Illustrated trade card depicting red and blue flowering plants., Advertising text printed on verso: This gorgeous card is a specimen of fine press work done on an ordinary Model Press. There are eight distinct colors and therefore eight separate impressions. A press which will do such work as this, is a safe one to buy for all kinds of printing. Every press sold absolutely guaranteed. J.W. Daughaday & Co., Mfrs., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *trade card - Daughaday [P.9728.3]
Advertisement showing a montage of vignettes related to lithography to promote partners Thomas Wagner and James M'Guigan, who jointly operated a lithographic studio jointly 1846-1858. Vignettes show the exterior of the printing establishment; lithographic artists working on stones propped flat and on an angle; pressmen operating two different types of lithographic presses (one modified with a cylinder that served as a paper feeding device); and the large steam engine that powered the presses. Also shows symbols of patriotism and the trade propped against the base of the steam engine. Includes lithographic stones, an ink roller, a brush, a large stoppered bottle probably representing gum arabic, and American flag and shield., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 115.1, Library of Congress: Unprocessed in PR 13 CN 1997:105 Wagner & McGuigan, Reproduced and described in Jennifer Ambrose's "Nineteenth Century Advertising Prints," Magazine Antiques (August 2006), pp. 96 & 98., LOC also holds variant state, tinted with one stone under same call number. Variant includes text in tint color: Drawings of Every Description Executed on Stone. Also, Maps, Plans, Certificates, Circulars, &c. Transferring from Steel, Copper & Stone. (POSA 115.2)
Wagner & M'Guigan
[ca. 1855]
Library of Congress | Prints and Photographs Division LOC Unprocessed in PR 13 CN 1997:105 Wagner & McGuigan
Recommendation regarding taxes on printed bill-heads, cards, and circulars., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Executive Committee of the Employing Printers of the City of New York., creator
Trade card containing a whimsical view showing a colonially-attired typesetter and printer at a typesetting table and press in the presence of two foppishly attired figures., Text providing figures showing "the daily edition of the Philadelphia Public Ledger...taken from the Press Room Books for the weeks ending the 18th and 25th of March, 1871" printed on verso. Figures exceed 460,000., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler.
Ledger Job Printing Office (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Trade cards & Blotters [P.2011.10.47]
Circular for inking rollers., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Stock certificate containing a view of the printing company in "Camden Co. New Jersey." View shows the factory building, including smokestacks and a tank, along a riverbank. Men in a rowboat and a sailboat are visible on the water in the foreground. Certificate also contains pictorial details deisgned as frames surrounding printed text and a space for a stamp. Details include flowers, scrolls, and filigree., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
[ca. 1865]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Specimens Album [P.9349.237b]
Advertisement containing an interior view of the shop at 116 Chestnut Street (ie. 320 Chestnut Street) after a daguerreotype depicting a long row of presses lined along the perimeter of the room near tall windows for natural light. Pressmen work on stones propped flat and on an angle. The man at the first press rolls ink onto a stone, as another man, probably an apprentice, carries a stone from the reserve of fresh stones arranged and stacked on the shelves on the opposite wall. Bottles and other supplies line the shelves between each window, and several packaged stones are piled on the floor in the foreground awaiting shipment. View includes a standing press. A foreman, possibly Wagner or McGuigan, attired in a suit observes the printers. Includes views of the recto and verso of the silver medal awarded to Wagner & M'Guigan for "skill and ingenuity" in lithography by the Franklin Institute in 1844 below the image and flanking the advertising text. Advertisement shows text printed in various fonts and shades to demonstrate the range and ability of the recently established lithographic firm of Wagner & M'Guigan (fl. 1846-1858)., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 113, T.B. Shaw, possibly Trueman Shaw, operated from the same address as Wagner & McGuigan (116 Chestnut) between 1846 and 1849., Smithsonian Institution NMAH H&CL - Harry T. Peters America on Stone Collection [DL *60.3081]
Aub, Jacob, artist
[ca. 1847]
Smithsonian Institution, NMAH, Home and Community Life Collection SI NMAH H&CL - Harry T. Peters America on Stone Collection [DL *60.3081]
Caption title., Kneass published Manual of devotion for the Catholic blind in 1867., Printed in raised-letter Philadelphia Line type on blue paper; printed area, including ornamental border, measures 17.0 x 21.6 cm., In the Michael Zinman Collection of Printing for the Blind., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Coll. Zinman Blind 111999.O (Zinman)
