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- Title
- [Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States, 1882-1902]
- Description
- Collection of billheads, dated between 1882 and 1902, containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, vignette illustrations, and pictorial details. Illustrations depict allegorical figures and scenes, including a griffin; exteriors of storefronts and factories (some adorned in signage); and pharmaceutical apparatus and goods, including mortar and pestles, scales, and trusses. Some of the exterior views include patrons entering buildings, street and pedestrian traffic, as well as laborers at work. Pictorial details include tropical imagery, banners, filigree and flourishes. Firms represented include Clarence S. Abrams, Ph. G. (Middleton, N.Y.); Henry Adams, Phar. D (Amherst, Ma.); Allan Pfeiffer Chemical Co. (St. Louis, Mo.); American Silver Truss (Buffalo, N.Y.); Apothecaries Hall Co. (Waterbury, Conn.); A. M. Foster & Co. (Chicago); Arthur Peter & Co. (Louisville, Ky.); M. F. Benjamin (Riverhead, L.I.); Benton, Myers & Co. (Cleveland); Andrew Blair (Philadelphia); Boykin, Carmer & Co. (Baltimore); Blumauer-Frank Drug Co. (Portland, Ore.); J. H. Boher (Harrisburg, Pa.); Stephen Bowen (Blossburg, Pa.); W[illiam] E. Brown (Providence, R.I.); W. E. Brown (Calverton, Md.; Bush & Co. (Worcester, Ma.); Bruen Bros. & Ritchey (N.Y.); Carr Brothers & Co. (Baltimore); Carter, Carter & Meigs (Boston); Joe/J.E. Chamberlain (Malvern, Ark.); Charles Hubbard Son & Co. (Syracuse, N.Y.); Charles Leich & Co. (Evansville, Ind.); Chas. W. Snow & Co. (Syracuse, N.Y.); C. W. Coulter & Co. (Slippery Rock, Pa.); Demoville & Co. (Nashville, Tenn.); and Davis & Lawrence Co. (Schnectady, N.Y.), Billed patrons include C. A. Stanton, Wurtsboro, N.Y.; G. C. Lee; Joseph Schnell, Binghamton, N.Y.; O.H. Case, Jefferson, Ohio; Duscher & Kiel; J. E. Chamberlain's Drug Store, Malvern, Ark.; Carreger Roberts & Co., Morristown, Tenn.; Goldsmith & [Fairhill?]; A. E. Phillips; Mrs. W. Hinckle Smith; The Clifton Mfg. Co., Clifton, S.C.; Benjamin Foster; Mrs. J. Boyle; W. H. Place; Resinol Chemical Co.; C. W. Phillips; Gilbert Bigelow; A. & G. Hewitt; J.W. Garrien & Co; L. D. Cooper; Rhoden & Miller; A. B. Brooks; Schultz Thurman; A. McKinney; McClellan Bros., Red Boiling Springs; and H. A. Kerste, Schnectady, N.Y., Some items contain manuscript notes and/or stamps acknowledging shipment or receipt of payments., P.2011.46.315 title annotated from Bought of C. W. Coulter & Co. to C. W. Coulter, "& Co." is crossed out., Printers include Shober & Carqueville Litho. Co.; Equitable Litho. Eng. Co. Balto. MD; J. L. Brooks Bank Check Co. Springfield, Mass.; Moser, Lyon & Co., Syracuse, N.Y.; Heincke-Fiegel Litho. Co. St. L.; Thomas & Miller Printers, New Castle; Foster & Webb Print, Nashville; G. H. Dunston Lith. Buffalo, N.Y.; and Gilmour & Kearns Lith. Montreal., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
- Date
- [1882-1902]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads, 1880- (A-D)[P.2011.46.290-317]
- Title
- [Collection of letterheads, stationery, and form letters of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States and Canada]
- Description
