View showing the steamship docked at a wharf. A wheelbarrow and barrels rest on the pier in the foreground., Title supplied by cataloger., Distributor's imprint printed on mount., Yellow mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Griffith & Griffith - Transportation [P.8709.11]
Aerial views of a fleet of ships sailing down the Delaware River. Good portions of the riverfronts of Camden and Philadelphia are visible; Center City and the Benjamin Franklin Bridge can be seen in the distance. View looks northwest from the New Jersey side of the river south of Camden., Negative numbers: 6769, 6770.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.6769; P.8990.6770]
View of a schooner, or sailboat, docked at Chestnut Street Wharf on the Delaware River. Three men stand on the ship as one man crouches higher up on the main boom. Barrels line the dock in the foreground and firewood is stacked on the pier in the distance., Title from photographer's printed label on verso., Manuscript note on verso: Sallie M. Haas., Yellow mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Bartlett, George O., photographer
[ca. 1868]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Bartlett - Transportation [P.9107.10]
Glass negative showing a crowd of people gathered at the edge of a stone wharf at Bermuda. Stairs lead down to the water and a pavilion covers the dock. Horse-drawn carriages wait in the background., The emulsion is fragile and has begun to flake off., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
April 1, 1886
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.934]
Film negative showing a dockyard with empty wharves on the left and boats on the right. A small building stands on a dock extending over the water on the right., Originally located in negative album [P.2013.13a], Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
May 24, 1912
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.2013.13.476]
Film negative showing a dockyard filled with debris at Pier 80 off Snyder Avenue. A small wooden building stands on the right and a man walks across the yard on the left., From same spot., Originally located in negative album [P.2013.13a], Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
May 24, 1912
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.2013.13.479]
Depicts three bare-masted, wooden schooners: the Francis J. McDonald, the Marie F. Cummins, and the Albert D. Cummins, known as the Dead Fleet, docked at Pier 76, between Mifflin and Snyder Streets in South Philadelphia., Gift of Emily Riese., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited.
Davis, Eugene H., photographer
ca. 1945
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department photo - Davis [P.9332.10]
Aerial views of Dock Street in the Society Hill neighborhood of Philadelphia. Views face north from the vicinity of Pine and Front Streets. The Delaware River, Benjamin Franklin Bridge, piers and industrial buildings lining Front Street are visible to the east and the view west extends to 2nd Street. The United States Custom House can also be seen., Negative numbers: 21908s, 21909s, 21913s, 21915s, 21917s., Manuscript note on negative sleeves: Dock St. area, Phila., Pa., (for John P. Donovan Co.), 6-25-41.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.21908s; P.8990.21909s; P.8990.21913s; P.8990.21915s; P.8990.21917s]
Aerial views of piers and recreational areas along the Essington waterfront on the Delaware River. Boats are docked at the piers and on the water., Negative numbers: 8691., Manuscript note on negative sleeve: Essington, Pa., 7/6/28.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.8691]
View showing the iron arch bridge built over the Schuylkill River between 1861-1866 after the designs of Strickland Kneass. In the foreground, two boys stand on a rock and overlook the Schuylkill River, while a laborer maneuvers an empty wheelbarrow behind them. The Market Street Permanent Bridge, built from 1798-1806 after the designs of Timothy Palmer and expanded around 1850 to accommodate a connection between the city railroad and the Pennsylvania Railroad, is also visible in the background. The Chestnut Street Bridge, partially funded and utilized by the Chestnut and Walnut Streets Passenger Railway Company, was demolished in 1958., Title supplied by cataloger., Yellow mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Bartlett & Smith, photographer
[ca. 1867]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Bartlett & Smith - Bridges [P.9058.166]
View looking north showing a steamboat near the steamboat landing on the Schuylkill River immediately north of the Fairmount Water Works. Also shows two steamboats on the river near the landing and George Popps' floating Park Boat House in the background near Boathouse Row., Title from manuscript note on mount., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Stamped on verso: Copyrighted by Kiralfy Bros., Philadelphia, 1876., Pink mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Ms. Jane Carson James.
