Block numbered in two places: 6460, also 1212 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a woman standing on a porch, leaning on a railing with one hand and shielding her eyes by holding the other hand at her forehead; she regards a man who walks away from her, wearing a hat and holding a bucket in one hand., “M.S. [obscured] 34” – Inscribed on back of block., “[Willies?] [?] – Inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in New book of two hundred pictures, p. 10.
Block numbered in two places: 6443, also 1253 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a man, a woman, and a girl standing on what appears to be a porch; the man holds a pointer or stick horizontally in the air and the girl runs under it toward an approaching figure, either a young man or an older boy., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Ni[?] Tav[e]rn” – Inscribed on back of block.
Depicts the front and rear facades of a large residence, showing a large four columned portico and a belvedere cupola., Title supplied by cataloguer., Gift of Albert L. Doering.
Doering, William Harvey, 1858-1924, photographer
ca. 1895
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern slides - Doering [P.9453.231 & 232]
View of a woman standing on the front stairs near an open porch of a dwelling. Two bicycles are parked nearby., Title supplied by cataloguer., Gift of Albert L. Doering.
Doering, William Harvey, 1858-1924, photographer
ca. 1900
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern slides - Doering [P.9453.236-238]
Full-length portrait study, possibly used as a book illustration, depicting a young African American girl standing in front of a wheelbarrow. The girl, attired in a brimmed hat, a white collared shirt, a jacket, a skirt, and shoes, holds the handle of the wheelbarrow with her right hand and holds a rock in her left hand as she looks at the viewer. Behind her, steps leading to a porch stocked with supplies in wooden crates and sacks are visible. Sheets hang on a clothesline over the porch., Title from item., Probably Helen P. Gatch (1861-1942), a turn-of-the-century pictorial photographer whose prize-winning photographs were widely published and exhibited., Gift of Mrs. S. Marguerite Brenner, 1984., Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
Gatch, Helen M., photographer
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department portrait photographs - photographer - Gatch [P.9057.158]
Full-length portrait of an unidentified African American woman standing on the covered porch before the open doorway to her home. The woman, attired in a bonnet, a long-sleeved collared dress, an apron, and shoes, has her arms at her side as she smiles and looks at the viewer. She stands in front of a wooden rocking chair. On the porch, in the left, is a wooden rocking chair and a wooden crate with a milk pail and ladle on top of it., Title supplied by cataloger., Date inferred by attire of the sitter., Gift of Marjorie G. Battles, 1979., Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
[ca. 1900]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department portrait photographs - misc. - unidentified female [P.8502.129]
Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Photographer's blindstamp on mount., Men sit and stand on the porch of the four-story Logan House hotel, built 1852-53 by Pennsylvania Railroad carpenter foreman Thomas Burchinell. The hotel closed in 1927 and was converted to a post office in the early 1930s.
View of six column portico, obscured by two shrubs on the front lawn. An italianate clock tower, with u-shaped arches, overhanging eaves, balustrades and a sloping pyradimal roof, is visible in the distance., Title supplied by cataloguer., Gift of Albert L. Doering.
Doering, William Harvey, 1858-1924, photographer
ca. 1895
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern slides - Doering [P.9453.233]
Depicts the photographer's wife, Jane Lownes Webster, sitting with her sisters, Hannah and Minnie Lownes, also known as "The Aunties", on porch stairs, in front of an older woman who is sitting in a rocking chair in the background., Modern reference print #6 available in research file., Attributed to John H. Webster but may have been taken by other Webster family members.
Webster, John H., 1861-1934, photographer
ca. 1895
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Webster [P.9501.53]
Exterior views of unidentified residences in or near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Shows residents sitting on their front porches and lawns and standing in their side yards, gardens, and driveways., Image P.9299.115 possibly depicts Wyck in Germantown. The earliest section of the house was built circa 1690 by Hans Milan. Center section and alterations were designed and completed by William Strickland in 1824. For nine generations the house belonged to the Wistar-Haines family. Image P.9299.111 possibly shows the Francis Cope House in East Germantown., Title supplied by cataloger., Copyrighted by Kiralfy Bros., Philadelphia., Photographer's imprint printed on mounts., Pink curved mounts with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Ms. Jane Carson James.
R. Newell & Son, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Newell - Residences [P.9299.111; P.9299.114-115; P.9299.122-123; P.9299.125]
Depicts the photographer's wife, Jane Lownes Webster, sitting in a rocking chair on the porch of a residence in Springfield township. Two older women and an older man sit in rocking chairs nearby. A little girl, attired in a pumpkin-pattern dress and wide-brimmed hat, sits on the stairs., Attributed to John H. Webster but may have been taken by other Webster family members.
Webster, John H., 1861-1934, photographer
ca. 1895
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Webster [P.9501.85]
Depicts potted plants and hanging plants lining the perimeter of a porch, which is shaded by a striped awning. Dense foliage surrounds the porch of the unidentified residence., Modern reference prints available., Gift of Richard R. Frame.
