Billhead of the Philadelphia druggist containing block lettering and pictorial details, including a frame-like ornament, filigree, and flourishes. Ornament overprinted with text reading "Barker's Sarsaparilla. Barker's Pills. Moore's Syrup Tar. Mein's Syrup Blackberry. Ffirst National White Lead and Colors. Barker's Flavoring Extracts., Completed in manuscript to J. F. Wagernhuss (i.e., Wagonhurst) on December 31, 1895 for several items, including fenugreek and salt petre, for $22.27., Stamped on recto: 30 days, Less 1 per cent. Discount in 10 days., Inscribed on recto: Paid 1/31/96., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads 1880- (N-R) - R [P.2011.46.400]
Billhead of the Philadelphia druggist containing block lettering and pictorial details including ribbons, filigree, and flourishes., Completed in manuscript to A. W. Kelsey on October 1, 1893 for several items, including "Apollinaire's Pt," eye shade, Pears soap, camphor, rubber bands, tooth brushes, and dental floss, for $24.07., Stamped on recto: Paid Oct 3 1893 Wm. A. Whittem, per F.R., Printed above image: No toilet is complete without a bottle of Whittem's Rosemary and Catharidine Hair Tonic. It is Refreshing, Cleaning, and Invigorating., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads 1880- (S-Z) - W [P.2011.46.426]
Billheads containing ornamented type. Knowlson entered the drug store trade in the late 1850s and succeeded his employer W.E. Hagan in 1864. He relocated to the larger storefront on Broadway in 1871., Printed upper right: All Accounts Settled Monthly., P.2011.46.181 missing lower half. Completed in manuscript to Rev. Frank Norton on January 1, 1878 for several outstanding billed items from July-November 1878, including cut flowers, Benzine, soap, bug poison, and carthartic pills priced between $.35 and $2.00., P.2011.46.182 completed in manuscript to Rev. Frank Norton on June 17, 1879 for several outstanding billed items from January 1879, including a pencil, cut flowers, turpentine, plaster, Chlorate Potash, alcohol, soap, Chloride Lime, glass tube, and Nichol's Carbolic Acid for $45.57. Inscribed on recto: Amount carried over. Inscribed on verso: Amount carried over page 3., P.2011.46.183 completed in manuscript to Rev. F.L. Norton on May 19, 1880 for several outstanding billed items from April-May 1880, including Walkers emulsion, quinine pills, N.E. rum, plaster, nipples, Saffron, and Gum Camphor for $9.42., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - K [P.2011.46.181-183]
Billheads containing ornate type lettering. E. & S. Frey operated circa 1830s-circa 1920s., P.2011.46.144a completed in manuscript to E. R. Scaggs & Co. on October 31, 1866 for several items, including castor oil, turpentine, pepper, putty, Frey's pills, and water proof caps for $49.55. Inscribed on verso: E. & S. Frey $49.55. Oct 31/66. E.R. Skaggs & Co., P.2011.46.145a completed in manuscript to E. R. Scaggs & Co. on September 26, 1867 for several items, including castor oil, paregoric, rosin, Wright's pills, Parlour matches, and indigo for $42.27. Inscribed on verso: E. & S. Frey $42.27., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1860]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - E [P.2011.46.144a & 145a]
Billheads containing ornamented type lettering., P.2011.46.6 completed in manuscript to L. Somers on August 10, 1887 for several items, including "1 Quart Castor Oil" for $8.12. Signed October 12, 1887 By Cash $4.12; December 14, 1887 Recd. Payment A. Wright & Co., P.2011.46.6a completed in manuscript to L. Somers on March 28, 1888 for Chester Oil for $4.58. Signed Recd Payment A.W. Wright & Co. 4/25/88. Manuscript note on recto: 1/4 cents off H.L. Oil if paid in 30 days., P.2011.46.7 completed in manuscript to L. Somers on April 25, 1888 for several items, including "1/2 doz Paint Brushes, #5" for $13.73. Signed June 16, 1888 By Cash $5.73; September 12, 1887 Recd. Payment A. Wright & Co., "Book" and "Page" numbers inscribed in upper left corner., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - A [P.2011.46.6-7]
Billhead for the drug firm established in 1848 by Dr. Charles Fronefield and Dr. Breinig. Contains vignette showing druggists' apparatus and supplies, including beakers, flasks, a scale, distiller, mortar and pestle, barrels, casks, and crates of oil of vitriol and glass., Completed in manuscript to Mr. J. S. Stetter on December 31, 1852 for "Roll Sulph" for $21.93., Manuscript note on recto: Dear Sir: There is a small bill standing against you since Nov./51. It was sent twice but the first time it got lost, which no one could justly say was our fault, but as it is somewhat hard for one to bear thy whole loss we are willing to lose 1/4; if it is satisfactory. When we send things to taverns as directed they pass out of our care entirely, we are only responsible for getting them there safely., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Receipts [P.2011.10.124]
Graphics include allegorical vignette illustration showing a female figure, reclined against a hearth and surrounded by druggists apparatus and equipment (including a mortar and pestle and distillery), and a medallion type ornament marked "Two Cents United States Internal Revenue." The firm originally established by Robert J. Murray in 1808 was reincorporated as Lanman & Kemp in 1861., P.2011.46.184 numbered No. 12, 370; and dated July 7, 1868; pay to Stein Marcus[?], $236.50; drawn on the Bank of New York, and signed by Jno. J. McLaran, Edward Kemp. Endorsed on verso: For Deposit Chat. Nat. Bank. Harro Marcus., P.2011.46.185 completed in manuscript on February 26, 1869 to Mess. C. Schrack & Co., Philada. from Lanman & Kemp Livingston requesting a "remittance for our invoice Jan 29 $459 37/100 will oblige. Inscribed lower left: 9 97 [+] 46 [=] 59 82 [+] 39 88 [=] 458 62., P.2011.46.186 numbered No. 119; and dated May 10, 1873; pay to Gridley Hoffer, $164. 81, drawn on the Merchants National Bank, and signed by Lanman & Kemp. Endorsed on verso: Gridley Hoffer., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand., C. Schrack & Co. were Philadelphia varnish and color manufacturers and importers and dealers in printers’ materials.