Caption title., At head of title is a type specimen., The New England Institution for the Education of the Blind opened in Boston in 1832; in 1839, the name changed to Perkins Institution and Massachusetts Asylum for the Blind., Printed in S.G. Howe's raised-letter Boston line type; printed area measures 24.9 x 20.1 cm., In the Michael Zinman Collection of Printing for the Blind., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
[between 1832 and 1839]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Coll. Zinman Blind 17224.Q (Zinman)
Illustrated trade card depicting a patriotic column surmounted by an eagle and adorned by American flags and an American shield. Includes a partial view of a train in the background. Evans, the self-promoted first "fast card press in the city" operated his firm at Fourth and Library Streets until 1880. In 1860, his press executed the advertisements for the Philadelphia City Directory., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
[ca. 1860]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Evans [5786.F.10e]
Copperplate of an advertisement for the firm used in the 1894-1897 editions of Gopsill's Philadelphia City Directory. Contains a view looking southeast of the multi-storied lithographic establishment and vignettes of the front and back of the "Silver Medal" awarded to the business by the Maryland Institute for "Lithographic Work" in 1878. View includes street traffic. Leonhardt & Son was a partnership established circa 1874 between Theodore Leonhardt and his son Arno. The firm operated from 123-125 South Fifth Street, i.e., s.e. cor. 5th and Library streets, beginning in 1890., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 11, See Gopsill's Philadelphia city directory for 1894 (Philadelphia: James Gopsills Sons, 1894), p. 1162.
Theo. Leonhardt & Son
[ca. 1884]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department printing plates - Inventory #700
Advertising text printed in decorative banners on a solid blue background. The scale and words to the song "What delight is music's power" forms the border., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized., John M. Armstrong operated his music typography business from 441 Chestnut Street between 1875 and 1877. He was murdered while visiting Camden, N.J. in 1878.
[ca. 1876]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Armstrong [P.9850]
Trade card containing an ornate border design comprised of scrolls, banners, and an angel surrounding the advertising text. The lithographic firm operated 1873-1920., Not in Wainwright., Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 2 - Lehman & Bolton - Advertisement, Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 54
Lehman & Bolton
[ca. 1873]
Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 2 - Lehman & Bolton - Advertisement
Advertisement containing a view of the exterior of the six-story brownstone and print shop at 420 Library Street tenanted by lithographic partnership who purchased the business of Jacob Haehnlen in 1873. Signage advertising the "Jacob Hahenlen Lithographic Establishment" adorns the doorway, front, and side of "Goldsmith’s Hall." Building also adorned with large display windows and an American flag. View includes street and pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians walk and stand on the sidewalk. Horse-drawn wagons and drays pass in the street. Floral details and a beehive border the view. Building destroyed by fire on December 20, 1882., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 56, Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 2 - Lehman & Bolton - Building
Lehman & Bolton
[ca. 1873]
Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 2 - Lehman & Bolton - Building
Illustrated trade carding depicting a bouquet of flowers in a vase., Advertising text printed on verso: Go to the West Philadelphia Card Depot, 3718 Market Street, for chromo cards, by set, 100 or 1,000 at lowest prices. School supplies, stationery, etc., etc. Printing press and outfit with script type as low as $2.50., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - West [P.9728.15]
Series of illustrated trade cards for Harbach & Brother's wholesale and retail printing and stationery shop at 36 North Eighth Street in Philadelphia. Illustrations depict a bust portrait of Benjamin Franklin and patriotic symbols printed in blue and red ink or embossed in the center of the trade cards, including flags, shields, eagles, cannons, bayonets, arrows, drums, cannon balls, swords, laurel wreaths and the liberty cap and pole. Harbach & Brothers were Philadelphia stationers and publishers of Civil War envelopes., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
[ca. 1860]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Harbach [5786.F.002 & 003; 5786.F.9k; (2)5786.F.177b; (3)5786.F.163j; P.9631.2; P.2006.1.18]
Advertisement calendar for the year 1885 containing a sentimental, genre scene. Shows a long-haired child, possibly a boy, attired in a collared dress, bow at the waist, knickers, a wide-brimmed hat adorned with flowers, socks, and shoes with straps. The child holds a bouquet of flowers in one hand and holds out a sprig in the other. Advertisement also contains pictorial details depicting fruits and vinery framing the image. The firm, established in 1873 by William H. Lehman and Mahlon Bolton, Jr. from Jacob Haehnlen's former establishment at Goldsmiths' Hall, specialized in commercial lithographs such as billheads, letterheads, and advertisements., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 122, Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler.
