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[Lockwood & Smith, importers and dealers china, glass and Queensware, 7 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia] [graphic] / Drawn on stone by W. H. Rease, 17 So. 5th. St.

[Jacob Emerick importer and wholesaler, dealer in china, glass & Queensware, No. 215 North Third Street. Philada. 4 doors below Callowhill St. east side. Packing warranted.] [graphic] / M.S.W.

W. P. Hacker, importer and wholesale dealer in china, glass, queensware & fancy goods, No. 60, North Second Street, Philadelphia. [graphic] / On stone by W. H. Rease, 17, So. 5th. St.

Porcelain ware, Japanese Court.

China Merchant.

Porcelaines de Prusse.

Porcelaines de Prusse.

Jas. T. Brady, packer. N.E. cor. 12th and Market Sts., Philadelphia.

Gay's China Palace, No. 1109 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

W. P. Hacker, importer and wholesale dealer in china, glass, queensware & fancy goods, No. 60, North Second Street, Philadelphia.

Porcelain ware, Japanese court.

[Lockwood & Smith, importers and dealers china, glass and Queensware, 7 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia]

Main Building - main avenue, looking east.

[Jacob Emerick importer and wholesaler, dealer in china, glass & Queensware, No. 215 North Third Street. Philada. 4 doors below Callowhill St. east side. Packing warranted.]

Selections from Elkington's repousse exhibit - Main Building.


[Plate 11 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].

[Plate 11 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

George Albert Lewis Old Houses and Stores Album

The old houses and stores with memorabilia relating to them and my father and grandfather