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Notice. : All persons having in their possession guns or equipments belonging to the 4th Regiment, P.V.M. are requested to deliver them at the Spread Eagle Hotel Radnor, Delaware Co., on or before Saturday evening, August 13th, 1864. / By order of Capt. B

Junior artillerists of Philadelphia [membership certificate]

Wayne Artillery of Philadelphia

To arms! To arms! Our state must be defended! : "Action, not words!" Volunteers wanted for a short term of state service, in Company H, Second Regiment, Penn'a S.M. Pay and rations same as in U.S.A. Apply at once, at 241 Dock St., below Third, / to Capt.

Independent company for 100 days! $50 bounty. : Having been authorized by the Adjutant General of the state to raise an independent company for 100 days, I shall open a recruiting office at 808 Cherry St. where all young men are requested to call and enro

National Guard! $50 bounty! : Recruits wanted for 100 days! The roll of Company "E" is now open at the armory,---Race Street below Sixth. / Captain Raymond, recruiting officer.

National Guard Regiment. 100 days' service 100 $50 bounty! : Citizens, rally! Defend your state and stand by your country and its cause.---You are wanted now!! Recruits wanted for Co. K. Apply at N.E. cor. 9th & Shippen. / Paul L. Levis, Captain and recru

To arms! Awake! Defend your state! : Men wanted to fill Company B Fourth Regiment, Reserve Brigade! Three months' service! All city bounties secured. Arms, clothing and all necessities furnished. Fall in! Recruiting office: Main Street above Price, German

Tenth Ward! To the rescue! : All desiring to join a live organization will enroll themselves at once under the call of the president and governor in a company to be commanded by Captain Caleb Needles, "Washington Gray Regiment," now recruiting at the "Lea

Head-quarters, Co. I Second Regiment, Reserve Brigade! : Wanted---strong, able-bodied men to serve during three months if not sooner discharged. Pay from $13 to $21 per month. The pay and rations will commence immediately after enrollment. Good clothing a

Patriots arouse. To arms! : All those who are willing to join a new company, now forming at Warrington and Hartsville, for the protection of the state, are requested to meet at Newville, on Thursday afternoon, at four o'clock. A few more men are wanted im

Blue Reserves. Company D, rally for your country : Recruits wanted for this company, at their armory, 505 Chestnut Street, fifth story. All the bounties given when mustered into the service. / Charles Naylor, Capt.

Blue Reserves! Company K, rally for your country! : Recruits wanted for this company, at their armory, 505 Chestnut Street, fifth story. / George W. Classmire, 1st Lieut. J.F. McCarty, Captain. Late of Baxter's Fire Zouaves. All the bounties given when mu

Fall in, "Blues!" : $50 bounty $50 Recruits wanted for Co. E, Blue Reserves 100 days service. Apply at Eighth & Callowhill Sts. or 505 Chestnut Street. / [blank] Captain. 1st Lieutenant, [blank] 2d Lieutenant, [blank] O. Serg't, J.J. Babcock.

Company "B," Blue Reserves! : Rally once more in defense of your homes and state. Grant will hold Richmond if we do our duty in repelling the rebels in our own state. The rolls are now open. Come up and sign your names for the short term of 100 days. / F.

Attention! Co. C, Blue Reserves : Rally for the third time, in defence of your home and your country. Do not be backward--you are needed. Rolls of this crack company are now open at the armory, No. 505 Chestnut St., 4th story / S.M. Janney, Captain B.T. J

Blue Reserves! Company D, rally for your country! : Recruits wanted for this company, at their armory, 505 Chestnut Street, fifth story / Charles Naylor, Captain. All the bounties given when mustered into the service.

Fall in, "Blues!" : $50 bounty! Recruits wanted for Co. H, Blue Reserves Apply at 8th & Spring Garden Sts. or 505 Chestnut Street. / [blank] Captain. 1st Lieutenant, [blank] 2d Lieutenant, [blank] O. Serg't, [blank]

Attention! Bethlehem Guards! : The members of the Bethlehem Guard are requested to meet at Citizens' Hall this evening at 8 o'clock precisely. Business of importance will be transacted. All persons desirous of joining this company are requested to attend.

Arouse! For the defense of our state! : The president calls for 100,000 men for six months, (unless sooner discharged.) 50,000 from Pennsylvania! 30,000 from Ohio! 10,000 from W. Virginia! 10,000 from Maryland! Drive back the invaders! Every one willing a

Attention, patriots Rally around the flag! : State service! Six months! Six months! A few more picked men wanted to fill the ranks of Co. "G!" Col. Meyr's [sic] reg't To start at once for the field of action! Fall in! Fall in! Do not sacrifice yourselves

Cavalry recruits wanted! For the defence of our good old state. : Able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 50, who wish to serve in a regiment with officers who have seen active service in the field, and commanded by Colonel John H. Gardiner late Major

Second Infantry Regiment, 1st Brg: 1st Div. P.V. National Guard Good active men wanted for Co. D! : Call at once! At head-quarters, No. 605 Arch St. / Capt. J.B. Dehaven, First LIeut. Elias W. Shertz. Second Lieut. Wm. J. Gilbert.

