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[Waiting in line for the outhouse] [graphic].

[Humorous group portait of unidentified sitters] [graphic].

Copy of picture in the observatory [graphic].

[Group portrait of unidentified individuals smiling and pointing at camera] [graphic].

Copy of [David] Hinkle's picture of our [Deshler-Morris] house 4782 Main Street [To have been sent with Perot reunion invitations] [graphic].

[Copy of Hinkle's picture of Deshler-Morris house 4782 Main St. To send with Perot Reunion invitations] [graphic].

The girls are left behind us or "deserted at Mt. Desert." A[nna] P. S[harpless], A[nna] H. G[oodwin], C.C., S.C. [possibly Sallie Carter] & E[lizabeth] C[anby Morris], [Mount Desert Island, ME] [graphic].

Knock em down group on Uncle Chas' [Rhoads] porch, Haddonfield, [NJ] [graphic].