Lehman & Bolton
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department PRINt Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Calendars [P.2011.10.165]
Directory advertisement containing an "Interior view of Printing Room containing upwards of forty presses." Shows a couple attired in elegant winter clothing strolling down the aisle between the several presses. Men perform various duties at the machines, including rolling ink and pressing paper on the printing stones. Behind the couple, boy apprentices carry stones by hand and pull them by dolly near a man in a cape. Thomas Wagner and James M'Guigan operated a lithographic studio as partners 1846-1858., Published in McElroy's Philadelphia directory, for 1856 (Philadelphia: Edward C. & John Biddle, 1856), p. 10, front ad section., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 110, Variant of advertisement published in The Philadelphia merchants' & manufacturers' business directory for 1856-57 (Philadelphia: Prepared & published by Griswold & Co., [1856]), p. [15], front ad section and Catalogue of the twenty-fourth exhibition of American manufactures ...(Philadelphia, 1854), p. 39.
Scattergood, David, engraver
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Dir Phila 1856 (58) 10840.O.10 (front ad section)
Advertisement containing an "Interior view of Wagner & M'Guigan's forty press room, Athenian Building, Franklin Place, Philadelphia." Shows a couple attired in elegant winter clothing strolling down the aisle between the several presses. Men perform various duties at the machines, including rolling ink and pressing paper on the printing stones. Behind the couple, boy apprentices carry stones by hand and pull them by dolly near a man in a cape. Thomas Wagner and James M'Guigan operated a lithographic studio as partners 1846-1858., Not in Wainwright., Published in Catalogue of the twenty-fourth exhibition of American manufactures ...(Philadelphia, 1854), p. 39., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 112, Variant of advertisement published in The Philadelphia merchants' & manufacturers' business directory for 1856-57 (Philadelphia: Prepared & published by Griswold & Co., [1856]), p. [15], front ad section and McElroy's Philadelphia directory, for 1856 (Philadelphia: Edward C. & John Biddle, 1856), p. 10, front ad section.
Scattergood, David, engraver
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Am 1854 Exhib 13701.O.2.39
Directory advertisement containing an "Interior view of Printing Room containing upwards of forty presses." Shows a couple attired in elegant winter clothing strolling down the aisle between the several presses. Men perform various duties at the machines, including rolling ink and pressing paper on the printing stones. Behind the couple, boy apprentices carry stones by hand and pull them by dolly near a man in a cape. Thomas Wagner and James M'Guigan operated a lithographic studio as partners 1846-1858., Published in The Philadelphia merchants' & manufacturers' business directory for 1856-57 (Philadelphia: Prepared & published by Griswold & Co., [1856]), p. [15], front ad section., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 111, Variant of advertisement published in McElroy's Philadelphia directory, for 1856 (Philadelphia: Edward C. & John Biddle, 1856), p. 10, ad section and Catalogue of the twenty-fourth exhibition of American manufactures ...(Philadelphia, 1854), p. 39.
Scattergood, David, engraver
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Dir Phila 1856 10578.Q.15 (front ad section)
Advertisement calendar for 1865 containing an ornamental border and promotional text, including types of prints issued by the press. Prints includes show cards; wine, liquor, perfumers, and manufacturers labels; checks; notes; drafts; cards; circular receipts; and bonds. Promotional text advertises samples of work "always on hand" and "every kind & style of lithographic letter press printing executed promptly at fair prices." In 1866, Haehnlen established his own studio at Goldsmith's Hall., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 43, Gift of David Doret.
