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Robert Barker & Co. Manufacturers and wholesale druggists. Selling agents for Barker's H&C Powder & N&B Liniment. 135 Arch Street.

Bought of William A. Whittem, apothecary, dealer in segars, stationery &c. Opposite rail road depot.

To A. M. Knowlson, dr. Pharmaceutist, natural flowers of every description, for parties, weddings, funerals, &c., furnished at short notice. No. 350 Broadway, Troy, N.Y.

Bought of E. & S. Frey, druggists, no. 314 Baltimore Street.

Bought of A. W. Wright & Co., importers and dealers in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, refined coal and lubricating oils, druggists' sundries, &c. Paint department, 124 Market Street. N.E. cor. Market and Front Streets.

Bought of Breinig, Fronefield & Co. Druggists & chemists, no. 187 North 3rd Street. Wholesale dealers and importers of drugs, medicines, paints, dye stuffs, glass, perfumery &c.&c.

[Illustrated checks and lettersheet of Lanman & Kemp, wholesale druggists, 69, 71 and 73 Water St., New York]

Andrew Blair, apothecary, Chestnut & 18th Sts., Philadelphia.

Grand-stand baseball

[Frederick Brown's Ginger trade cards]

Bought of C. L. Wright, apothecary and druggist, 21 Bollingbrook Street.

[Collection of business stationery of Robert Shoemaker & Co., wholesale druggists, N.E. cor. Fourth and Race Streets, Philadelphia]

[Billheads of John L. Singer & Co., later Singer & Bistline, dealer in drugs, paints, oils, and notions, Newport, Perry County, Pa.]

Bought of Canby, Gilpin & Co. Import and export druggists & druggists sundrymen. North west corner Light & Lombard Streets.

Bought of Mackeown, Thompson & Co., wholesale druggists, 195 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh

Bought of Marsh, Northrop & Co., wholesale dealers in drugs, medicines, chemicals, perfumery, stationery, spices, dry-woods, dye-stuffs, paints, oils &c. Burning fluid, alcohol, camphene & spirits turpentine, at manufacturer's prices.

[Billheads of A. C. Henderson, wholesale druggist, No. 50 Seventh Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.]

W. Hofert, chemist & druggist, successor to Neergaard's Pharmacy. Manufacturer of Pharmaceutical Preparations, 936 Sixth Avenue, S.E. cor. 53rd St. N.Y.

[Billheads of Benjamin W. Fetters, wholesale druggist, N.E. cor. Third & Brown Streets, Philadelphia]

Bought of French & Richards, wholesale druggists, north-west corner of Market and Tenth Sts., wholesale agents for Silver's plastic fire and water proof paints.

Bought of Chas. P. Alden, druggist and apothecary, and dealer in manufacturers' supplies, drugs, paints, oils, acids, artists' materials, toilet, and fancy articles. No. 270 Main Street.

Bought of James S. Aspinwall, druggist, 86 William Street.

[Miscellaneous popular medicine ephemera]

Bought of Breinig, Fronefield & Co. Druggists & chemists, no. 187 North 3rd Street. Wholesale dealers and importers of drugs, medicines, paints, dye stuffs, glass, perfumery &c.&c.

Laboratory of Minnie Mueller Tolke, manufacturing chemist. Chemical, dermatological and pharmaceutical preparations. Cincinatti, O.

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States and United Kingdom, 1850-1879]

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States, 1882-1902]

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States, 1845-1879]

[Collection of letterheads, stationery, and form letters of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States and Canada]

[Collection of letterheads, stationery, and form letters of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States and Canada]

Hubbel & Co.'s Celebrated Golden Bitters. The best tonic in the world. : By tonics are understood those substances the operation of which is to give vigor and strength to the system. ... This tonic is no humbug, but is in fact the best in the world. ... /

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States and United Kingdom, 1883-1905]

[Advertisements for proprietary medicines prepared and sold by Thomas Hollis, druggist and apothecary, 23 Union Street, Boston, Mass.]

[Thermaline, manufactured by Dundas Dick & Co., New York]

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States, 1852-1878]

[Collection of illustrated blank letterheads and a billhead of pharmaceutical firms in the United States]

Bought of Edward C. Jones & Co. Successors to Amos H. Yarnall & Co. Wholesale druggists, manufacturers and dealers in drugs, chemicals, pharmaceutical preparations, perfumery, spices, patent medicines, druggists' sundries, & c. Also, paints, oils, glass,

Bought of Russell & Landis, importers & wholesale druggists, & dealers in paints, oils, glass, varnishes, & c., also manufacturers of pure lily white lead, hunters iron paint, & ivory white lead. no. 5 North Fifth Street (3 doors above Market.)

Bought of Stretch, Bennett & Co. (Successors to Peter T. Wright & Co.) Importers of and dealers in drugs and medicines. Also brandies & wines for medical purposes. No. 609 Market St.

Heintzelman's Pharmacy, N.W. cor. Ridge Ave. & Master St., Philadelphia.

Bot. of Frederick Klett & Co., wholesale dealers & importers of drugs, medicines, dye-stuffs, paints, black lead and sand crucibles, window glass &c.

Bought of H.O.D. Banks & Co., wholesale dealers in drugs, chemicals, paints, glass, coal oil, & c. Store, s. w. cor. fourth & Callowhill Sts.

Pleis' fit powders & liver pills, Phila. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

[Advertisements for proprietary medicines manufactured and marketed by the Egyptian Drug Co., of New York, N.Y.]

The little bill poster.

Eskay's food nourishes

Francis Stearns & Co. Manufacturing pharmacists, Detroit, Mich., U.S.A.

[Materials relating to Renne's Pain Killing Magic Oil, manufactured and marketed by Wm. Renne & Sons, of Pittsfield, Mass.]

[Advertisements for proprietary medicines marketed by Dr. A. Snyder, of Newville, Herkimer County, N.Y.]

[Advertisements for proprietary medicines marketed by W. Gilmore & Son, of Pavilion, N.Y.]