- Collection of letterheads and stationery from the late 19th century containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, vignette illustrations, and pictorial details. Illustrations depict trademarks, including the Alpine Products Co. eagle; the bloodhound "Grip"; and interiors and exteriors of storefronts, laboratories, and medical dispensaries (some adorned in signage), including H.E. Bucklen & Co.'s Bottling Dept., Composing Room, Engine & Press Room, Shipping Room, Main Office, and Mailing Dept. Some of the exterior views include patrons entering buildings, street and pedestrian traffic, as well as laborers at work. Pictorial details include a ladies truss, a profile portrait of a woman captioned "The crowning glory of Woman is Her Hair," mortar & pestle, floral imagery, frames, filigree and flourishes., Firms represented include A.C. Meyer & Co. (Baltimore); Alpine Products Co. (N.Y.); The Altenheim Medical Dispensary (Cincinnati); T.P. Bailey, M.D. (Georgetown, S.C.); Bellows Falls Drug Store (Bellows Falls, Vt.); Benton, Myers & Company (Cleveland); S. Biggs (Rockingham, N.C.); D. Wood Brant (Newark, N.J.); Canadian Kennel Club (Toronto); Horace Bush (Lowville, N.Y.); Carriger & Speck (Morristown, Tenn.); C.E. Grafton Drug Company (Brookhaven, Miss.); Chicago Medical Society (Chicago); Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute, i.e., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (Brooklyn, N.Y.); Wm. Connolly, M.D. (Cresco, Ia.); Edward H. Currier (Manchester, N.H.); E.S. Leadbeater & Sons (Alexandria, Va.); Dr. E. Greenmayer (East Palestine, Oh.); Dr. Robert Hamilton's Medical Institute (Saratoga Springs, N.Y.); Bunting Hankins (Bordentown, N.J.); H.E. Bucklen & Co. (Chicago, Ill.); Heintzelman's Pharmacy (Philadelphia); D. E. Hoagland (Cobleskill, N.Y.); J. Henderson & Bros. (Pittsburgh); John Carle & Sons (N.Y.); John F. Henry & Co. (Waterbury, Vt.); Johnston, Holloway & Cowden (Philadelphia); Joseph Hahn & Co. (Sacramento, Ca.); J. S. Merrell Drug Co. (St. Louis, Mo.); Aug. Korndoerfer, M.D. (Philadelphia); Lyman, Sons & Co. (Montreal); Max Wocher & Son (Cincinnati); and Muth Brothers & Co. (Baltimore)., Correspondence relates to shipping arrangements and fees, product orders, payments, letters of certification and retention of employees, diagnoses and treatments, as well as a purchase of a storefront and feedback on a supply of samples. Collection also includes a personal letter completed July 8, 1884 by J.F. Madden describing his medical treatment and his day in Sacramento, Ca. Correspondents include Parchen D'Archeu Drug Company; The Polk Miller Drug Co.; G.W. Aimar & Co.; A. C. Mitchell; Jacob Estey; S. Biggs; Wm. R. Scudder; Geo. B. Sweetnam; Lyman, Sons & Co.; Chapman, White, Lyons & Co.; W. W. Newsam; E. C. Seymour; John C. Legel; Burt H. Brooks; B. Hankins; H. C. Parter & Son; McKinney Bros.; J. D. Aug. Hartz; C. A. Williams; Henry B. Semple; J. F. Madden; C. P. Walbridge; and C. K. Gardner., Printers include A. Hoen & Co., Balto.; G. H. Dunston, Lith., Buffalo; A. Gast & Co., St. Louis & N.Y.; and Buston & Skinner, Lith. St. Louis., One print [P.2011.46.456 ] contains two-cent stamp., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
- Date
- [ca. 1860-ca. 1900]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Letterheads & Stationery (A-M) [P.2011.46.429-463]
- Title
- [Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States and United Kingdom, 1880-1898]