Haehnlen, Jacob, b. 1824
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department BW - Advertisements - H [P.2003.41.4]
Advertisement calendar for 1871 containing three vignettes, and pictorial elements. Vignettes depict a steam powered rotary press, a steam powered lithography press, and an exterior view of the "Jacob Haehnlen Lithographic Establishment" at 418 Library Street. Press views include operators, and exterior view also depicts street and pedestrian traffic and neighboring buildings. Traffic includes a horse-drawn carriage and a man pushing a handcart. Advertisement also contains cherubic figures sketching in a book and holding a palette, and floral and filigree border details. Haehnlen established his own business in 1858 and relocated his studio to Goldsmith’s Hall in 1866., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 42
Haehnlen, Jacob, b. 1824
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Specimens Album [P.9349.95]
Advertisement containing a montage of images depicting the business and evoking the decorative arts. Includes an exterior view of the firm's building; an interior view showing artisans at work on and around printing presses; object d'art and works of art; an artist's palette; a seascape; printed wallpaper; draperies; and flowers. Exterior view includes street and pedestrian traffic. Harris' firm moved to this address circa 1882 and later relocated to 1033 Chestnut Street circa 1898., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 33
Geo. S. Harris & Sons
[ca. 1885]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *BW - Advertisements [P.9349.406]
Illustrated comic stock trade card with the caption, "Tables turned," depicting two fishermen, one in mid-air holding a large fish to his chest, as his fellow fisherman reels them both in., Copyrighted by Bufford, Boston., Advertising text printed on verso: To printers. The series of advertising cards of which this is a sample comprises ten different sets, each containing 6 designs, or 60 in all. They are comic and sentimental in character, finely drawn and beautifully executed, and are the cheapest and most attractive for the price now in the market. The series comprise riding scenes, dog cards, steamboat cards, farm scenes, plantation scenes, gunning scenes, fishing mishaps, yachting scenes, winter on ice, sleighing sports. They are put up in packages of 500, and can be furnished so that in 1000 lots there will be 12 designs; in 1500 lots, 18 designs; in 2000 lots, 24 designs; in 2500 lots, 30 designs; in 3000 lots, 36 designs; in 3500 lots, 42 designs; and so on till the sixty designs are supplied. Price per 1000, $2.75. Discount to printers only, 10 per cent. We have constantly in stock a large assortment of comic and floral cards for advertising., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized., Gift of Alan Smith.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Collis [P.9387.3]
Specimen from the catalog of the lithographic establishment begun by Eugene Ketterlinus in 1842 and incorporated as Ketterlinus Lithographic Manufacturing company in 1896. Depicts the six-story manufactory and showrooms of Baumeister Pianos in New York City. Includes street and pedestrian traffic, including patrons approaching the entry of the building., Published in Ketterlinus Lithographic Mfg. Company. Makers of book and job printing novelties. Philadelphia. North west corner Arch and Fourth streets., Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 1 - Catalogue, Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 9
Ketterlinus Lithographic Manufacturing Company
[ca. 1896]
Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 1 - Catalogue
Book illustration containing a portrait of Senefelder in a slightly draped oval frame bordered by scenes, pictorial details and vignettes representative of the lithographic trade. Frame contains a plate marked "1800" to represent the year of the invention of lithography. Pictorial details of lithographer's tools including a pen, ink pot, etching needle, straight edge, compass, sponge, brush, palette, and ink roller flank the upper edges of the frame. Scenes of a lithographic printer rolling ink on a stone on a hand press (left) and a lithographic artist using a hand rest to draw a portrait on stone from a sketch at his drawing table (right) adorn the lower edges. Scenes also include stones stored in a library of shelves and resting against the hand press as well as the artist's portfolio laying against his drawing table. Vignette shows a steam powered lithographic press framed as the base of the pedestal of the portrait. Duval & Hunter, the partnership between P.S. Duval's son Stephen C. Duval and Thomas Hunter operated 1869-1874., Published in J. Luther Ringwalt's The American encyclopaedia of printing (Philadelphia: Meniman & Ringwalt, 1871), opp. p. 280., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSP 8
Duval & Hunter
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare *Am 1871 Rin 3210.Q.280a (Sower)
Illustration on recto of specimen sheet/price list depicting the factory for the printing establishment at 1525 Orthodox Street (corner of Orthodox and Franklin (later Griscom) Streets). View also includes street and pedestrian traffic, including horse-drawn drays and wagons. A square border with cornice ornaments surrounds the view. Image also contains decorative and pictorial elements. The firm operated from the location until at least the mid 1920s before relocating to 1208 Race Street by 1936. Heston, a printer and a minister of the Society of Friends, partnered in the firm with his sons Charles B., William, and John B., until his death in 1905., Not in Wainwright., POS 875
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Coll. Helfand Popular Medicine 11837.F (Helfand)
Panoramic view looking southwest from the State House at 520 Chestnut Street. Includes L. Johnson's Type and Stereotype Foundry at 6 Sansom Street and the tops of trees in Washington Square., Title on negative., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Purviance, W. T. (William T.)