R. Newell & Son, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Newell - Parks [P.9299.75]
Glass negative showing a group of sailing ships docked in rows on the Schuylkill River. The dock extends along the right of the frame., Time: 4:10, Light: Faint sun., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
October 4, 1884
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.438]
Glass negative showing a crowd gathered under a covered wharf at Bermuda. The photograph was taken from the deck of a ship in the bay flying a flag from its prow. In the foreground, people on the lower deck of the boat wave to the crowd., Photographer remarks: Undertimed., Time: 3:15, Light: Faint sun., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
April 1, 1886
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.937]
Glass negative showing two sailboats and a rowboat next to the stone wall of a harbor at Hamilton. Another large sailing ship is visible in the background. Buildings and trees line the harbor walkway., Photographer remarks: Too small stop., Time: A.M., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
March 26, 1886
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.883]
Glass negative showing Applegate's Pier at Atlantic City, a long two-story wooden pier extending into the ocean as waves break near the shore. Two figures stand on the upper level of the pier., Photographer remarks: Instantaneous. Very weak., Time: 10:50, Light: Bright, Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
April 28, 1884
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.254]
Glass negative showing Applegate's Pier at Atlantic City, a long two-story wooden pier extending into the ocean as waves break near the shore. People walk on the pier., Nearly same as last., Photographer remarks: Very weak, Time: 11, Light: Strong., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
April 28, 1884
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.255]
Glass negative showing a sailboat docked at a wharf on Saint George Island seen from across the water. The wharf is full of people and cargo., Photographer remarks: Blurred neg., Time: P.M., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
March 12, 1886
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.849]
Film negative showing three men walking along the Philadelphia Shipbuilding Company's wharf. A steamship with three visible floors and the words "Lord Baltimore Philadelphia" painted on the side sits in the dock to the right. The men walk toward the steamship with their backs to the camera., Originally located in negative album [P.2013.13a], Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
May 24, 1912
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.2013.13.474]
Glass negative showing a group of people gathered on the upper deck of the ship Trinidad. Hamilton and a covered stone dock crowded with people are visible behind them as the ship sails away., Photographer remarks: Undertimed., Time: 10:30, Light: Dull-no sun., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
April 4, 1889
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.1497]
Glass negative showing a view of Front Street running next to a harbor in Hamilton, Bermuda. Docks, various buildings, and telegraph wires stand on the right side of the road while a large sailing ship is morred to shore by long ropes. A man stands in the foreground on the left side of the street while another man leans against a wooden fence on the right side., Photographer remarks: wind, Time: 10:30, Light: Good sun., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
March 6, 1889
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [*P.9895.1394]
Shows ships docked at piers with warehouse sheds holding lumber. Also shows men in rowboats in the distance., Photographer's imprint stamped on mount., Title printed on mount., Buff paper mount with square corners., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of views of Philadelphia., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., The Langenheim brothers, William and Frederick, were pioneer photographers and stereograph publishers, who operated a photographic studio in Philadelphia from the 1840s to 1874 and the death of William.
W. & F. Langenheim (Firm), photographer
ca. 1860
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Langenheim - Harbors [(8)1322.F.13a]
Shows ships docked at piers with warehouse sheds holding lumber. Also shows men in rowboats in the distance., Photographer's imprint stamped on mount., Title printed on mount., Buff paper mount with square corners., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of views of Philadelphia., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., The Langenheim brothers, William and Frederick, were pioneer photographers and stereograph publishers, who operated a photographic studio in Philadelphia from the 1840s to 1874 and the death of William.
W. & F. Langenheim (Firm), photographer
ca. 1860
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Langenheim - Harbors [(8)1322.F.13a]
Shows ships docked at piers with warehouse sheds holding lumber. Also shows men in rowboats in the distance., Photographer's imprint stamped on mount., Title printed on mount., Buff paper mount with square corners., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of views of Philadelphia., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., The Langenheim brothers, William and Frederick, were pioneer photographers and stereograph publishers, who operated a photographic studio in Philadelphia from the 1840s to 1874 and the death of William.