Berry, Frank, b. 1863, photographer
ca. 1907
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department 4x5 Glass Negatives - Berry [P.8986.83]
Exterior view looking up at the building with a fence behind and a pile of lumber in the foreground. People stand along balcony and sit on porch in front of building. A stuffed moose stands atop the front porch roof.
D.R. Brown architect, from a design by Donald G. Mitchell. View of front of building with the state motto, "Qui Transtulit Sustinet" - He who transplanted still sustains, appears over entrance.
Exterior view showing a vineyard with a mammoth grape vine at the center, and a woman seated beneath. Also shows surrounding grape vines, shrubs, and a partial view of a porch with an empty chair.
Depicts four women, a man, a boy, and a dog sitting on the steps of a porch. Albert Lindsay is the only person standing (left) and Catharine Rupp Doering (wife of the photographer) is seated to the far right. Three large single dwellings are visible in the background., Title supplied by cataloguer., Gift of Albert L. Doering.
Doering, William Harvey, 1858-1924, photographer
ca. 1895
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern slides - Doering [P.9453.161]
Depicts the photographer's wife, Jane Lownes Webster, sitting on the steps of the porch, opposite an unidentified young girl. Two older women sit in rocking chairs behind them. A dog sits on the lawn in front of the house. The residence has five bays, an addition on the right and another porch on the left. The residence is part of the Lownes Clovercrest Farm, and was built by the Lownes family in 1827 and occupied by them until 1913., Images of the property that were catalogued separately include: P.9501.28, P.9501.106, and P.9501.85, showing exterior views of the front and back of the residence on the farm, and a detailed view of Jane Lownes Webster sitting with her family on the front porch of their residence., Modern reference print #27 available in research file., Attributed to John H. Webster but may have been taken by other Webster family members.
Webster, John H., 1861-1934, photographer
ca. 1900
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Webster [P.9501.58]
Stereograph depicting an African American mother seated on the porch steps and nursing her baby. The woman, wearing her hair tied up in braids and attired in earrings and a white dress with puffed upper sleeves, cradles an infant on her lap and holds her breast to the baby as it suckles. A wooden chair is visible on the porch in the background., Title from item., Date from copyright statement: Copyright 1898 by C. H. Graves., Warped grey mount with rounded corners., Gift of David Long, 2002., Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Graves - Portraits & Genre [P.2002.8.3]
Exterior view with the words, "Butter & Cheese Factory" and "Butter & Cheese Exhibition" prominently displayled and a porch running along the side of the building.
Exterior view along western side showing the entrances on first and second levels, windows, and ornate details of the facade. Three men stand near the entrance.
Depicts the photographer's brother's wife, Bertha Taylor Webster, attired in a striped dress, sitting in a rocking chair on Mt. Equity's porch, and holding an opened umbrella. Her husband's aunt, Hannah Mary S. Taylor, rented the property during the summer months of 1889 and 1890., A small stone section of Mount Equity, known as "The Cottage," was constructed near the Wolf Run House in Pennsdale, Pa. ca. 1810 by Mercy Ellis after the death of her husband, William Ellis. After her death in 1848, her children used the cottage primarily during the summer months. Her son Charles Ellis built a stone addition to the house in 1861 and a rear kitchen wing was added by the family in 1882. It was around this time that the enlarged house shed its name as "The Cottage," and was known as Mount Equity. The property is now home to a Buddhist Monastery, Mt. Equity Zendo Jihoji., Attributed to John H. Webster but may have been taken by other Webster family members.
Webster, John H., 1861-1934, photographer
ca. 1890
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Webster [P.9501.46]
View showing guests sitting on the porch or piazza of the seaside hotel opened in 1869 on the entire block between Howard and Gurney streets and Columbia Avenue and the Atlantic Ocean. Depicts a row of tall columns and shuttered windows flanking the porch. The hotel, designed by S.D. Button, was damaged in the great fire of 1878, but endured. Demolished in 1910., Title printed on mount., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Orange mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Trask & Bacon, a partnership between Albion K. P. Trask (1830-1900) and W. Frank Bacon (1843-1900), was active briefly in Philadelphia ca. 1875.
Trask & Bacon
[ca. 1875]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Trask & Bacon [P.9260.80]
Real estate photograph commissioned by the Jackson-Cross Company depicting a young African American girl walking past a residence with a covered porch in the West Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia. The girl, attired in a long-sleeved shirt, a skirt, white socks, and Mary Jane shoes, walks on the sidewalk towards the right. On the porch are several chairs, a side table, and potted plants. The Jackson Cross Company, established around 1876, was a Philadelphia real estate firm in operation until 1998., Title from manuscript note on recto., Date inferred from content., Purchase 2000., Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022.
[ca. 1945]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Jackson-Cross [P.9784.24]
Porch view of the Centennial Photographic Company's building. Depicted in the background are numerous trees, buildings, and a fountain. In the bottom-left corner is a framed picture on an easle.