[ca. 1860-1873]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - L [P.2011.46.184-186]
Billhead for the apothecary containing a vignette composed of a tourniquet-like frame surmounted by a scale and surrounding a shield illustrated with the head of a hog. Henry C. Blair's Sons was dissolved in 1893 and Andew Blair assumed sole operations of the business., Completed in manuscript to Mrs. W. Hinckle Smith, 1816 Chestnut St. on January 1, 1890 for several items, including Pratt's Chlorides, Maltine Plain, and Castor Oil-Olive Oil for $6.00., Stamped on recto: Received Payment, Jan 9 1895 Andrew Blair [K. J.], Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1893]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads 1880- (A-D) - B [P.2011.46.299]
Gameboard containing a circle comprised of 30 spaces surrounding advertising text and an image of the devil. Spaces marked with baseball rulings and plays, including Strike, Ball, Out, Foul, and Single Hit 1 Base. Circle surrounded by a "baseball diamond.", "Grand Stand Base Ball Rules" printed on the verso. Rules explicate Number of Players, a Game, an Inning, and "When Needle Stops On: Out, Strike, Foul, Ball, Single Hit, Two Base Hit, Three Base Hit, Home Run, Sacrifice Hit, and Double Out. Also includes Note - To see which bats first each player spins once, and the highest goes to bat: Home run is highest, then three base hit, two base hit, single hit, sacrifice, ball, foul, strike out, double out being lowest., Printed on verso: Price 25 [cents]., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1895]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Ephemera Collection - Advertisements [P.2010.37.89]
Series of illustrated trade cards labeled "Cherry Unripe" depicting a woman with a pained look on her face clutching her stomach and "Cherry Ripe" showing a content, pretty woman. Advertises Genuine Brown's Ginger for cramps and colics, stomach-ache, stomache disorders, and indigestion in banners above and below the "Cherry Unripe" illustration., Title supplied by cataloger., Advertising text printed on versos promotes Brown's Ginger product for family medicine purposes, for "the dyspeptic, and to those who are predisposed to gout or rheumatic affections...and to the inebriate who wishes to reform." Also promotes Brown's Ginger in the fall for comfort from the "first cool chilliness", the winter for the skin "to act well" and in the spring "to add to your back-bone, and make you take interest in life"., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *trade card - Brown [1975.F.79 & 80]
Billheads of the Petersburg, Va. druggist containing ornamented lettering and a vignette illustration of a mortar and pestle., P.2011.46.266 completed in manuscript to Geo. Congden on May 1, 1885 for several items, including bush peas, beet seed, quinine, tomato seed, and Late Heat Dutch Oven for $11.08., P.2011.46.267 completed in manuscript to J.C. Fern on [189-] for several items, including Bay Rum, Kendall's beet seed, and liniment for $3.95., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1880 - ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - W [P.2011.46.266 & 267]
Includes one billhead, one form letter, one letterhead, and one blank form. Letterhead contains ornamented type and "Robert Shoemaker and Company, Philadelphia" trademark. Trademark depicts the seal of Pennsylvania (horses, eagle, shield adorned with ship) framed by the dates 1837 and 1867., Billhead (P.2011.46.214) completed in manuscript to Jas. [Atramis?], New Bloomfield on August 16, 1869 for several items, including sweet oil, camphor, and ginger. Also contains punched hole., Form letter (P.2011.46.215) completed in manuscript to Saml. Hegarty, Hegartys X Roads Pa. on March 24, 1875 confirming enclosed check for $25., Letterhead (P.2011.46.216) completed in manuscript to Samuel Hegarty, Coalsport, Pa. on August 25, 1886 about enclosed receipts., Blank form (P.2011.46.217) completed in manuscript to Jos. P. Remington c/o College Pharm. on February 28, 1895 containing his January and February monthly statement., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1867-1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - R [P.2011.46.214-217]
Billheads for the John L. Singer firms containing ornamented type and a vignette showing a mortar and pestle. Vignette also contains promotional text, including "Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to." and "Keystone Drug Store, Jno. L. Singer, Dr. G. W. Bistline, Proprietors., Title supplied by cataloger., One of items (P.2011.46.233) contains punched hole., P.2011.46.231 completed in manuscript to Jos. Abrams on March 12, 1870 for "3 Gal turpentine" for $1.89. Inscribed on recto: Received Payment Jno. L. Singer & Co., P.2011.46.232 completed in manuscript to Jos. Abrams on August 29, 1871 for "5 lbs Putty" for $.27 1/2. Inscribed on recto: Received Payment Singer & Bistline., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1870]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - S [P.2011.46.231 & 232]
Billheads containing ornamented type, ornamental details, and an exterior view of the firm's five-story storefront. View also shows crates and barrels lining the side of the building and pedestrians walking on the sidewalk. The firm, established as Baily, Canby, and Gilpin in 1845, was renamed Canby, Gilpin & Co. in 1853. The original building at Light and Lombard Streets was razed by fire in 1886., Printed on recto: F.B. [ ]; Fol. [ ]; Terms [ ]; and Shipped by [ ]., P.2011.46.28 printed on blue paper. Completed in manuscript on January 30, 1884 to [A.& G Howell?], Salida, Va. for "2 Gall. Lard Oil Yourleau," "1/3 Gross Rumf of Powder/6 oz" and "Dray" for $7.12., P.2011.46.29 completed in manuscript to pharmacist J. L. Emlet, Hanover, Pa. on December 30, 1884 for several items, including mercury, belladonna, butter color, shaker extract, and Wiliam's bar soap for $40.42., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - C [P.2011.46.28 & 29]
Billheads containing a vignette showing the exterior of the Pittsburgh drugstore. Signage adorns the building, patrons enter the buildings, and crates rest on the sidewalk near a passing pedestrian. The firm was established in 1825 by John Hanlon., Printed above image of P.2011.46.189: All Claims for Damages or Deductions Must Be Made Within 5 Days After Receipt of Goods, Or They Will Not Be Entertained. Established 1825., P.2011.46.189 completed in manuscript to Mr. A. Stoner on September 12, 1882 for turpentine and [tar?] for $8.65., P.2011.46.190 completed in manuscript to Mess. A. Stoner & Sons, Williamsburg, Pa. on August 31, 1883 for linseed meal, glen. raw. [umber?], and w. alcohol for $16.15., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection -M [P.2011.46.189 & 190]