W. & F. Langenheim (Firm), photographer
ca. 1860
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Langenheim - Harbors [(8)1322.F.13a]
Harbor scene showing a steamboat departing from a pier on the Delaware River. Includes a partial view of a docked steamboat., Photographer's imprint stamped on mount., Buff mount with square corners., Title printed on mount., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., The Langenheim brothers, William and Frederick, were pioneer photographers and stereograph publishers, who operated a photographic studio in Philadelphia from the 1840s to 1874 and the death of William.
W. & F. Langenheim (Firm), photographer
ca. 1860
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Langenheim - Harbors [(8)1322.F.11g]
Harbor scene showing a steamboat departing from a pier on the Delaware River. Includes a partial view of a docked steamboat., Photographer's imprint stamped on mount., Buff mount with square corners., Title printed on mount., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., The Langenheim brothers, William and Frederick, were pioneer photographers and stereograph publishers, who operated a photographic studio in Philadelphia from the 1840s to 1874 and the death of William.
W. & F. Langenheim (Firm), photographer
ca. 1860
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Langenheim - Harbors [(8)1322.F.11g]
Harbor scene showing a steamboat departing from a pier on the Delaware River. Includes a partial view of a docked steamboat., Photographer's imprint stamped on mount., Buff mount with square corners., Title printed on mount., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., The Langenheim brothers, William and Frederick, were pioneer photographers and stereograph publishers, who operated a photographic studio in Philadelphia from the 1840s to 1874 and the death of William.
W. & F. Langenheim (Firm), photographer
ca. 1860
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Langenheim - Harbors [(8)1322.F.11g]
A group of people are fishing near an old iron-truss bridge along the Schuylkill Canal. A small landing, which functioned as a dock for the canal tow boats, is visible along the banks of the canal in the foreground., Title supplied by cataloguer., Gift of Albert L. Doering.
Doering, William Harvey, 1858-1924, photographer
ca. 1895
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern slides - Doering [P.9453.22]
Depicts a large battleship with two engine stacks and American flags on the Delaware River on Naval Day. One of several ships in the naval parade that opened the Peace Jubilee celebration of end of the Spanish American War of 1898. Docks visible in the background, along with City Hall tower., Title supplied by cataloguer., Gift of Albert L. Doering.
Doering, William Harvey, 1858-1924, photographer
October 1898
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern slides - Doering [P.9453.282]
Etching showing two men and a woman gathered on a wharf with food and drink. One man rests in a wheelbarrel, as the other sits upright next to the woman who leans against a wooden fence with her hands clasped. Also shows boats and the riverscape in the background., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Kollner advertised four volumes of small folio pictures, including "Bits of Nature and Some Art Products, in Fairmount Park ..." in 1878. Several of the lithographs from this volume were based on sketches he executed in the 1840s.
Kollner, Augustus, b. 1813, artist
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Kollner [*Am 1878 Kol, 2086.F.20]
View showing laborers working on a wooden pier jutting into the East River in New York City. Also shows a horse-drawn cart on the pier and piles of lumber visible next to the pier in the right foreground. Also shows the cityscape on the opposite bank of the river in the background., Title supplied by cataloger, but derived from manuscript note on verso: Pier 20 E.R., White mount with square corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Mr. Saul Koltnow.