[ca. 1870]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Purviance - Views [P.9229.1]
Advertisement containing a montage of images depicting the business and evoking the decorative arts. Includes an exterior view of the firm's building; an interior view showing artisans at work on and around printing presses; object d'art and works of art; an artist's palette; a seascape; printed wallpaper; draperies; and flowers. Exterior view includes street and pedestrian traffic. Harris' firm moved to this address circa 1882 and later relocated to 1033 Chestnut Street circa 1898., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 32
Geo. S. Harris & Sons
[ca. 1885]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *BW - Advertisements [P.8729.15]
Trade card for the Philadelphia lithographer active ca. 1849-ca. 1880s. Shows cherubic figures sowing seeds and reaping sheaths of wheat. Also contains flying birds and vinery details. Textual elements include Gothic and cursive letters. Traubel operated from 146 South Eighth street beginning in 1881., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 119.1, See POSA 119, LOC proof copies of trade card., LCP copy acquired after 2010., Lib. Company. Annual report, 2016, p. 70-71.
Traubel, M. H. (Morris H.), 1820-1897
[ca. 1881]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Traubel [P.2016.24.1]
Advertisement for the lithographic establishment in the form of a $500 bond, with several small illustrations within the security designs. At top, within a scroll flanked by flags and military gear and overtopped by an eagle, a miner with pick and shovel and a farmer with pitchfork illustrate the motto "oro y plata." At left, a figure of liberty personified stands on a globe girdled by the motto "[e plu]ribus unum." At lower right, a reclining figure uses a pair of compasses. Bond Certificate" placed above 16 numbered rectangular "cards" marked "Breuker & Kessler, lithographers, Philadelphia." Verso covered with printed floral decoration. Numbers on bottom section correspond with numbers on recto., Not in Wainwright., Signed: Harry G. Kessler, J. Millard Kessler, Geo. W. Breuker., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 8, American Antiquarian Society: Graphic Arts Lithf Breu Breu, George W. Breuker, Sr. and Harry C. Kessler, Sr. formed their practical and commercial lithography business in January 1866. The firm produced drug, perfume, wine and liquor labels, trade cards, show cards and all forms of commercial engravings and was in operation until the 1930s.
Breuker & Kessler Co.
American Antiquarian Society AAS Graphic Arts Lithf Breu Breu
Advertising label for the Philadelphia stationer. Between the words of the title is a tabletop crowded with stationers’ products, including an artist’s palette with brushes, a box of watercolor paints, quill pens, a pair of compasses, boxes of paper, and books. Samuel M. Stewart moved to New Orleans in 1840 and Lipman operated from the Chestnut Street address through 1849., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSP 240, American Antiquarian Society: Graphic Arts Lithf Duva Stat
[ca. 1840]
American Antiquarian Society AAS Graphic Arts Lithf Duva Stat
Advertisement for the Philadelphia lithographer. Six images surround the central advertising text. From top left: a hunting scene of two armed men, one mounted and one on foot, with hounds; a classical-style building; a farmyard scene with cattle; a man sketching outdoors; a wide scene showing a railroad train at left, a horse pulling a canal boat at right, and a nearby harbor with boats at center; an interior view of a man reading, surrounded by bust statues, skulls, and globe. Kollner operated from 6 Bank Alley in 1844., Not in Wainwright., Inscribed on recto: 1841., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 4, American Antiquarian Society: Graphic Arts Lithf Koll Koll copy 1
Kollner, Augustus, b. 1813
American Antiquarian Society AAS Graphic Arts Lithf Koll Koll copy 1
Advertisement for the Philadelphia lithographer. Six images surround the central advertising text. From top left: a hunting scene of two armed men, one mounted and one on foot, with hounds; a classical-style building; a farmyard scene with cattle; a man sketching outdoors; a wide scene showing a railroad train at left, a horse pulling a canal boat at right, and a nearby harbor with boats at center; an interior view of a man reading, surrounded by bust statues, skulls, and globe. Kollner relocated to Second and Dock Street, Phoenix Block in 1849., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 6, American Antiquarian Society: Graphic Arts Lithf Koll Koll copy 2
Kollner, Augustus, b. 1813
[ca. 1849]
American Antiquarian Society AAS Graphic Arts Lithf Koll Koll copy 2
