & McGuigan's steam lithographic printing establishment no. 4 Athenian Buildings, Franklin Place Philadelphia.

Chew, smoke Old Abe fine cut smoking, B. Leidersdorf & Co., Milwaukee, Wis.

Union Brass Works. M'Cambridge, Fry & Co. 525 and 527 Cherry Street, Philadelphia.

Strickland & Bro. booksellers & stationers, No. 529 S. Second Street, Philadelphia.

Our flag--may it forever wave!

[Joseph P. Mickley trade cards]

Jackson's old United States bounty land and pension office. E.O. Jackson, attorney-at-law and pension agent, No. 138 South Third Street, above Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa.

[Harbach & Brother's trade cards]

Conner's cheap printing office, corner Fourth & New Sts., below Vine, Philadelphia.

Edward Geary, Jr. dealer in Lehigh and Schuylkill coal. Orders received and promptly attended to, at No. 814 North Second St. above Brown, S.E. cor. Ridge Avenue & Wallace St., (or through despatch directed as above,) Philadelphia. Cash on delivery.

Order of the United American Mechanics. Founded July 8th, 1845. Honesty, industry & sobriety. [membership certificate]

A Northern Rebel.

Bruce's New-York Type-foundry, 13 Chambers st., New York [specimen sheet]

Bruce's New-York Type-foundry, 13 Chambers st., New York [specimen sheet]

Devlin & Co.'s Centennial souvenir. 1776-1876.

Wilbur & Hastings, stationers & printers, lithographers, blank book manufacturers, publis

The cheapest and best. William W. Harding photograph albums, 326 Chestnut Street, Philada.

Summit Water, from Harrison, Maine, the invaluable tonic that builds up the debilitated.

John Mustin, Jr., S.E. cor. Arch & Seventh, Philad'a. Military yarns.

A. Erkenbrecher's St. Bernhard Starch Works, Cincinnati, O.

[E. & H.T. Anthony trade cards]

[B.T. Babbitt's Best trade cards]

[Label specimens]

Colored man is no slacker [graphic].

[Times Printing House trade cards]

[Sheet of label proofs] [graphic].

R. & G.A. Wright [graphic] : Manufacturers of the celebrated gold medal perfumery and importers of French, English & German druggist & fancy articles, no. 23 South 4th St. Philadelphia. / Reen, engr.

To a Recruiting Officer.

How suddenly, dear sir, you stopped your talk of war and glory

[Job printing specimens for certificates, bank notes, receipts, labels, and billheads]

[Job printing specimens for certificates, bank notes, receipts, labels, and billheads] [graphic].

[Civil War miscellanies] [graphic]
