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Yankee Doodle songster.

Military books! King & Baird's edition. : The only kind that are really useful to the soldier. Illustrated with engravings, whereby all persons can teach themselves how to be soldiers, without the aid of a drill master. These books have been approved of o

Wm. R. Dyer & Co.'s Western and mercantile directory for 1862. : Principal office, No. 607 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. The design of the United States military and mercantile directory, is to call the attention of sutlers, army officers, and the trade in

Wm. R. Dyer & Co.'s Western and mercantile directory for 1862. : Principal office, No. 607 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. The design of the United States military and mercantile directory, is to call the attention of sutlers, army officers, and the trade in


Pocket edition. Diary of the Rebellion! : A useful hand-book for soldiers & citizens. For sale here.

The old flag. : This truly American volume is earnestly commended to public favor. Its publication, at this time, is very opportune. ... The old flag. 368 pp. 16mo. Cloth. Beautifully illustrated. Price, $1.25. / Published by the American Sunday-School Un

Bachelder's "Army of the Potomac." : During the "seven days' fight" before Richmond, probably one of the most thrilling, picturesque and interesting spectacles to an observer, was the fording of Bear Creek by the great supply trains of the Army of the Pot

Silver Medal

New York and the army in 1862 : Shoulder-straps! by Henry Morford, Esq. editor of the "New York atlas." For sale here / Published by T.B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa.

The rebellion its latent causes and true significance. By Henry T. Tuckerman. Price 20 cents. / James G. Gregory, publisher, New York.

Attention soldiers : Mr. A. Winch, of 320 Chestnut Street, has engaged our "Quaker City poet" Elmer Ruán Coates, Esq. to furnish you a series of patriotic ballads!! Applicable to every situation of martial life, as you will often resort to the power of mu

Beadle's dime Union song book no 2 for sale here price 10 cts.

Catalogue of Union songs / published by J.H Johnson, printer, stationer and publisher, No. 7 N. Tenth St., ab. Market, Phila., Pa. ... January 1864. N.B.--We have added other songs not pertaining to the Union, althongh [sic] rather patriotic. Ball room mo

History of the Southern Rebellion. By Wm. A. Crafts, A.M. / Published by Samuel Walker & Co., Boston. From among a number of commendatory notices and letters which we have received regarding the above work, we have selected the following, some of which ar

To the subscribers and purchasers of Rebellion record. : Important documents, narratives, &c., with reference to the present crisis, are now publishing, uniform with the Rebellion record, in extra parts, which will form one or two supplementary volumes. T

To the subscribers and purchasers of Rebellion record. : Important documents, narratives, &c., with reference to the present crisis, are now publishing, uniform with the Rebellion record, in extra parts, which will form one or two supplementary volumes. T

Attention! The volunteer's manual, just published, : contains full instructions for the recruit, in the schools of the soldier and squad, with over one hundred illustrations ... By Lt. Col. D.W.C. Baxter, of the National Guard. 12mo. size. Convenient for

Lehman & Bolton, printers, publishers, [and] lithographers, 418, 420, 422 Library St., Philadelphia.

Lithographic and letter press printing. Lehman & Bolton, Goldsmiths Hall, Library Street, opposite post office.

Lehman & Bolton, lithographers, printers, engravers & publishers, 418, 420, 422 Library St., Philadelphia.

Young and Woodward Business Papers, 1789-1826 (inclusive).

Lincolniana. : Just published, in one volume, small quarto, pp. viii and 344, printed in the best style by John Wilson & Son, on fine tinted paper, a collection of sermons, eulogies, addresses, letters, etc. occasioned by the assassination and death of Ab

The Rebellion record: : a complete, authentic, official history of the great struggle of 1860-2. Including three departments, namely: I. Documents, speeches, narratives and reports, from official sources--complete and reliable. II. A diary of events, conc

Putnam's Rebellion record. Notice to subscribers. : The sixth part of this work completing the first volume, is now issued. The agent respectfully informs subscribers that he is prepared to have their volumes bound in the best manner in various styles, ..

Putnam's Rebellion record. Notice to subscribers. : The sixth part of this work completing the first volume, is now issued. The agent respectfully informs subscribers that he is prepared to have their volumes bound in the best manner in various styles, ..

Just published. Winfield, the lawyer's son; : and how he became a major-general. By Major Penniman, author of "The tanner boy." Price, $1.50. ... Seaside and fireside fairies. From the German of George Blum and Louis Wahl. Translated by A.L. Wister. Price

The tribute book: : a record of the munificence, self-sacrifice, and patriotism of the American people in defense of their integrity as a nation, during the war for the Union. Illustrated. By Frank B. Goodrich, author of "The court of Napoleon," &c. The u

The tribute book: : a record of the munificence of the American people, during the war for the Union. By Frank B. Goodrich. New York, [blank] 186[blank] We take the liberty of inviting your attention to the enclosed prospectus of a work in course of prepa

King & Baird's edition Zouave light infantry tactics. : By Major J.H. De Witt, of Baxter's Fire Zouaves. Revised and corrected by Col. John M. Gosline, of the Pennsylvania Zouaves. With sixty-four illustrations. One volume, 12mo., 160 pages. Price twenty-

Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper no. 314, : for this week, contains a mammoth picture of the bombardment and capture of Forts Beauregard and Walker Also, the interior of the works after the occupation by the United States forces, and numerous illustra

A remarkable book. Now ready: Journal of Alfred Ely, a prisoner of war in Richmond. : Edited by Charles Lanman. 1 vol., 12mo, illustrated with a steel plate portrait of Alfred Ely, and a wood engraving of the prision at Richmond. Price, $1.00. This work g

Prison life in the tobacco warehouse at Richmond. / By a Ball's Bluff prisoner, Lieut. Wm. C. Harris, of Col. Baker's California Regiment. Contents. ... Preface. ...Philadelphia, March 25, 1862. Complete in one volume, price 50 cts., or handsomely bound i

Important announcement! : Lossing's pictorial history of the great Rebellion. ... Persons possessing pamphlets, or other materials relating to the Rebellion, will confer a favor by sending them to the author, Benson J. Lossing, Esq., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. /

The crisis of eighteen hundred sixty-one in the government of the United States, and how to meet it. / By A.D. Streight. This work will contain numerous extracts from some of the most eminent statesmen of our country, including Madison, Jay and Hamilton's

The only reliable illustrated is Frank Leslie's newspaper : no. 344, and supplement no. 345, for the present week. Turn over.

Attention! The best military book ever published. Now ready, Baxter's Volunteer's manual, : containing full instructions for the recruit, in the schools of the soldier and squad, given in the most simple style, ... Illustrated with over 100 engravings, ..

Baxter's Handbuch des Freiwilligen. : Scott's Taktik. Enthaltend eine Rekruten, in den Schulen des Soldaten und des Trupps und sum Gebrauch der Heim-Garde (Home Guard.) Mit über hundert Illustrationen. Von Lieutenant-Colonel. D.W.C. Baxter. Herausgegeben