Trade card with ornate lettering, shading, and filigree. Ernest A. Wright established his firm in 1872 at 1032 Chestnut Street, and later relocated to 1108 Chestnut Street ca. 1891., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 17, American Antiquarian Society: Graphic Arts Ephemera Late Trade Print 0093
Wright, E.A
[ca. 1891]
American Antiquarian Society AAS Graphic Arts Ephemera Late Trade Print 0093
Advertisement for the Philadelphia lithographer. Six images surround the central advertising text. From top left: a hunting scene of two armed men, one mounted and one on foot, with hounds; a classical-style building; a farmyard scene with cattle; a man sketching outdoors; a wide scene showing a railroad train at left, a horse pulling a canal boat at right, and a nearby harbor with boats at center; an interior view of a man reading, surrounded by bust statues, skulls, and globe. Kollner operated from 6 Bank Alley in 1844., Not in Wainwright., Portion of title cut out: Bank Alley., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 5, American Antiquarian Society: Graphic Arts Lithf Koll Koll copy 3
Kollner, Augustus, b. 1813
American Antiquarian Society AAS Graphic Arts Lithf Koll Koll copy 3
The Young and Woodward Business Papers contain letters and documents relating to the printing, publishing, and bookselling efforts of both William Young, and William W. Woodward, to whom Young sold his business in 1802. Included are letters from authors, publishers, and other booksellers., On deposit at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. For service, please contact the Historical Society at 215-732-6200 or, William Young (1755-1829), a bookseller, printer, and publisher, was born in Scotland. He arrived in Philadelphia in June 1784 and opened a book store and print shop on Chestnut Street. Young sold his retail and publishing operations to William W. Woodward in 1802, and moved to Delaware, where he opened a paper mill., William Wallis Woodward (1769?-1837) was listed as a bookseller in the Philadelphia city directories from 1794 through the 1830s. In the 1802 directory his description expanded to “printer, bookseller & stationer,” the result of his having purchased Young's business; he remained in the directories with that description for twenty years. Woodward's main focus was religious books, and he was one of the first American publishers known to have marketed them using a network of clergymen as sales agents.
Library Company of Philadelphia | MSS McA MSS 007,
Tradecards depicting impish figures resembling a harlequin and pixie representing spring. The harlequin blows bubbles and the pixie is accompanied by doves., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 108, Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center – Warshaw Collection - Printers & Printing - Box 1 - Geddes
W. F. Geddes' Sons
[ca. 1875]
Smithsonian Institution | Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center – Warshaw Collection - Printers & Printing - Box 1 - Geddes
Proofs of tradecards for the Philadelphia lithographer active ca. 1849-ca. 1880s. Shows cherubic figures sowing seeds and reaping sheaths of wheat. Also contains flying birds and vinery details. Prints contain variant script designs. Traubel operated from 146 South Eighth street beginning in 1881., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 119, Library of Congress: Papers of Horace and Anne Montgomerie Traubel, Family Papers, Box 22
Traubel, M. H. (Morris H.), 1820-1897
[ca. 1881]
Library of Congress | Manuscript Division LOC Papers of Horace and Anne Montgomerie Traubel, Family Papers, Box 22
Trade card for Moras, a German-born lithographer who established his own firm in 1853 from which he retired in 1890. The firm continued to operate until the late 1890s. Contains two vignettes separated and bordered by Gothic details, vinery, and scrolls. Vignettes show a lithographer and a lithograph printing room. Lithographic artist uses a hand rest and draws on stone from a sketch displayed on his sketch table. Printing room scene shows printers at work, including rolling ink on stones on hand-presses, checking proof prints, and moving stones. Also shows lithographic stones resting against a support column and the rooms adorned with wall lamps., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 29, Library of Congress: DLC/PP-1997:105 Queen Prints - 23 (AA size) F. Moras
Queen, James Fuller, 1820 or 21-1886, artist
[ca. 1870]
Library of Congress | Prints and Photographs Division LOC DLC/PP-1997:105 Queen Prints - 23 (AA size) F. Moras
