Block numbered in one place: 3392., Image of a duck in a natural setting., Tape (inscribed “874”) on obverse., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in one place: 1576., Image of a duck in a barnyard or farm setting., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper., Illustration appears in The Book of one hundred pictures (Philadelphia, between 1861 and 1907?), p. 93.
Title supplied by cataloger., Photographer's manuscript note on verso: Neighborhood 10" and Ellsworth Sts. How to duck the health inspectors prying eye. Keep the chickens on the roof. (Print left side stronger)., Gift of Margaret Odewalt Sweeney., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited.
Wilson, G. Mark (George Mark), 1879-1925, photographer
ca. 1923
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Wilson 171 [P.8513.171],