Depicts Lydia Webster, the daughter of John H. Webster, Jr., bundled in winter clothing and sitting in a baby carriage in front of the porch of John H. Webster Sr. (4834 Penn Street). The southwest facade of George S. Webster's residence is visible in the background (4900 Penn Street). The Webster family owned four neighboring houses on Penn Street (4830-4900)., Attributed to John H. Webster but may have been taken by other Webster family members., Numbered 2.14 in manuscript note on negative sleeve.
Webster, John H., 1861-1934, photographer
ca. 1900
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Webster [P.9501.34]
Stereograph depicting an African American mother seated on the porch steps and nursing her baby. The woman, wearing her hair tied up in braids and attired in a polka-dotted shirt and a checked skirt, cradles an infant on her lap as it suckles on her breast. Seated in the right, the African American man, attired in a hat, a long-sleeved white shirt, a ring, and pants, looks over at the mother and child. On the porch is a wooden chair beside the closed door., Title supplied by cataloger., Orange mount with rounded corners., Manuscript note on verso: Herr Klebenice?, Gift of David Long, 2002., Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - unidentified - Genre [P.2002.8.5]
Series of views of the estate in Northeast Philadelphia. Shows "The Piazza; "The Mansion"; "The Pond"; and "The Park." Images include posed individuals, including two seated women near a lounging bearded man in a turban and a horse-handler with a horse; potted plants and trees adorning the piazza; posed horse-drawn carriages; and a foot-bridge near the pond., Cream paper mounts with square corners., Four of images contain photographer's imprint and are accompanied by labels., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Pennsylvania views & political miscellany., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Moran, John, 1831-1903
[ca. 1861]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Moran - Residences [(8)1322.F.41c; 5759.f.1a-d]
Glass negative showing Phebe Mills, an older African American woman, sitting on the porch steps of the McAboy House. She is attired in a striped bonnet, a long-sleeved shirt with buttons down the front and a tie across the waist and a long skirt with ruffles at the bottom. She sits with her hands folded in her lap and looks slightly to the right. Beside her on the step lies a package wrapped in cloth. A white man, wearing a white beard and attired in a suit, sits in a rocking chair on the porch and looks towards her. Also visible is a shuttered window and an open doorway. Phebe Mills, born circa 1806, was married to Pauldo Mills, a farmer on the Columbus Mills Plantation. Originally owned by John Mills, this plantation was bought by Dr. Leland Reid McAboy in 1872 and became an inn known as the McAboy House., Time: 12:30 P.M., Light: Fair sun., Purchase 2001., Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
March 27, 1890
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.1604]
Glass negative showing Phebe Mills, an older African American woman, sitting on the porch steps of the McAboy House. She is attired in a long-sleeved shirt with buttons down the front and a tie across the waist and a long skirt with ruffles at the bottom. She sits with her hands balls and folded in her lap and looks slightly to the right. Beside her on the step lies her striped bonnet. A white man, wearing a white beard and attired in a suit, sits in a rocking chair on the porch and looks towards her. Also visible is a shuttered window and an open doorway. Phebe Mills, born circa 1806, was married to Pauldo Mills, a farmer on the Columbus Mills Plantation. Originally owned by John Mills, this plantation was bought by Dr. Leland Reid McAboy in 1872 and became an inn known as the McAboy House., Same as last., Time: 12:30 P.M., Light: Fair sun., Purchase 2001., Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
March 27, 1890
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.1605]
Stereograph depicting “Uncle Jimmie,” an older African American man knitting the corner edge of a mesh fishing net extended out in front of him from a pole on the porch of a wood cabin. Shows the man, with receding, short, cropped hair, seated, and in profile. He wears a white, long-sleeve, button-down shirt; dark-colored pants; and work shoes. The man, possibly Gullah, uses a flat rule and needle on the edge of the net. Behind the man, in the background, an open door to an entryway with an open window is visible. A vertical beam is also visible in the left of the image. Knitting fish net was and is one of a number of Gullah traditions (customs developed by enslaved Africans living along the Atlantic coast of South Carolina) practiced in Beaufort, S.C., Title from manuscript note on verso., Date inferred from active dates of Wilson & Havens partnership., Orange mount with rounded corners., Description reviewed 2022., Access points revised 2022.
Wilson & Havens, photographer
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - misc. photographer - Wilson & Havens [P.2020.38]
Exterior views of an unidentified two story residence, with a colonnaded front porch. Architectural images depict the front facade of the house, focusing on the porch and the hammock hanging from two large trees in the front yard. A detail of a shuttered shed window behind the house is also included. Some of the images show Webster family members sitting on the front porch, including the photographer's wife, Jane Lownes Webster, his brothers, Clement B., George S., and Howard Webster, Bertha T. Webster, and many children sitting in the hammock., Attributed to John H. Webster but may have been taken by other Webster family members.
Webster, John H., 1861-1934, photographer
ca. 1895
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Webster [P.9501.77-79, P.9501.99-100, P.9501.104, P.9501.115]