[ca. 1866]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - unidentified - Transportation [P.9022.41]
Aerial views of the piers along the Delaware River riverfront south of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge (formerly the Delaware River Bridge). Various types of boats are visible on the river, as are both the Camden, New Jersey and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania riverfronts. Views extend as far south as Oregon and Pattison Avenues., Negative numbers: 21737s, 21739s, 21740s.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.21737s; P.8990.21739s; P.8990.21740s]
Aerial views of a Luckenbach Lines ship sailing and docked in the Delaware River. Piers and industrial facilities are visible along the riverfront at Delaware Avenue between Snyder and Oregon Avenues. Various types of boats and watercraft sail on the river. The Philadelphia skyline can be seen in the distance., Negative numbers: 5177, 5178, 5183.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.5177; P.8990.5178; P.8990.5183]
Aerial views of the piers at Washington and Delaware Avenues in South Philadelphia. Ships are docked at the piers. Cars and a trolley can be seen traveling on the city streets. The area to the north and west of the river and the city skyline are visible in the distance., Negative numbers: P279, P280.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.P279; P.8990.P280]
Aerial views of the piers and industrial buildings along the Delaware riverfront in Northern Liberties. Views face north and west from the vicinity of Spring Garden Street and Delaware Avenue., Negative numbers: 2834, 4860.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
ca. 1915
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.2834; P.8990.4860]
Aerial views of the Delaware River looking south from the Camden, New Jersey side of the river from a low altitude. Ships and industrial facilities are visible and the Philadelphia city skyline can be seen in the distance., Negative numbers: 14734n., Manuscript note on negative sleeve: N. Phila Waterfront & Delaware River, Phila, Pa., July 12, 1931 (city in background).
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.14734n]
Vertical view of Philadelphia of the area roughly bounded by the Poplar Street to the north, Pine Street to the south, the Delaware River to the east, and Logan Square to the west. The approach to the Benjamin Franklin Bridge, the bridge itself, Washington and Rittenhouse Squares, Logan Square, City Hall and piers along the river are visible in this high-altitude view of the city., Negative numbers: 12428n., Manuscript note on negative sleeve: Waterfront, Phila. Pa., May 5, 1930.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.12428n]
Aerial views of the Delaware River and Benjamin Franklin Bridge (formerly the Delaware River Bridge) from a vantage point just south and west of Dock Street. Taken on a clear day, the view extends well past North Philadelphia and includes Petty Island, New Jersey and a portion of Camden, New Jersey., Negative numbers: 21990s, Manuscript note on negative sleeve: Philadelphia, Penna., Delaware River, Dock St. & N.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.21990s]
Aerial views of ships on the Delaware River with piers and industrial buildings along the riverfront in the vicinity of Oregon and Delaware Avenues visible behind. The city skyline is visible in the distance., Negative numbers: 25663n., Manuscript note on negative sleeve: Waterfront, Phila, Pa.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.25663n]
Aerial views of Warner Company industrial piers on the Delaware waterfront at Berk Street and Beach Street in Fishtown. Facility is shown in its entirety. Piers are marked number 66 and 67. Ships are docked at the pier and what look like construction materials float on barges. A portion of the area just beyond Delaware Avenue to the northwest of the facility is also visible., Negative numbers: 20672n., Manuscript note on negative sleeve: Warner Co., Berk St. Wharf, Phila, Pa., Oct. 18, 1939.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.20672n]
Aerial views of industrial facilities on the Camden, New Jersey waterfront along the Delaware River. Residential areas near the waterfront are also visible., Negative numbers: 7993., Manuscript note on negative sleeve: Camden Water Front, 12/10/1927.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.7993]
Aerial view of the riverfront from the vicinity of Columbia Avenue looking north. The Reading Railroad Company railroad terminus and Port Richmond are visible in the distance, as are industrial buildings and piers along the riverfront. Ships sail on the river., Negative numbers: 4873., Manuscript note on negative sleeve: Philadelphia, Pa, N.E. Waterfront, 1925.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.4873]
View of men fishing from a rocky shore line, probably in New Jersey, showing the Pavilion Sun Parlor on a pier jutting out into the ocean., Modern reference prints available., Gift of Richard R. Frame.