Billheads containing ornamented type for the New York firm succeeding C. L. Norton., P.2011.46.196 completed in manuscript to W. B. Glover on September 25, 1856 for several items, including Chinese Vermilion, Turkey Opium, Flour Emery, Refined Licorice, Surgeon's sponge, sulphur for $45.88, including shipping. Also contains manuscript note: 1 Bale Robes from Camp & Philips. 2 Kegs, 1 Barrel, 1 Box, 1 Bale per Bridgeport to Steamer., P.2011.46.197 completed in manuscript to Wm. B. Glover on March 6, 1857 for several items, including opium, borax, and thermometers for $48.05., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1850]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - M [P.2011.46.196 & 197]
Billheads containing ornate type and ornamental and pictorial details. Details include starbursts, a mortar and pestle, banners, flowers, and filigree. Prints also contain terms for net cash, liability, and claims for reduction, as well as the promotional text "Henderson's Carminative. Henderson's Cough Syrup. Henderson's Cottage Worm Candy. Henderson's Ess. Jamaica Ginger." The text illustrates a pictorial detail depicting a broadside., Title supplied by cataloger., Printers include Mackenzie Davis & Co. Lith. Pittsburgh., Printed in upper left of P.2011.46.160: Order Book, [57] Page [266]. [Pointed finger glyph] When reporting Errors, or Referring to Former Bills, Please Give Book and Page., P.2011.46.160 completed in manuscript to McKinney Bros., North Liberty on July 8, 1886 for several times, including Rye Whiskey, Pure Cream Tartar, H. sulphur for $19.20. Inscribed on recto: Paid July 22d 86., P.2011.46.161 completed in manuscript to M'Kinney & Co., North Liberty, Pa. on June 30, 1893 for "1 doz. Hoods Sarsap," "1 [doz] Ess Lemon 4g," "2 gal. alcohol can 50" for $13.83. Stamped on recto: A.C. Henderson Drug Co., McKinney & Bros., later McKinney & Co., were dealers in general merchandise., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1880-ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - F [P.2011.46.160 & 161]
Letterhead containing illustration composed of ornate type, cloud and starburst imagery, floral details, and the Hofert monogram, probably a trademark., Completed in manuscript to 'Dear Hortense" from Clayton M. Nagle, 936, 6 Ave, S.E. Cor. 53d St., N.Y. Correspondence refers to his pardoning her delay in responding to his letter due to illness, summer plans of their acquaintances, his clerking for experience in the drug business, and the expense of New York, including "$8 for week board and it is not as first class as it should be.", Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - H [P.2011.46.162a & 162b]
Billheads of the business originally established in 1824. Contain ornate lettering . One of the prints also contains an ornament detail, including filigree cornices. Surrounds text reading "Importer of French and German Drugs, Wholesale Dealer in White Lead, Glass Putty, Oils, Varnishes, French Zinc, Paints, Chemicals & Patent Medicines. Aniline. Fetters succeeded John Horn at the Brown Street address circa 1863 where he operated until his death in 1886., Title supplied by cataloger., Printers include Craig, Butt & Finley, PRS., Printed on rectos: All Claim for Deduction of Any Kind Must Be Made Within Five Days After Delivery, Or They Will Not Be Allowed In the Settlement., P.2011.46.146 completed in manuscript to W. L. Gas Co. on July 29, 1869 for "1 Reg. 25 Lewis P. Lead" for $3.75. Inscribed on recto: Services covered. E.G. Mullen. Inscribed on verso: Fetters $20., P.2011.46.147 completed in manuscript to W. L. Gas Co. on March 11, 1871 for "1/2 Gall. Linseed oil" for $.55. Inscribed on recto: Repairs covered. E.G. Mullen., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1860-ca. 1870]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - F [P.2011.46.146 & 147]
Billhead containing a cameo stamp depicting "French & Richards' New Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glass Warehouse, N.W. Cor. of 10th & Market St., Philada." Shows the exterior of the four-story building, including a tower. Crates and barrels line the side of the store. Also shows the adjacent hardware store. Established in 1844 by Clayton French, William Campbell, and William H. Richards, the firm was renamed French, Richards & Co. in 1855. The business operated from Market and Tenth streets 1844-1890. French, Richards & Co. merged with the Smith & Kline Company (later GlaxoSmithKline) in 1891., Completed in manuscript to Mr. [blank] on August 23, 1854 for "50 lbs White lead" @ 9 1/2: $4.75., List of products for which French & Richards are "Agents For"; "Manufacturers of"; Importers of"; and Wholesale Dealers in" printed on recto. Products include American Zinc Paints, Putty, Rough Plate Glass Tiles; and Paper Maker's Clay, Satin, White., Printed below image: All Deductions or claims for allowance of any kind must be made within three days after delivery, otherwise they will not be allowed in the settlement., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler.
[ca. 1850]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Receipts [P.2011.10.132]
Billheads for the drug firm established in 1862. Contains ornamented and type lettering. Alden operated from the Main Street address 1868-1903., P.2011.46.1 completed in manuscript to C. K. Brewster on November 29, 1884 for several items, including "3 Doz. Lemon," "4 [Doz.] Peppermint," and "20 # Epsom Salts" for $26.61 total., P.2011.46.2 completed in manuscript to E. B. Gates on May 9, 1893 for "1 Doz. Vanilla," 1/2 [Doz.] Wistar Balsam," and "1 [doz.] [Camphorlic?]" for $4.35., Contains manuscript notes on verso of Alden's signature and monetary balance due., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - A [P.2011.46.1 & 2]
Billheads containing ornamented and type lettering. One of prints also includes an ornamented type border surrounding text reading "Importer of Foreign Drugs and Chemicals, Manufacturer and Proprietor of Aspinwall's Celebrated Tonic Mixture, for the Cure of Fever and Ague, Florida Water, & c., & c., P.2011.46.3 completed in manuscript to Messrs W.B. Glover & Co. on May 22, 1862 for several items, including "2 Sugar Lead," "1 doz. cocaine," and "1 Box chrome yellow 6" for $41.34. Signed "Recd Payment" Jas. S. Aspinwall per H. Underhill., P.2011.46.4 completed in manuscript to Messrs W.B. Glover & Co. on December 26, 1863 for five different products for $15.54. Also contains manuscript note about the increased price of a product "they have given up making.", P.2011.46.5 completed in manuscript to Messrs Glover & Warner, Sandy Hook on December 30, 1868 for several items, including "5 lbs Pick Gum Arabic," "10 lbs Ref Borax," and "1/2 Doz. Cherry Pectoral" for $62.26., Contains manuscript notes on verso of Aspinwalls's signature, monetary balance due, and date., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[1862-ca. 1865]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - A [P.2011.46.3-5]
