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[Steamship Tern London at dock]

Fleet of ships sailing south on the Delaware River, Philadelphia.

Schooner at Chestnut Street, wharf, Phila.

[Crowd at wharf, Hamilton to see Orinoco off, Bermuda] [graphic].

S[outh] toward Snyder Av. from Mifflin St. wharf [graphic].

Looking north, [Pier 80] [graphic].

[The dead fleet, Pier 76, between Mifflin and Snyder streets, South Philadelphia]

Shipped in good order & well conditioned by Soutter & Bell. [bill of lading]

[Fishing near the Pavilion Sun Parlor] [graphic].

Dock Street and environs, Society Hill, Philadelphia.

[Waterfront recreational area, Essington, Pennsylvania].

[Chestnut Street Bridge, Philadelphia]

View on the Schuylkill.

Vessels at oil wharves Schuylkill River, [Philadelphia] [graphic].

Dock & crowd from hurricane deck of Orinoco, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Front St. & wharves from Eastern shed showing Paget Ferry steps, [Hamilton, Bermuda] [graphic].

Breakers at Applegate's Pier, [Atlantic City, NJ] [graphic].

[Breakers at Applegate's Pier], [Atlantic City, NJ] [graphic].

Wharf & shed, St. Georges from water, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Phila[delphia] Shipbuilding Co's wharf [graphic].

Leaving wharf, Hamilton, from hurricane deck of the Trinidad. [Bermuda] [graphic].

Front St. & the Trinidad at dock from W. Hamiltons, Bermuda [graphic].

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor. [graphic] / Langenheim.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor.

View of Philadelphia harbor, Philadelphia, Pa.

View of Philadelphia harbor, Philadelphia, Pa. [graphic] / Langenheim.

View of Philadelphia harbor, Philadelphia, Pa.

[Iron-truss bridge spanning the Schuylkill Canal, Philadelphia.]

[Peace Jubilee, Naval Day, large battleship on the Delaware River.]

City wharf scene. [graphic] / From life by A. Kollner.

[East River Pier 20, New York, N.Y.]

Piers on the Delaware River south of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge, South Philadelphia, Philadelphia.

Luckenbach Lines steamship on the Delaware River, South Philadelphia, Philadelphia.

Delaware River waterfront at Washington Avenue, South Philadelphia, Philadelphia.

Delaware River waterfront at Spring Garden Street, Northern Liberties, Philadelphia.

[North Philadelphia waterfront looking south along the Delaware River, Philadelphia.]

[Vertical view of Philadelphia.]

[Delaware River looking north from Dock Street, Philadelphia.]

[Ships on the Delaware River, South Philadelphia, Philadelphia.]

[Warner Company, Berk Street Wharf, Berk and Beach Streets, Fishtown, Philadelphia.]

[Industrial waterfront along the Delaware River, Camden, New Jersey.]

[Delaware River waterfront north, vicinity of Port Richmond, Philadelphia.]

Vertical views of Philadelphia along the Delaware River.

USS Constitution sailing on the Delaware River, Philadelphia.

Benjamin Franklin Bridge, Old City Historic District, Philadelphia.

View from Fairmount Park, Phila.

Fairmount Dam.

The wharf.

[Steamboat Thomas A. Morgan, Delaware River, near Philadelphia]