Berry, Frank, b. 1863, photographer
ca. 1907
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department 4x5 Glass Negatives - Berry [P.8986.61]
Vertical views of Philadelphia of the area bounded by the Spring Garden Street to the north, Reed Street to the south, the Delaware River to the east, and 10th Street to the west. Views are from a high altitude. The approach to the Benjamin Franklin Bridge, the bridge itself, Washington Square, and piers along the river are clearly visible, as are portions of Camden on the east bank of the river., Negative numbers: 12422n, 12423n., Manuscript notes on negative sleeves indicate photos were taken May 5, 1930.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.12422n; P.8990.12423n]
Aerial views of the USS Constitution sailing on the Delaware River in Philadelphia. The frigate is surrounded by tugboats and the waterfronts of South Philadelphia and Camden, New Jersey can also be seen., Negative numbers: P291, P292, P293, P297, P298.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
ca. 1931
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.P291; P.8990.P292; P.8990.P293; P.8990.P297; P.8990.P298]
Aerial views of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge, originally named the Delaware River Bridge. Bridge was constructed from 1922-1926 and connects Camden, New Jersey to Philadelphia over the Delaware River. Distant and close-up full and partial views of the bridge and the riverfronts of both Camden and Philadelphia. Commissioned by the Interstate Bridge and Tunnel Commission of New Jersey and the Delaware River Bridge and Tunnell Commission of Pennsylvania, the bridge was designed by architect Paul Cret and engineer Ralph Modjeski. Located at 5th and Race Streets., Negative numbers: 4866, 5916, 5917, 5996, 6272, 6343, 6802, 6803, 6805, 7274.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
ca. 1924-1926
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.4866; P.8990.5916; P.8990.5917; P.8990.5996; P.8990.6272; P.8990.6343; P.8990.6802; P.8990.6803; P.8990.6805; P.8990.7274]
Cityscape views looking south across the Schuylkill River from below the Lemon Hill estate showing the Fairmount Waterworks, pavilion on the mound dam, and steamboat landing on the east bank of the river. Also shows the west bank in West Philadelphia and the Wire Bridge at Fairmount in the distant background, built 1842 after designs by Charles Ellet, Jr. The Fairmount Water Works, originally built between 1812 and 1822 after the designs of Philadelphia engineer Frederick Graff, were altered and expanded by Philadelphia engineers Henry P.M. Birkinbine and Frederick Graff, Jr., Title printed on mounts., Photographer's imprint printed on versos., Yellow mounts with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Kilburn Brothers
[ca. 1872]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Kilburn - Parks [P.9168.9], Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Holstein stereo - Bridges [P.2011.47.78]
View looking north from the canal locks on the west bank of the river showing the Fairmount dam adjacent to the Fairmount Water Works and landmarks on the east bank of the river, including the pavilion on the pier of the mound dam (built 1835), a paddle steamboat docked at the boat landing, and a floating boathouse., Title on negative., Publisher's imprint printed on mount., Orange curved mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Sandra Markham.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Union View Company - Public Utilities [P.2007.20.4]
Plate from children's moral instruction book showing a drayman resting against an empty horse-drawn dray as he waits for vessels carrying goods to dock. Includes the healthy, handsome horse at the center of the scene, rows of commercial buildings and sail lofts facing the river (right), a man sitting and waiting on barrels lining the pier (left), and the bare masts of ships already docked (center)., Not in Wainwright., Date supplied by cataloger., Published as illustration on page 33 in City Sights for Country Eyes ([Philadelphia]: American Sunday School Union, [1856])., Accompanied by text titled "The wharf" describing the activities on piers and wharves when ships come in with goods. Also moralizes that the wharf "is no place for idlers" and warns of the dangers and bad habits learned there., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 834, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Bd 61 K 8343.33, Free Library of Philadelphia: \\RBD\\ASSU\\V\\C498S\\FACSIM.\\
Kollner, Augustus, b. 1813
Historical Society of Pennsylvania HSP Bd 61 K 8343.33
View shows the passenger steamer built 1854 by Harlan & Hollingsworth on the Delaware River. Also shows people sitting on the floating dock at the pier in the foreground. Buildings facing the river on the opposite side are also visible., Title supplied by cataloger., Photographer's imprint printed on label pasted on verso., White mount with square corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
T. H. Nichols & Co.
[ca. 1866]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Miscellaneous - Nichols [P.8992.22]
Illustrated trade card depicting a comic scene with two men and a dog on a wooden pier fishing in a lake. Another man swims in the water unseen by the fishermen and pulls their fishing lines toward the shore., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., See trade card - Loudenslager [1975.F.507] for similar illustration., Digitized.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Bragg [P.9111.22]