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H. P. & W. C. Taylor perfumers [graphic] / W. Dreser, delt. & lith.

[Hoyt's German cologne trade cards]

Espiritu santo. Triple extract. The most delicate, fragrant and lasting perfume of the age. Tisseau, distillateur-parfumeur, Philadelphia. Bookmark.

[Read's Grand Duchess Cologne trade cards]

Presented to each purchaser of either of our following specialties. Manufactured expressly for Sharpless & Sons, Philadelphia.

Eugene Roussel's celebrated mineral waters in glass botttles for hotels, families & shipping

Harrison's Handkerchief Extracts

Harrison's Columbian perfumery

Ask for the "Wenck" perfumes. (Warranted the best.) And take no other. [graphic].

Indian Queen perfume. Bean & Brother, 47 & 49 North Second Street, Philadelphia.

Harrison's Musk Cologne. Musk extract. Musk soap. Apollos W. Harrison, Philadelphia, No. 10 South 7th Street.

A. Hawley & Co., perfumers and chemists, no. 39 North Fourth Street, above Arch, Philadelphia.

H. P. & W. C. Taylor perfumers

R. & G.A. Wright [graphic] : Manufacturers of the celebrated gold medal perfumery and importers of French, English & German druggist & fancy articles, no. 23 South 4th St. Philadelphia. / Reen, engr.

[Theo. Ricksecker's trade cards]

R. & G.A. Wright. Manufacturers of fine perfumery &c. 624 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

[Plate 5 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].

[Plate 5 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]