Not in Wainwright., Trade card depicting "Le Petit Chaperon Rouge." Shows a girl attired in a red frock and bonnet holding a basket with a "patissier" and windmill standing in the background. Also contains several lines of French text explicating the story of "Chaperon Rouge." The Leonhardt lithographic studio was renamed following the partnership between Leonhardt and his son Arno circa 1874 and the firm remained in operation until the early 20th century., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 99, Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center – Warshaw Collection - Lithography - Vertical Box 2 - Leonhardt - Le Petit
Theo. Leonhardt & Son
[ca. 1880]
Smithsonian Institution | Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center – Warshaw Collection - Lithography - Vertical Box 2 - Leonhardt - Le Petit
Not in Wainwright., Trade card depicting similarly-featured portraits of a tabby cat and mustached, bushy white- haired man as side by side pages of an open book. Cat wears a blue collar offset by a blue bookmark ribbon extending from the book edge. Advertising text on verso reads "We will furnish you One Thousand French Art Chromo Cards in complete sets, assorted from 10-20 designs which you may select from our price list, for Ten Dollars net. 500 cards assorted as above for $6.00 net. (The retail price of the cards is 12-15 cents per set.)" The Leonhardt lithographic studio was renamed following the partnership between Leonhardt and his son Arno circa 1874 and the firm remained in operation until the early 20th century., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 100, Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center – Warshaw Collection - Lithography - Vertical Box 2 - Leonhardt - Cat
Theo. Leonhardt & Son
[ca. 1880]
Smithsonian Institution | Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center – Warshaw Collection - Lithography - Vertical Box 2 - Leonhardt - Cat
Trade catalog containing an ornate front and back cover and two specimen pages of script promoting Thomas Hunter, former partner in Hunter & Duval (active 1869-1874). Front cover contains central vignette showing a woman with two cherubic figures seated on filigree. The woman writes on a lithographic stone and the figures hold a banner reading "Duval & Hunter" and a printing ink roller. Rear cover contains a wreath of medals awarded to predecessor firms P. S. Duval and Duval & Hunter. Medals, many from the Franklin Institute, enclose text reading "Duval and Hunter's Steam Lithographic Establishment. 19 First Premiums in Diplomas and Medals. 1841-1872" and contain inscriptions, dates, allegorical figures, seals, and busts of Benjamin Franklin and King Albert. Several of the medals reference color lithography and chromolithography., Also includes two specimen pages of script for "Duval & Hunter, Designer, Lithographers, and Chromo Publishers, Nos. 716-722 Filbert St. Philadelphia" that promote the services and prints supplied by the establishment, including "a liberal discount to the trade," "check books," "labels of all kinds," and "Portraits and Lithography in all its Branches." Catalog also contains preface "To the Trade" and title list with prices., Not in Wainwright., Title annotated with stamp Thomas Hunter, Successor., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 102, Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Graphic Arts 1984-774-01
Duval & Hunter
Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Graphic Arts SI NMAH Graphic Arts 1984-774-01-Cover, Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Graphic Arts SI NMAH Graphic Arts 1984-774-01-ToTheTrade, Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Graphic Arts SI NMAH Graphic Arts 1984-774-01-Insurance, Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Graphic Arts SI NMAH Graphic Arts 1984-774-01-Back
Tradecard, probably issued during the Civil War, containing an exterior view of the lithographic establishment of Ketterlinus at the northwest corner of Fourth and Arch streets. Other pictorial details include an eagle holding the American flag in its claws., Not in Wainwright., Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 1 - Ketterlinus, Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 24, Ketterlinus established his own firm in 1842 and relocated to Fourth and Arch streets in 1856.
Ketterlinus, Eugene, d. 1886
[ca. 1865]
Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 1 - Ketterlinus
Letterhead, probably issued during the Civil War, containing an exterior view of the lithographic establishment of Ketterlinus at the northwest corner of Fourth and Arch streets. Other pictorial details include an American flag flying from a flag pole beside the building, a banner, filigree, and scrolls., Not in Wainwright., Addressed to Messrs. Riehl on March 9, 1871., Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 1 - Letterhead, Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 22, See LCP albums - Specimens Album [P.9349.142f], Ketterlinus established his own firm in 1842 and relocated to Fourth and Arch streets in 1856.