- Description
- Collection of billheads, dated between 1880 and 1898, containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, vignette illustrations, and pictorial details. Illustrations depict exteriors of storefronts and factories (some adorned in signage); pharmaceutical apparatus and goods, including "patent shaving mug," mortar and pestles, scales, and rates, barrels, and jugs of medicinals; and scenes of a harbor view, a druggist in his pharmacy, and a blacksmith at work on his anvil. Some of the exterior views include patrons entering buildings, street and pedestrian traffic, as well as laborers at work. Pictorial details include trademarks, art nouveau imagery, an incense burner, truss, sun bursts, scrolls, medallions and shields, flowers, frames, flourishes, and filigree., Firms represented include Edward C. Jones & Co. (Philadelphia); E. J. Hart & Co. (New Orleans); E. L. Stanwood & Co. (Portland, Me.); F. B. & Thos. Tomlinson (Tate Spring, Tenn.); Finlay, Dicks & Co. (New Orleans); E. B. Fletcher (Erie, Pa.); Forney & Knouse (Harrisburg, Pa.); Fox, Fultz & Co. (N.Y.); Fritzche Brothers (N.Y.); Fuller & Fuller (Chicago); George A. Kelly & Co. (Pittsburgh); F. Hagerman (Birmingham, Ala.); The Hastings and McIntosh Truss Co. (Philadelphia); Henry, Johnson & Lord (Burlington, Vt); Hub Drug Co. (Boston); Orlando H. Jadwin (N.Y.); J. E. Goold & Co. (Portland, Me.); J. K. McKee Company (Pittsburgh); John Reynders & Co (N.Y.); Edward L. Johnson (N.Y.); John W. Perkins & Co. (Portland, Me.); Kalish Pharmacy (N.Y.); Lamar, Rankin & Lamar (Atlanta, Ga.); Lee & Osgood (Norwich, Conn.); Lord, Owen & Co. (Chicago); Lord, Smith & Co. (Chicago); J. R. McCampbell (Knoxville, Tenn.); J. A. McDonald (Reedsville, Pa.); McClure, Walker & Gibson (Albany, N.Y.); John M. Maris & Co. (Philadelphia); John W. Perkins & Co. (Portland, Me.); Jordan & Scott (Charlotte, N.C.); Lewis W. Booth & Co. (Bridgeport, Conn.); William E. Mann (Bangor, Me.); Meyer Brothers Drug Company (St. Louis, Mo.); J. E. Moore (Albany, N.Y.); and Moyer Bro.'s (Bloomsburg, Pa.). Collection also includes billhead of Great Britain dispensing chemists Fletcher & Pater (Retford) and R. K. Kermode (Castletown)., Billed patrons include Jos. P. Remington; H. F. Belanger; A. & B. Young; Burdett Organ Co.; E. H. Light; H. A. [Kerste]; Resinol Chemical Co.; D. W. Morris; McKinney Bros.; E. K. Thompson & Son; D.J. Saunders; E.C. Mathews; S.M. Bixley & Co.; L.M. & G.W. Putney; Wm. H. Hays; Hinkley, Cragin & Field; Clifton Mfg. Co.; John A. Rockwell; Quincy Mining Corporation; Marian Roberts; Samuel Hegarty; C. H. Case; Herrick, Smith & Co.; Warner & Clark; D. S. Sanders; J. E. Chamberlain; and William Davenport., Some items contain manuscript notes and/or stamps acknowledging receipt of payments., P.2011.46.367 title annotated with stamp: Jno M. Scott & Co., Successors To., Printers include H. B. Church; Kentucky Litho Co., Louisville; Henry Siebert & Bro. Co. N.Y.; C. Otto [Triel?]; J.H. Warner, N.Y.; Budden & Son Lith, Atlanta, Ga.; J. Reynders Co.; Golder Co., Pitt.; Lakeside Press, Portland, Me.; and Shober & Carqueville Lith. Co., Chicago., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
- Date
- [1880-1898]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads, 1880- (E-M) [P.2011.46.343-381]