Includes a stereograph depicting "Killnarney-The Black Valley" and advertising Rutland, Vermont druggist and apothecary W. H. H. Fisher; an envelope printed "Bought of Coon & Robinson, Dealers in Drugs & Medicines... Nunda, N.Y."; and an illustrated songsheet "Composed by the Bearer, H. C. Harris, who has not Walked or had the use of his Hands or Arms, for 14 Years, July, 1872." Songsheet contains an ornate floral border and illustration captioned "My Picture" showing a full-length portrait of Harris, in a wheelchair and with a small box on his lap., P.2011.46.485 on yellow mount with rounded corners. Inscribed on verso: Oscar Marshall., Printers, publishers, and engravers include Miller & Best; Republican Banner Steam Print; and Stillman-Way., W. H. H. Fisher was succeeded by Fisher & McClallen in 1895., Coon & Robinson operated in the 1860s., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1865-ca. 1872]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Miscellaneous [P.2011.46.484-486]
Billhead for the drug firm established in 1848 by Dr. Charles Fronefield and Dr. Breinig. Contains vignette showing druggists' apparatus and supplies, including beakers, flasks, a scale, distiller, mortar and pestle, barrels, casks, and crates of oil of vitriol and glass., Completed in manuscript to Mr. J. F. Rambo on August 13, 1853 for two items, including salt petre for $1.26., Manuscript note on recto: Received Payt Breinig, Fronefield & Co., Manuscript note on verso: Aug 13, J. F. Rambo 1853 with Breinig, F. & Co., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads - 1879 (A-D) - B [P.2011.46.278]
Letterhead containing a montage of images including an Athena-like figure, pharmaceutical apparatus, and a woman partaking of a Tolke vaporizer treatment for a "beautiful complexion.", Completed in type on February 17, 1898 to "Dear Friend" from Minnie Mueller Tolke, M.C. soliciting for agents by making an "introductory offer" of her beauty treatment to "one person in each locality" to introduce the product into their local market., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Ephemera Collection - Billheads, etc. [P.2010.37.50]
Collection of billheads, dated between 1850 and 1879, containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, vignette illustrations, and pictorial details. Illustrations depict allegorical figures and scenes, exteriors of storefronts and factories (some adorned in signage), and pharmaceutical apparatus and goods, including mortar and pestles, distillers, and barrels, crates, and cans of medicinals. Some of the exterior views include patrons entering buildings, street and pedestrian traffic, as well as laborers at work. Pictorial details include trademarks depicting a white lily (White Lily Catarrh Cure) and a serpent wrapped around an adorned staph. Firms represented include A. B. & D. Lands (N.Y.); Adie & Gray (Richmond, Va.); Frank S. Allen (N.Y.); Almy, Milne & Co. (Fall River, Ma.); Barrick, Roller & Co. (Philadelphia); Beates & Miller (Philadelphia); Bentley & Miller (New Haven, Ct.); B.H. Douglass & Sons (New Haven, CT); Breinig, Fronefield & Co. (Philadelphia); Burdsal & Brother (Cincinnati); H. H. Burrington (Providence, R.I.); Jno. S. Carter (Erie, Pa.); C. & J. L. Van Deusen (Roundout, N.Y.); A. L. Cutler (Boston); C. V. Clickener & Co. (N.Y.); Davis & Tucker (Canton, Oh.); Rutger L. Drake (Troy, N.Y.); and I. C. Dubose & Co. (Mobile, Ala.). Also contains billheads of the Glasgow Dispensing Chemist Thomas Davison and Stony Stratford Retail Chemists and Druggists Cox & Robinson., Billed patrons include Wynard & Sayer, Warwick, N.Y.; Jar. Courier, Blue Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier; H.L. Plumb; A.H. Dailey; J.B.M. Linn & Co.; Jos. Abrams; Warner, Clark & Taylor; J. F. Rambo; L. & N. Cross; Geo. E. Doolittle & Co., Erie, Pa.; Late C.W. Bersford S. Lowndes; J. Burnhamer; D. F. Lamon & Co.; Lorin Schaefer, Sr., Canton ; M. L. Filley; Thos. McMillan; and Wm. Jas. Comper, Holmwood, Cathcart., Some items contain stamps or pasted labels., Printers include J. L. Brooks Bank Check Co. Lith. Boston; Middleton, Strobridge & Co.; Billing Bros. & Whitmore Birmm.; and W. Weatherston & Son., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads, -1879 (A-D) [P.2011.46.271-289]
Collection of billheads, dated between 1882 and 1902, containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, vignette illustrations, and pictorial details. Illustrations depict allegorical figures and scenes, including a griffin; exteriors of storefronts and factories (some adorned in signage); and pharmaceutical apparatus and goods, including mortar and pestles, scales, and trusses. Some of the exterior views include patrons entering buildings, street and pedestrian traffic, as well as laborers at work. Pictorial details include tropical imagery, banners, filigree and flourishes. Firms represented include Clarence S. Abrams, Ph. G. (Middleton, N.Y.); Henry Adams, Phar. D (Amherst, Ma.); Allan Pfeiffer Chemical Co. (St. Louis, Mo.); American Silver Truss (Buffalo, N.Y.); Apothecaries Hall Co. (Waterbury, Conn.); A. M. Foster & Co. (Chicago); Arthur Peter & Co. (Louisville, Ky.); M. F. Benjamin (Riverhead, L.I.); Benton, Myers & Co. (Cleveland); Andrew Blair (Philadelphia); Boykin, Carmer & Co. (Baltimore); Blumauer-Frank Drug Co. (Portland, Ore.); J. H. Boher (Harrisburg, Pa.); Stephen Bowen (Blossburg, Pa.); W[illiam] E. Brown (Providence, R.I.); W. E. Brown (Calverton, Md.; Bush & Co. (Worcester, Ma.); Bruen Bros. & Ritchey (N.Y.); Carr Brothers & Co. (Baltimore); Carter, Carter & Meigs (Boston); Joe/J.E. Chamberlain (Malvern, Ark.); Charles Hubbard Son & Co. (Syracuse, N.Y.); Charles Leich & Co. (Evansville, Ind.); Chas. W. Snow & Co. (Syracuse, N.Y.); C. W. Coulter & Co. (Slippery Rock, Pa.); Demoville & Co. (Nashville, Tenn.); and Davis & Lawrence Co. (Schnectady, N.Y.), Billed patrons include C. A. Stanton, Wurtsboro, N.Y.; G. C. Lee; Joseph Schnell, Binghamton, N.Y.; O.H. Case, Jefferson, Ohio; Duscher & Kiel; J. E. Chamberlain's Drug Store, Malvern, Ark.; Carreger Roberts & Co., Morristown, Tenn.; Goldsmith & [Fairhill?]; A. E. Phillips; Mrs. W. Hinckle Smith; The Clifton Mfg. Co., Clifton, S.C.; Benjamin Foster; Mrs. J. Boyle; W. H. Place; Resinol Chemical Co.; C. W. Phillips; Gilbert Bigelow; A. & G. Hewitt; J.W. Garrien & Co; L. D. Cooper; Rhoden & Miller; A. B. Brooks; Schultz Thurman; A. McKinney; McClellan Bros., Red Boiling Springs; and H. A. Kerste, Schnectady, N.Y., Some items contain manuscript notes and/or stamps acknowledging shipment or receipt of payments., P.2011.46.315 title annotated from Bought of C. W. Coulter & Co. to C. W. Coulter, "& Co." is crossed out., Printers include Shober & Carqueville Litho. Co.; Equitable Litho. Eng. Co. Balto. MD; J. L. Brooks Bank Check Co. Springfield, Mass.; Moser, Lyon & Co., Syracuse, N.Y.; Heincke-Fiegel Litho. Co. St. L.; Thomas & Miller Printers, New Castle; Foster & Webb Print, Nashville; G. H. Dunston Lith. Buffalo, N.Y.; and Gilmour & Kearns Lith. Montreal., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads, 1880- (A-D)[P.2011.46.290-317]
Collection of billheads, dated between 1845 and 1879, containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, vignette illustrations, and pictorial details. Illustrations depict exteriors of storefronts (some adorned in signage) and an allegorical scene showing Hermes seated among crates, barrels, and bundles, near a brick oven in front of a docked ship at which a horse-drawn dray stands. Some of the exterior views include patrons entering buildings, street and pedestrian traffic, as well as laborers at work. Pictorial details depict frames and filigree. Firms represented include Dr. S. Dickinson & Son (Erie, Pa.); Sisson, Butler & Co. (Hartford, Conn.); Smith & Atkinson (Baltimore); Theo. Ricksecker (N.Y.); Stretch, Bennet & Co. (Philadelphia); Underhill & Kittredge (Concord, N.H.); W. J. Whitehouse (Fort Edward, N.Y.). Billed patrons include Reed House Drug Store; C. S. Clark; Danl. Fahoney, Boonboro, Md.; Athey & Hill, Holly Spring, Miss.; Ebun Somers; Horace Chaser; and R. Williamson, Putnam., Many of the items contains manuscript notes about receipt of payment., P.2011.46.406 contains extensive manuscript note: Dr. D. Fahoney, We have above [?] of your acct. We gave Mr. Shaw a duplicate receipt for the money paid us & sent the box of rhubarb to his store to be sent by some of the waggons [sic] from your neighborhood, as they come to him with flour. Please accept our thanks for your attention in making us the remittance - We will be sending some orders to Germany & other parts of Europe about the 10th of May & of these are any articles that you have found it difficult to get good heretofore, if you will let us know before that time me can probably get them. Yours Very Truly, Smith & Atkinson., Printers and engravers include E. Brown; Ashby & Vincent, Printers, Erie, Pa.; E. Weber, Baltimore; and Frank H. Harris, Printer., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads, -1879 (S-Z) [P.2011.46.403-409]
Collection of letterheads and stationery from the late 19th century containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, vignette illustrations, and pictorial details. Illustrations depict trademarks, including Mishhler's Herb Bitters anchor of "Hope"; exteriors of factories and storefronts (some including signage); druggists rubber goods, including a bulb syringe and atomizer; and the waiting room and exam room of a dental office. Some of the exterior views include patrons entering buildings, street and pedestrian traffic, as well as laborers at work. View of New York Sumac Extract Company factory complex (20 Cedar Street) also shows a ship docked at the factory pier. Pictorial details include a phoenix, quarter moon, banners, mortar & pestle, frames, filigree and flourishes. Firms represented include Naph B. Greensfelder & Co. (San Francisco, Ca.); New York Sumac Extract Company (Long Island City, N.Y.); Rev. Jasper Marx Medicines (Jersey City, N.J.); Richardson Drug Company, Omaha (Salt Lake City, Ut.); S. B. Hartman & Co, Office of Eastern Laboratory and Wholesale Depot (Lancaster, Pa.); R.H. Mcdonald & Co. (San Francisco, Ca.); Smith, Kline & French Co. (Philadelphia, Pa.); Smith & Prime (Ausable Forks, N.Y.); Spink & Co. (Minneapolis, Minn.); H.N. Stratton (Brooklyn, N.Y.); Judson B. Todd (Ithaca, N.Y.); Tyer Rubber Company (Andover, Ma.); Westlake & McIntyre (Grand Rapids, Mi.); Whitall, Tatum & Co. (Philadelphia); Wm. H. Armstrong & Co. (Indianapolis, Ind.); and G. F. Witter (Grand Rapids, Wis.). Correspondence relates to product orders and fees, solicitations for business, and payments. credits, and payment disputes., Correspondents include Parchen-D'Acheul Drug Co.; Brooks R. Webber; R. B. Hutchings; H.M. Parchen & Co.; Samuel Newton; S. B. Hartman & Co.; H. R. Sands & Co.; R. H. McDonald & Co.; Polk Miller Drug Co.; F.M. Hopkins Sons; Henry A. Kerste; C.W. Prindell; Leonard Kellar; and Henry Bartry., Printers and engravers include Seifert & Lawton, Milwaukee; Baker-Randolph Litho. & Eng. Co. Chicago; and [George W.?] Mills., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1860-ca. 1896]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Letterheads & Stationery (N-Z) [P.2011.46.464-479]
Collection of letterheads and stationery from the late 19th century containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, vignette illustrations, and pictorial details. Illustrations depict trademarks, including the Alpine Products Co. eagle; the bloodhound "Grip"; and interiors and exteriors of storefronts, laboratories, and medical dispensaries (some adorned in signage), including H.E. Bucklen & Co.'s Bottling Dept., Composing Room, Engine & Press Room, Shipping Room, Main Office, and Mailing Dept. Some of the exterior views include patrons entering buildings, street and pedestrian traffic, as well as laborers at work. Pictorial details include a ladies truss, a profile portrait of a woman captioned "The crowning glory of Woman is Her Hair," mortar & pestle, floral imagery, frames, filigree and flourishes., Firms represented include A.C. Meyer & Co. (Baltimore); Alpine Products Co. (N.Y.); The Altenheim Medical Dispensary (Cincinnati); T.P. Bailey, M.D. (Georgetown, S.C.); Bellows Falls Drug Store (Bellows Falls, Vt.); Benton, Myers & Company (Cleveland); S. Biggs (Rockingham, N.C.); D. Wood Brant (Newark, N.J.); Canadian Kennel Club (Toronto); Horace Bush (Lowville, N.Y.); Carriger & Speck (Morristown, Tenn.); C.E. Grafton Drug Company (Brookhaven, Miss.); Chicago