Come join the National Guard : Defend your state! Recruits wanted. Military Hall, Library St., bet. 4th & 5th.

$50 bounty! Fall in Cooper Guards! : Patriots to the rescue of your good old Keystone State, and one more rally for the Constitution and our glorious Union. All young men desirous of serving the above will do well to join this company Now let every youth

To arms : The citizens of Roxborough and vicinity, will meet this Tuesday eve'ng, at Lyceum Hall, at seven o'clock, to organise a company to respond to the call of the governor, to defend the state from invasion. / By order of Capt. Levering.

To arms! To arms! : Rally to the defence of your state. The invader is at your doors; it is therefore the duty of all freeman [sic] to come forth and hurl him back from your fair state. Let no one say he stood calmly by and saw the Old Keystone polluted w

$50 bounty! To the rescue! : Recruits wanted for Capt. Thomas Cunningham's co. 60th Regiment P.M. for 100 days' service. Head-quarters, cor. of Sixth and Oxford Sts. Rally boys, rally! / Captain Thomas Cunningham. 1st Lieut. Basil Wood. 2d " Jas. H. Cunni

Attention! A meeting of the citizens of Belmont & Lower Merion, : will be held at the General Wayne Hotel on Monday evening, Sept. 15th, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of forming a cavalry co. for state and home protection, in compliance with the order of

Washington Guard! 60th Regiment P.V.M. Colonel William F. Small. $50 bounty $50.

Freemen, to the rescue! : Defend your state! Your homes and your property! All able-bodied men are now called upon to enroll themselves and repel the invader from our soil. A few more men wanted to fill Company H, Philad'a Light Guards Col. Geo. P. M'Lean

Rally veterans, citizens, young men, for the defence of the Capitol, the Union, and the flag. : Drive the invading traitors from the soil or bury them in it! The man who can, yet will not come forward now is a coward or a traitor, and will be branded as s

The enemy is approaching! : I must rely upon the people for the defence of the state! And have called the Militia for that purpose. The term of service will only be while the danger to the state is imminent. Send forward companies as soon as possible. / S

Camp Dupont

To arms! To arms!! Armory Co. G. 3d Reserve Brigade, : No. 803 Locust St. / Geo. West Blank, Captain. Frank Mills, 1st Lieut. Benj. G.S. Wilk, 2nd Lieut. W.H.H. Lockhart, O.S. Come and join us.

Men of the Keystone State rally for its defence! : And join Capt. C.A. Thomas's independent company! For 90 days service and avoid the draft. The soil of Pennsylvania, where "Liberty" was first proclaimed "throughout the land, and to all the inhabitants t

Co. C Capt. William L. Nichols, Washington Guard! Col. Wm. F. Small.

Co. F Captain James R. Hadley, Washington Guard! Col. Wm. F. Small.

Troopers attend! A few more men are wanted! : To fill up a cavalry company! Now forming for state service. Apply at once, as the governor demands our immediate presence. A meeting will be held at the court house, on Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock, to take

To the rescue! Pennsylvania invaded! : A meeting for the purpose of organizing a company of state guards to protect the state from the invasion of rebel hordes, now swarming the banks of the Potomac, will be held at the hotel of Elias Shive, Turk's Head,

Rally! Come one, come all, our country calls! To the rescue! : 2d Union League Regiment! For 3 months' service! All city bounties guarantied! Co. F now recruiting at 921 North Tenth St. Come in out of the draft 'tis your last chance! / 1st Lieut. H.V. Chr

Respond to the governor's call to defend the state. : Gray Reserve Reg now recruiting. Co. A, Market Street ab. 8th, " C " " " Co. D, Eighteenth and Chestnut Sts. Companies B, E, F, G, H, and I, City Armory, Broad Street below Race.

To arms! Rally for the right! : Recruits wanted for three months service, in Company A Gray Reserves Capt. Charles S. Smith. Armory, 810 Market Street, up stairs.

$50 bounty! Rally men of Philadelphia for the defence of your city and state. : Recruits wanted for company E, First Regiment Grey Reserves! Armory---Broad Street, below Race. Come to the rescue. Equipment furnished and bounty paid.

To amrs! [sic] Recruits wanted for three months service, in F Company, Gray Reserves / Capt. J.N. Peirsol. Armory, N.E. cor. 2d and Race.
