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Plan for the permanent improvement of Independence Square.

State-House, with a view of Chesnut [sic] Street Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn & Engraved by W. Birch & Son.

Old State House, Congress Hall and Town Hall, Chesnut [sic] Street Philadelphia [graphic] / Designed and Published by W. Birch, Enamel Painter.

Philadelphia, from the State House steeple, north, east and south.

Illustrations of Philadelphia [graphic] / Vincit qui se vincit. Collected by Chas. A. Poulson.

Illustrations of Philadelphia, from fugitive sources only. [graphic] / Vincit qui se vincit. Collected by Chas. A. Poulson.

Views of construction of New City Building, Philadelphia, John McArthur, Jr., architect.

Collections from fugitive sources only, illustrative of the antiquities, progress & c. of the city Philadelphia [graphic] / Vincit qui se vincit. Collected by Chas. A. Poulson.