Medical Society (Chicago); Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute, i.e., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (Brooklyn, N.Y.); Wm. Connolly, M.D. (Cresco, Ia.); Edward H. Currier (Manchester, N.H.); E.S. Leadbeater & Sons (Alexandria, Va.); Dr. E. Greenmayer (East Palestine, Oh.); Dr. Robert Hamilton's Medical Institute (Saratoga Springs, N.Y.); Bunting Hankins (Bordentown, N.J.); H.E. Bucklen & Co. (Chicago, Ill.); Heintzelman's Pharmacy (Philadelphia); D. E. Hoagland (Cobleskill, N.Y.); J. Henderson & Bros. (Pittsburgh); John Carle & Sons (N.Y.); John F. Henry & Co. (Waterbury, Vt.); Johnston, Holloway & Cowden (Philadelphia); Joseph Hahn & Co. (Sacramento, Ca.); J. S. Merrell Drug Co. (St. Louis, Mo.); Aug. Korndoerfer, M.D. (Philadelphia); Lyman, Sons & Co. (Montreal); Max Wocher & Son (Cincinnati); and Muth Brothers & Co. (Baltimore)., Correspondence relates to shipping arrangements and fees, product orders, payments, letters of certification and retention of employees, diagnoses and treatments, as well as a purchase of a storefront and feedback on a supply of samples. Collection also includes a personal letter completed July 8, 1884 by J.F. Madden describing his medical treatment and his day in Sacramento, Ca. Correspondents include Parchen D'Archeu Drug Company; The Polk Miller Drug Co.; G.W. Aimar & Co.; A. C. Mitchell; Jacob Estey; S. Biggs; Wm. R. Scudder; Geo. B. Sweetnam; Lyman, Sons & Co.; Chapman, White, Lyons & Co.; W. W. Newsam; E. C. Seymour; John C. Legel; Burt H. Brooks; B. Hankins; H. C. Parter & Son; McKinney Bros.; J. D. Aug. Hartz; C. A. Williams; Henry B. Semple; J. F. Madden; C. P. Walbridge; and C. K. Gardner., Printers include A. Hoen & Co., Balto.; G. H. Dunston, Lith., Buffalo; A. Gast & Co., St. Louis & N.Y.; and Buston & Skinner, Lith. St. Louis., One print [P.2011.46.456 ] contains two-cent stamp., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1860-ca. 1900]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Letterheads & Stationery (A-M) [P.2011.46.429-463]
On verso: Geo. C. Hubbel & co., proprietors of the Celebrated Golden Bitters., At head of title, each side: See index to advertisers page 51., At foot, each side: See over., "These Bitters, although only recently brought into the market, have acquired a marked degree of public favor, which must soon create for them a very general demand all over the country."--advertising article in the New York Times, April 25, 1864., Illustration of an eagle on an American shield signed: Pease sc., Printed on yellow paper., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
Geo. C. Hubbel & Co.
[ca. 1865?]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1865 Geo C 111846.O (Helfand)
Collection of billheads, dated between 1883 and 1905, containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, vignette illustrations, and pictorial details. Illustrations depict exteriors of storefronts and factories (some adorned in signage); pharmaceutical apparatus and tools; a sick-bed scene showing a doctor with a thermometer at the side of his female patient; an eagle perched on a cliff; the interior of a drug store; and a horse and groom. Some of the exterior views include patrons entering buildings, street and pedestrian traffic, as well as laborers at work. Pictorial details include a thermometer, floral imagery, frames, filigree and flourishes. Firms represented include Sagar Drug Co. (Duluth, Minn.); Sandhop, Fritsch & Co. (N.Y.); J. J. Seinsoth (Hartford, Conn.); S. H. Wetmore Company (N.Y.); J. E. Silliman (Erie, Pa.); Smith, Benedict & Company (Boston); Southern Drug Co. (Morristown, Tenn.); Stone, the Druggist (Fitchburg, Ma.); Strong, Cobb and Co. (Cleveland); Tarrant & Company (N.Y.); Thomsen & Muth (Baltimore); Dr. G. Ulrich (Erie, Pa.); Van Natta-Lynds Drug Co. (St. Joseph, Mo.); Van Vleet-Mansfield Drug Co. (Memphis, Tenn.); Vogeler, Winkelmann & Co. (Baltimore); William A. Whittem (Philadelphia); Winkelman & Brown Drug Co. (Baltimore); and Alfred Wright (Rochester, N.Y.). Billed patrons include T. Belhummeur, Lake Linden, Mich.; New York Department of Public Charities; Hartford Street Railway Company; H. A. Kerste, Schnectady, N.Y.; A. A. Beckman; Geo. H. Gilbert Mfg. Co.; A. S. Emmons; Carriger & Roberts; Fitchberg [?] Electric Light Co.; A. E. Phillips, Sinclairville, N.Y.; Dr. H.C. Porter & Son (Towanda, Pa.); W. P. Carriger, Morristown, Tenn.; J. F. Walther; D. W. Marris, Emporia; J. E. Chandler, Malvern; A. W. Holsey; Resinol Chemical Company; and H. F. Belanger, Houma, La. Collection also contains billhead of British chemist and druggist R. C. Walshaw (Huddersfield)., Some items contain manuscript notes and/or stamps acknowledging receipt of payments, terms of sale, and changes of address., Printers include Christie & Collier, Litho. Duluth; Strobridge & Co., Lith Cincinnati; A. Hoen & Co. Baltimore; S. C. Toof & Co., Memphis; and Craig, Finley & Co. Lith. Phila., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads, 1880- (S-Z) [P.2011.46.410-428]
Collection title devised by cataloger., Thomas Hollis was at this address beginning in 1853. After his death in 1875, the business was carried on by his sons, Thomas and Francis, at the same address., Contents: [1] Hollis' Celebrated Eye Water, for sore, weak, and inflamed eyes -- [2] Jaundice Bitters, prepared by Thomas Hollis -- [3] Hollis's Vegetable Pectoral Syrup, for the cure of coughs, colds, hooping cough, influenza, and all coughs incident to children -- [4] Hollis' Compound Boneset and Wild Cherry Cough Candy -- [5] Hollis's original and genuine Liquid Opodelodoc or Rheumatic Liniment -- [6] Try it! Try it! Try it! Hollis' Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla, with iodide of potass -- [7] Insect Powder. For the destruction of insects, ants, roaches, water bugs, garden worms, &c. -- [8] Jonathan P. Hall & Co. Genuine Spice Bitters, prepared by Thomas Hollis -- [9] Hollis Herbal Compound -- [10] Dr. Whitney's Elixir of Life., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Hollis, Thomas, 1802-1875
[not before 1853]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Coll. Helfand Popular Medicine 111807.O (Helfand)
Illustrated trade card depicting a spray of flowers surrounded by a decorative border., Title supplied by cataloger., Advertising text printed on verso promotes Thermaline as a remedy for chills and fever, fever and ague, all malarial diseases, liver complaint, dyspepsia, general debility, rheumatism, neuralgia, sick headache, colds, slight catarrh and other pulmonary diseases., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Thermaline [1975.F.875]
