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- Title
- Grand-stand baseball Pluto Water. America's greatest physic for constipation, stomach & kidney, liver troubles. 15 [cents]. 35 [cents]. All drug stores. Ask your doctor
- Description
- Gameboard containing a circle comprised of 30 spaces surrounding advertising text and an image of the devil. Spaces marked with baseball rulings and plays, including Strike, Ball, Out, Foul, and Single Hit 1 Base. Circle surrounded by a "baseball diamond.", "Grand Stand Base Ball Rules" printed on the verso. Rules explicate Number of Players, a Game, an Inning, and "When Needle Stops On: Out, Strike, Foul, Ball, Single Hit, Two Base Hit, Three Base Hit, Home Run, Sacrifice Hit, and Double Out. Also includes Note - To see which bats first each player spins once, and the highest goes to bat: Home run is highest, then three base hit, two base hit, single hit, sacrifice, ball, foul, strike out, double out being lowest., Printed on verso: Price 25 [cents]., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
- Date
- [ca. 1895]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Ephemera Collection - Advertisements [P.2010.37.89]
- Title
- [Collection of letterheads, stationery, and form letters of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States and Canada]
- Description
- Collection of letterheads and stationery from the late 19th century containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, vignette illustrations, and pictorial details. Illustrations depict trademarks, including Mishhler's Herb Bitters anchor of "Hope"; exteriors of factories and storefronts (some including signage); druggists rubber goods, including a bulb syringe and atomizer; and the waiting room and exam room of a dental office. Some of the exterior views include patrons entering buildings, street and pedestrian traffic, as well as laborers at work. View of New York Sumac Extract Company factory complex (20 Cedar Street) also shows a ship docked at the factory pier. Pictorial details include a phoenix, quarter moon, banners, mortar & pestle, frames, filigree and flourishes. Firms represented include Naph B. Greensfelder & Co. (San Francisco, Ca.); New York Sumac Extract Company (Long Island City, N.Y.); Rev. Jasper Marx Medicines (Jersey City, N.J.); Richardson Drug Company, Omaha (Salt Lake City, Ut.); S. B. Hartman & Co, Office of Eastern Laboratory and Wholesale Depot (Lancaster, Pa.); R.H. Mcdonald & Co. (San Francisco, Ca.); Smith, Kline & French Co. (Philadelphia, Pa.); Smith & Prime (Ausable Forks, N.Y.); Spink & Co. (Minneapolis, Minn.); H.N. Stratton (Brooklyn, N.Y.); Judson B. Todd (Ithaca, N.Y.); Tyer Rubber Company (Andover, Ma.); Westlake & McIntyre (Grand Rapids, Mi.); Whitall, Tatum & Co. (Philadelphia); Wm. H. Armstrong & Co. (Indianapolis, Ind.); and G. F. Witter (Grand Rapids, Wis.). Correspondence relates to product orders and fees, solicitations for business, and payments. credits, and payment disputes., Correspondents include Parchen-D'Acheul Drug Co.; Brooks R. Webber; R. B. Hutchings; H.M. Parchen & Co.; Samuel Newton; S. B. Hartman & Co.; H. R. Sands & Co.; R. H. McDonald & Co.; Polk Miller Drug Co.; F.M. Hopkins Sons; Henry A. Kerste; C.W. Prindell; Leonard Kellar; and Henry Bartry., Printers and engravers include Seifert & Lawton, Milwaukee; Baker-Randolph Litho. & Eng. Co. Chicago; and [George W.?] Mills., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
- Date
- [ca. 1860-ca. 1896]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Letterheads & Stationery (N-Z) [P.2011.46.464-479]
- Title
- [Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States, 1882-1902]
- Description
- Collection of billheads, dated between 1882 and 1902, containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, vignette illustrations, and pictorial details. Illustrations depict allegorical figures and scenes, including a griffin; exteriors of storefronts and factories (some adorned in signage); and pharmaceutical apparatus and goods, including mortar and pestles, scales, and trusses. Some of the exterior views include patrons entering buildings, street and pedestrian traffic, as well as laborers at work. Pictorial details include tropical imagery, banners, filigree and flourishes. Firms represented include Clarence S. Abrams, Ph. G. (Middleton, N.Y.); Henry Adams, Phar. D (Amherst, Ma.); Allan Pfeiffer Chemical Co. (St. Louis, Mo.); American Silver Truss (Buffalo, N.Y.); Apothecaries Hall Co. (Waterbury, Conn.); A. M. Foster & Co. (Chicago); Arthur Peter & Co. (Louisville, Ky.); M. F. Benjamin (Riverhead, L.I.); Benton, Myers & Co. (Cleveland); Andrew Blair (Philadelphia); Boykin, Carmer & Co. (Baltimore); Blumauer-Frank Drug Co. (Portland, Ore.); J. H. Boher (Harrisburg, Pa.); Stephen Bowen (Blossburg, Pa.); W[illiam] E. Brown (Providence, R.I.); W. E. Brown (Calverton, Md.; Bush & Co. (Worcester, Ma.); Bruen Bros. & Ritchey (N.Y.); Carr Brothers & Co. (Baltimore); Carter, Carter & Meigs (Boston); Joe/J.E. Chamberlain (Malvern, Ark.); Charles Hubbard Son & Co. (Syracuse, N.Y.); Charles Leich & Co. (Evansville, Ind.); Chas. W. Snow & Co. (Syracuse, N.Y.); C. W. Coulter & Co. (Slippery Rock, Pa.); Demoville & Co. (Nashville, Tenn.); and Davis & Lawrence Co. (Schnectady, N.Y.), Billed patrons include C. A. Stanton, Wurtsboro, N.Y.; G. C. Lee; Joseph Schnell, Binghamton, N.Y.; O.H. Case, Jefferson, Ohio; Duscher & Kiel; J. E. Chamberlain's Drug Store, Malvern, Ark.; Carreger Roberts & Co., Morristown, Tenn.; Goldsmith & [Fairhill?]; A. E. Phillips; Mrs. W. Hinckle Smith; The Clifton Mfg. Co., Clifton, S.C.; Benjamin Foster; Mrs. J. Boyle; W. H. Place; Resinol Chemical Co.; C. W. Phillips; Gilbert Bigelow; A. & G. Hewitt; J.W. Garrien & Co; L. D. Cooper; Rhoden & Miller; A. B. Brooks; Schultz Thurman; A. McKinney; McClellan Bros., Red Boiling Springs; and H. A. Kerste, Schnectady, N.Y., Some items contain manuscript notes and/or stamps acknowledging shipment or receipt of payments., P.2011.46.315 title annotated from Bought of C. W. Coulter & Co. to C. W. Coulter, "& Co." is crossed out., Printers include Shober & Carqueville Litho. Co.; Equitable Litho. Eng. Co. Balto. MD; J. L. Brooks Bank Check Co. Springfield, Mass.; Moser, Lyon & Co., Syracuse, N.Y.; Heincke-Fiegel Litho. Co. St. L.; Thomas & Miller Printers, New Castle; Foster & Webb Print, Nashville; G. H. Dunston Lith. Buffalo, N.Y.; and Gilmour & Kearns Lith. Montreal., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
- Date
- [1882-1902]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads, 1880- (A-D)[P.2011.46.290-317]