Ketterlinus, Eugene, d. 1886
[ca. 1865]
Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 1 - Letterhead
Advertisements for the late 19th-century Philadelphia lithographic firm, originally established as a blank book manufactory ca. 1874 by bookbinders and brothers John and August Hofstetter. Name of the establishment ornamented with pictorial details, including a landscape view, a book, and artist's brushes. Prints contain a sentimental and comic scene. Sentimental scene shows a peasant girl, accompanied by a dog, walking through the woods and knitting. Comic scene shows a gentleman, near a lake, inspecting his rear covered in paint in front of a bench adorned with the sign "Paint." Also includes the promotion "Color Work a Specialty." Hofstetter & Bros. relocated to 508 -510 Cherry Street ca. 1892., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 39, Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 1 - Hofstetter - Peasant Girl, Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 1 - Hofstetter - Gentleman
Hofstetter Bros.
[ca. 1892]
Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 1 - Hofstetter - Peasant Girl, Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 1 - Hofstetter - Gentleman
Not in Wainwright., Advertisement showing the bust-length portrait of a woman, slightly facing right, attired in a ruffled hood with fur trim and jewel clasp at her collar. The Leonhardt lithographic studio was renamed following the partnership between Leonhardt and his son Arno circa 1874 and the firm remained in operation until the early 20th century., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 86, Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center – Warshaw Collection - Lithography - Vertical Box 2 - Leonhardt - Woman
Theo. Leonhardt & Son
[ca. 1880]
Smithsonian Institution | Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center – Warshaw Collection - Lithography - Vertical Box 2 - Leonhardt - Woman
Billhead for the Philadelphia lithographer containing a vignette showing the bust-profile of a woman wearing exotic attire and smelling a flower. Sinclair relocated to 506-508 North Street in 1868. The firm was renamed Thomas Sinclair & Son in 1873 after his son joined the firm in 1870., Not in Wainwright., Issued to Messrs. Rice, Goddard Co. for the amount $519.50., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 67, American Antiquarian Society: Lithf Sinc Offi
[ca. 1870]
American Antiquarian Society AAS Graphic Arts Lithf Sinc Offi
Series of captioned, trade cards depicting a comical, theatrical scenario promoting the Ketterlinus Printing House established by Eugene Ketterlinus in 1842. Act 1st shows a dandy wooing a pretty peasant girl under the scornful eye of an older, plain milk maid and her riled cat in the foreground and a hunter in the background. Act 2d shows the peasant girl pleading with the milk maid as the dandy skulks away as the hunter watches from the background. Act 3d shows the girl and dandy pleading with the surprised-looking hunter, his gun and dog at his feet, as the "old maid" with her cat walks away. Act 4th shows the hunter wooing the coy milkmaid as the dandy and peasant girl walk away hand in hand., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 13, Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center – Warshaw Collection - Printers & Printing - Vertical Box 2 - Ketterlinus - Act 3, Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center – Warshaw Collection - Printers & Printing - Box 2 Folder 3 - Ketterlinus - Act 1 - Act 4, "Act 3d" trade card housed Printers & Printing Box 2 Folder 3 Printers: General., Kettterlinus Printing House began to advertise under that name ca. 1875.
Ketterlinus Printing House
[ca. 1875]
Smithsonian Institution | Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center – Warshaw Collection - Printers & Printing - Vertical Box 2 - Ketterlinus - Act 3, Smithsonian Institution | Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center – Warshaw Collection - Printers & Printing - Box 2 Folder 3 - Ketterlinus - Act 1 - Act 4
Advertisement calendar for the year 1883 containing a sentimental, genre scene for the firm renamed Geo. S. Harris & Sons in 1876. Scene shows a woman attired in a diaphanous dress, with plunging neckline and a high-rimmed bonnet, seated under a branch of an apple tree. A cluster of flowers, a butterfly, and a paper fan dominate the foreground and in the background, a farmhouse on a hillside completes the scene. Also includes decorative trim in the upper edge. Harris, first listed as a printer in 1847, operated one of the largest Philadelphia lithographic studios in the later 19th-century. The firm specialized in cigar box labels and stock trade cards., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 36, Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection - Printers & Printing - Box 10 Folder 2 - Geo S. Harris, Smithsonian copy of print displayed., LCP holds copy in Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection. [P.2011.10.164]. LCP copy manuscript note on verso: Eva Allen, 1603 Summer Street, Phila, Pa.
Geo. S. Harris & Sons
Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection - Printers & Printing - Box 10 Folder 2 - Geo S. Harris, Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Calendars - George S. Harris [P.2011.10.164]