Collection of billheads, dated between 1852 and 1878, containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, vignette illustrations, and pictorial details. Illustrations depict exteriors of storefronts (some adorned in signage) and an allegorical scene showing crates and barrels on the coast in front of a ship sailing in the distance representing imported "English, French & India drugs." Some of the exterior views include patrons entering buildings, street and pedestrian traffic, as well as laborers at work. Pictorial details depict frames, including a medal engraving, and flourishes, and filigree. Firms represented include N. S. Harlow (Bangor, Me.); O.B. Curran & Son (Ithaca, N.Y.); Peckham & Glading (Providence, R.I.); Penfold, Clay & Co. (N.Y.); R. A. Robinson & Co.; Robinson & Church (Troy, N.Y.); Robinson & Hassard (Providence, R.I.); Russell & Landis (Philadelphia); and Charles H. Rutherford (N.Y.). Billed patrons include Mills & Kimball; Gauntlett & Brooks; J.S. Frayne; C.P. Severich; Athey & Hill, Holly Springs, Miss.; M.B. Callaghan; Mr. Warren; F. P. Magraw; and Glover, Warner & Clark., Printers and engraver include Reilly, Lou. NY and Longacre & Co. Lith, Phila., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads, -1879 (N-R) [P.2011.46.382-390]
Collection of letterheads and a billhead from the late 19th century containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, pictorial details, and a vignette illustration. Details depict art nouveau, bird, and floral imagery, heraldry, banners, and filigree and flourishes. Illustration depicts a mortar and pestle. Firms represented include Davis, the Pure Drug Druggist, established 1894 (Concord, N. H.); B.E. Voelcker & Co. (Dayton, Ia.); J.T. Brown & Co., established 1831 (Boston, Ma.); and Charles E. Lloyd (Albany, N.Y.). Voelcker print, a specimen, also contains the text "No. 2137-Statement-1000 $2.75. 500 $1.75. When the cash accompanies the order I will pay the transportation charges of the goods to their destination. J. F. Lawrence, Label Printer, 83 & 85 Fifth Avenue, Chicago.", Printers and engravers include Wm. H. Brett & Co. and J. F. Lawrence., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1870-ca. 1894]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Illustrated Blank Letterheads [P.2011.46.480-483]
Billhead of the Philadelphia druggist containing an exterior view of the four-story storefront, heavily adorned in signage, at the southeast corner of Market and Fifteenth Streets. Pedestrians walk on the sidewalk and a horse-drawn omnibus passes in the street. Print also contains two frame-shaped pictorial details. One surrounds a list of products, including white lead, window glass, sal soda, calcined plaster, and "pure wines & liquors for medicinal purposes" and the other, the text "E. C. Jones, Vermin Exterminator Has No Equal." Edward C. Jones & Co. was originally established as a firm by Amos Yarnell for whom Jones served as an apprentice 1860-1864. Jones became Yarnell's partner in the later 1860s and succeeded to the head of the firm in 1877. Jones retired by the early 1890s and W.H. Earl & Co. assumed the operations of the business until 1895 when taken over by A. Eugene De Reeves., Completed in manuscript to Joseph P. Remington on October 24, 1887 for varnish for $1.65., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads 1880- (E-M) -E [P.2011.46.343]
Billhead of the Philadelphia druggist containing ornate lettering and an exterior view of the firm's storefront on Fifth Street. View also shows street and pedestrian traffic, including a horse-drawn omnibus and a man pushing a hand cart. Print also contains a pictorial detailed composed of a ribbon overlaid filigree and reading "All Claims to Be Reported Within Ten Days After Receipt of Goods." Terms of payment and shipping are also included. Russell & Landis relocated from the 400 block of Market and Fifth Street circa 1870., Completed in manuscript to F. P. Magraw on October 27, 1870 for $12.60., Stamped on recto: Paid Jul 19, 1904, E.K. Thompson & Son., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1870]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads -1879 (N-R) - R [P.2011.46.389]
Billhead of the Philadelphia firm containing ornate lettering and an exterior view of the business's six-story store front at 609 Market Street. View also shows crates in the second floor windows, a passing horse-drawn omnibus, and laborers loading crates onto drays. Joseph S. Bennett entered into the established business of Peter T. Wright & Co. in 1858, which was reestablished as Stretch, Bennett & Co. circa 1865. The firm was later succeeded by Joseph S. Bennett & Co., Completed in manuscript to Ebun Somers on January 21, 1867 for two items for $14.80., Manuscript note in pencil on recto: Pd by Cash. E. Pope., Manuscript note in ink on recto: Rec'd Payment Stretch Bennett & Co. pr Grigg., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1865]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads -1879 (N-R) - R [P.2011.46.407]
Letterhead containing a vignette of the Philadelphia pharmacist's trademark. Trademark depicts a cherub atop a mortar and pestle. A snake is entwined around his arm and he wears a sash reading "Heintzelman's Pharmacy." Figure framed by an archway of a fence on which vinery climbs around the edges., Completed in manuscript in German on March 15, 1894 to [illegible] from Heintzelman., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Letterheads & Stationery (A-M) - H [P.2011.46.451]
Billhead of the Philadelphia druggist containing an exterior view of the storefront at the northeast corner of Callowhill and Second streets. Shows a patron entering the three-and-a-half story building adorned with a sign and an awning, while a horse-drawn dray is loaded in front. Also shows adjacent buildings. Klett established his business in 1818 and continued in operation until his retirement in 1855., Completed in manuscript to C. Schrack on March 28, 1851 for "1 DR Kletts [Worm tea?] for $.75., Contains punched hole., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1850]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads -1879 (E-M) - F [P.2011.46.323]
