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King & Baird steam-power book and job printers, English and German. : No. 607 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Legal intelligencer office. Episcopal prayer books, at low rates. Military text books. School books, English and German almanacs in great varie

Thomas Sinex, book and job printer, : 619 Jayne Street, between Chestnut and Market and Sixth and Seventh, Philadelphia. Cards! Cards! Posters, labels, bill-heads, circulars, &c., &c.

Franklin Book & Job Printing Establishment, : rear of 52 No. Sixth St. Philadelphia. Newspaper, book and plain & fancy job printing. / Wm. S. Young, proprietor. There are now but two parties in this country, the friends and the enemies of the government.

Maas & Vogdes, job printers, [N.E.?] corner of Second & Chestnut Sts., over Corn Exchange Bank.

Familton & Chemin, fancy job printers, 337 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

[David Heston, Frankford, Philad'a]

[Harris, card & job printer trade cards]

Commercial lithography of Theo. Leonhardt & Co., 324 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.

[Specimen sheet for Theodore Leonhardt & Son, Commercial Lithographers 922 Locust Street Philadelphia, PA.]

Hurrah! for Thayer's Printing House, 805 Sansom Street, above 8th, Philada.

G.T. Stockdale, printer, 117 South Second Street, Philadelphia.

[Familton & Rogers trade cards]

Stein & Jones, printers & lithographers, no. 320 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

Lehman & Bolton. Steam power lithographic & letter press printing rooms. Nos 418, 420 & 422 Library Street. Opposite Post Office.

Routes of the two parades by the soldiers and sailors, Friday, October 2d, 1868.

Compliments of Burk & M'Fetridge, printers & lithographers, 304 Chestnut, Philadelphia.

J. Hoover, pictures and frames, 628 Arch St., Philadelphia.

Jacob Haehnlen's lithographic and steam power letter press printing rooms. Goldsmith's Hall, Library Street, opposite post office, Philadelphia. 1867-1868.

Auner's printing office, No. 110 North Tenth Street, above Arch, Philadelphia.

Jacob Haehnlen's lithographic & fancy printing establishment, No. 125 South Third Street, directly opposite Girard Bank, Philadelphia.

Macdowell, engraver and printer, 1028 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

[Sunshine Publishing Company, 423 Chestnut Street, basement Philadelphia Bank.]

Our flag--may it forever wave!

[Joseph P. Mickley trade cards]

Reen & Trump, manufacturers of metal show cards for brewers, etc. 14 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia.

[Joseph Hoover trade cards]

Stein & Jones, steam power printers & lithographers, no. 321 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

Jacob Haehnlen's engraving steam power lithographic and letterpress printing house. Goldsmith's Hall Library St. opposite post office Philadelphia.

E. Ketterlinus' lithographic and letter press printing house cor. of Arch & Fourth Sts. Philadelphia.

Lehman & Bolton, printers, publishers, [and] lithographers, 418, 420, 422 Library St., Philadelphia.

Lithographic and letter press printing. Lehman & Bolton, Goldsmiths Hall, Library Street, opposite post office.

Geo. S. Harris & Sons, printers, engravers, lithographers, 718, 720, 722 & 724 Arch Street, Philadelphia.

Conner's cheap printing office, corner Fourth & New Sts., below Vine, Philadelphia.

Sample of clown cards 4 designs, assorted colors. Published by Thos. S. Dando, 307 Walnut St., Philad'a.

Coggins & Harbach, No. 36 North Eighth St., Philadelphia.

Burk & McFetridge, printers and lithographers, 306 and 308 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

International Exhibition. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. 1876.

Walter W. Bragg, printer. Fine gift & bevel edged card a speciality [sic].

William Mann, stationer, blank book maker, steam-power printer & lithographer, 529 Market & 526 Commerce Sts., Philadelphia.

Third Street, below Chestnut. [graphic] / Photographed by Bartlett & French, Phila.

Chestnut Street, above Third. [graphic] / Photographed by Bartlett & French, Phila.

[Chestnut Street, above Third] [graphic]

Lehman & Bolton, lithographers, printers, engravers & publishers, 418, 420, 422 Library St., Philadelphia.

L.N. Rosenthal. Lithographic office, removed to N.W. cor. of Fifth & Chestnut Sts. Philadelphia.

Thos. S. Wagner, formerly Wagner & McGuigan lithographers, Franklin Place, no. 38. Lithography in all its branches.

Geo. S. Harris & Sons, printers, engravers, lithographers, 718, 720, 722 & 724 Arch Street, Philadelphia.

Geo. S. Harris & Sons. Printers & lithographers. Nos. 718, 720, 722, 724 Arch St. Philadelphia.

Young and Woodward Business Papers, 1789-1826 (inclusive).

F. Moras' Lithographic Establishment, Philadelphia. 610 Jayne Street.
