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Fine oysters.

[Chestnut Street, east from Twelfth Street, south side]

Charles C. Oat's lamp store No. 32 North Second St. Philadelphia.

House 18[th] and Spruce Sts [graphic].

[Water Street at Spruce Street, Philadelphia.] [graphic].

[Old London Coffee House, Front and Market streets, Philadelphia.] [graphic] / McClees & Germon, patent crystalotype, 182 Chestnut St. Philada.

High Street, with the First Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia, 1800.

Souvenir of the coldest winter on record. Scene on the Delaware River at Philada. during the severe winter of 1856.

The house intended for the President of the United States, in Ninth Street Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn & Engraved by W. Birch & Son.

Fifth Street above Arch Street, west side. [graphic].

High Street, with the First Presbyterian Church [graphic] : Taken down in 1820. Philadelphia / Designed & Published by W. Birch Enamel Painter 1800.

Harrison & Newhall, corner of Race and Crown streets, Philadelphia. Commission merchants and importers Rio coffee, sugars, hides &c. Philadelphia.

The rag tender

W.W. Knight Son & Co. 509, Commerce St. between 5th. & 6th & Market and Arch Sts. Formerly 619, Market St. Philadelphia.

Louis L. Peck manufacturer & dealer in burning fluid varnishes, pine oil, virgin & sp[iri]ts of turpentine absolute, apothecaries, deodorized and fluid alcohol, of a superior quality linseed oil, white lead, lamps of every description, German & English br

Post Office, Philadelphia.

Post Office, Philadelphia. [graphic] / M. P. Simons, 1320 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, landscape and portrait photographer.

Third St., north of Walnut, east side.

Collections from fugitive sources only, illustrative of the antiquities, progress & c. of the city Philadelphia [graphic] / Vincit qui se vincit. Collected by Chas. A. Poulson.

German Lutheran school house. Next to the N.E. corner of Cherry and Fourth St. on Cherry Street. [graphic].

Congress Hall and New Theatre, in Chestnut Street Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn Engraved & Published by W. Birch & Son Neshaminy Bridge.