Billhead of the Philadelphia druggist containing an exterior view of the five-story storefront, adorned in signage, at the southwest corner of Fourth and Callowhill Streets. Also shows street and pedestrian traffic, including horse-drawn drays and a cart stopped near the building. Also contains a frame-shaped pictorial detail surrounding a list of products, including pure white leads, American pure zincs, artists' tube colors, and kerosene and coal oils., Completed in manuscript to Frederick Ehrhardt on August 12, 1863 for several items, including Fahnestock's Vermifuge, small family dyes, schnapps, and glue for $18.19., Manuscript note on recto: Rec. Payt. H.O.D. Banks & Co., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1860]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads -1879 (E-M) -H [P.2011.46.333]
Illustrated trade card and holiday greeting card depicting three girls sitting and lying in bed admiring a decorated Christmas tree., Advertising text printed on verso promotes Pleis' fit powders for the cure of fits (epilepsy), spasms, convulsions, St. Vitus' dance, neuralgia nervousness, and all nervous affections. Prepared by John M. Pleis, Jr., 860 North Third St., Philada., Pa., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Pleis [1975.F.708]
Collection title devised by cataloger., Contents: [1] Pine-Apple Lung Balsam, [1893] -- [2] Egyptian Regulator Tea regulates the bowels and system, [1890] -- [3] $500 reward for as good a family medicine as Egyptian Regulator Tea ... Nils Erickson, Abercrombie, N. Dak. -- [4] 3 best things on earth! How to cure disease. How to keep well. How to make money, [1897] -- [5] Form letter, dated Nov. 5, 1897., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Egyptian Drug Co.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Coll. Helfand Popular Medicine 17178.Q (Helfand)
Trade card showing a girl posting a "bill" advertising "Eskay's Albumenized Food for Infants and Invalids" on a wood fence. A satchel lies beside her on the ground. Eskay's food was a modified milk product., Publication date based on copyright statement "copyrighted 1896, S, K, & F. Co. Philadelphia.", Name of artist from several lines of advertising text printed on verso, including two testimonials and premium offer reading, "For three 50-cent wrappers, or their equivalent in value of other sizes, we will send free of all expense a copy of the handsome picture on the other side, in nine colors, size 16 x 25 inches, without any advertising upon it whatever. The original painting is one of the latest works of the celebrated artists, Ida Waugh, and is a handsome work of art. Full directions for mounting accompany each picture., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Misc. Popular Medicine Collection [P.2010.36.17]
Complementary testimonial trade cards, probably originally attached as one item, containing portraits of babies who consumed Eskay's Food manufactured by Smith, Kline & French. First card shows a rosy-cheeked, plump baby, attired in a white gown, and seated on a chair. Advertising text below the image reads "'We put baby on a prominent artificial food which constipated him and reduced his weight that we had to abandon it. At two months old he was a mere skeleton. We commenced the use of Eskay's food and you can see that he is the picture of health.' Mrs. G. J. Gesemyer, Phila., Pa." Second card shows "Jasper Ewing Brady 3d - a typical Eskay's Food baby - son of Capt. J. E. Brady, U.S.A.," rosy-cheeked and attired in a white gown with pink ribbon adornments at his collar. Testimonial text below image reads " 'During November, 1898, he was in Santiago de Cuba and Eskay's food was the means of preserving his life. We have used it continuously since." Third card shows a rosy-cheeked, plump baby, attired only in a diaper, and propped up. Promotional text below image reads " 'You can see by this picture how well Eskay's food has agreed with our boy. He has taken this Food since his birth and we have never had any trouble of any kind. He has always been perfectly healthy.' Mrs. H. S. Davison, Phila., Pa.", Printed on versos: several lines of advertising text promoting the deliciousness and nutritiousness of Eskay's, its cost, as well as testimonials from adult consumers of Eskay's., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1898]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Misc. Popular Medicine Collection - Smith, Kline & French [P.2010.36.20-22]
Billhead containing a vignette exterior view of the manufactory of the business established in 1855 by Frederick Stearns. View shows the multi-story, block long factory building in front of which street and pedestrian traffic, including horse-drawn wagons travel. Also contains pictorial details, including a ribbon, flowers, and the company trademark designed as a coat of arms., Completed in type on September 12, 1895 to H. A. Kerste, Schenectady, N.Y. for 6 items, including "Edel. Cream," "Talc. Powd.," and "Tansy Pills" for $15.05., Typewritten on recto: 1 case. 9 LBS. For Wm. Sauter shipped in you care. Please notify by postal which we enclose in your case., Inscribed on recto: 15.05 Less 3% .45/14.60. Less freight .56/14.04., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Ephemera Collection - Billheads, etc. [P.2010.37.19]
Collection title devised by cataloger., Contents: [1] Will the family of the house please read!, [1869] -- [2] Invoice, dated July 27, 1872, to C.N. Williams, Elizabethtown, N.Y. -- [3] MS. letter on letterhead, dated June 27, 1876, to Mrs. Phebe M. Whitman, Eaton St., Providence, R.I., signed by Z.C. Renne, 3 leaves -- [4] MS. letter on letterhead, dated Jan. 3, 1873, to C.N. Williams, Elizabethtown, N.Y., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Wm. Renne & Sons
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Coll. Helfand Popular Medicine 111879.O (Helfand)
Collection title devised by cataloger., Contents: [1] Death on worms!!! Dr. A. Snyder's Concentrated Oleaginous Extract of Red Cedar, New York : Wm. C. Bryant & Co., [between 1848 and 1852?], 1 sheet ([1] p.) -- [2] Death on worms! Dr. A. Snyder's Concentrated Oleaginous Extract of Red Cedar, 1 sheet ([1] p.) -- [3] Dr. A. Snyder's Electro-Magnetic Tooth Drop, 1 sheet ([1] p.)., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Snyder, A.
[between 1848 and 1852?]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Coll. Helfand Popular Medicine 111821.O (Helfand)
Collection title devised by cataloger., Contents: [1] Neuralgia! If you are trouble with this distressing complaint, and wish for relief, try a box of Gilmore's Neuralgia Cure, [1875], 1 sheet ([2] p.) -- [2] Worth its weight in gold! Gilmore's Aromatic Wine, a new remedy for ladies, [1875], [4] p., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
W. Gilmore & Son
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Coll. Helfand Popular Medicine 111798.O (Helfand)