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North from Landsdowne Terrace.

[Trolley car at 69th and Market Streets, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Henry Brenster driving a horsecar, Fifth & Sixth Street line, Sixth and Jackson Streets, Philadelphia.]

West Park Trolley Station postcards.

Elevated railroad, Fortieth Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa.

Interior of elevated car, Philadelphia, Pa.

"All Aboard!" car on Philadelphia and West Chester Trolley.

Delaware Avenue elevated railroad postcards.

Elevated railroad bed postcards.

Elevated railroad at 69th Street station postcards.

Elevated railroad from 32nd Street, West Philadelphia postcards.

Near east park, Phila. [graphic] / A. Kollner, fect.

Memorial Hall.

A plan for the regulation of cars stopping at crossings.

[Steam dummy, with crowd, near Frankford Dummy Depot, Frankford Avenue and Arrott Street, Philadelphia.]

[Jackson Street and Mifflin Street electric trolleys, with drivers and passengers.]

[Hennigar's Photo Studio and Ye Old Dummy Depot, 4700 Frankford Avenue.]

Train entrance of the Philadelphia subway, Front & Arch Sts. [sic], Philadelphia, Pa.

Guns in front of Gov't B'l'd'g.

Elevated railway, Centennial Grounds.

Crown Can Company plant, vicinity of I Street and Erie Avenue, Juniata Park, Philadelphia.

Bird's eye view, Centennial buildings. 1876. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

S.E. corner of 22nd & Green Sts. Philada.

St. James Church. West Philada.

Works, East Schuylkill Falls. Powers & Weightman, manufacturing chemists, Philadelphia. Established 1818.

[Steam dummies, Fifth & Sixth Street line, with crowd]

[J.H. Davis driving a horsecar out of a carbarn, Fifth & Sixth Street line, Fifth & Jackson Streets, Philadelphia.]

[John Davis driving a horsecar out of a carbarn, Fifth & Sixth Street line, Fifth & Jackson Streets, Philadelphia.]

Panorama Hill, Hestonville, West Philadelphia.

Ninth and Market streets - Philadelphia.

Eli Hess' Penn Steam Marble Mantel Manufactory, Coates St. above Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia.

Porter ale and lager beer brewery at Fountain Green of Engel & Wolf

Powers-Weightman-Rosengarten Co. Works, East Schuylkill Falls. Powers & Weightman, Manufacturing Chemists, Philadelphia. Established 1818

Powers & Weightman manufacturing chemists Philadelphia

Centennial opening - the orators. 1876.

Street cars, Philadelphia.

Heintz Manufacturing Company plant, Olney Avenue and Front Street, Olney, Philadelphia.

Boger and Crawford textile mill, vicinity of J and Venango Streets, Nicetown-Tioga, Philadelphia.

F. & L. Ladner's Military Hall. No. 532 North Third St. Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania and Reading Railroad terminus on the Delaware River, vicinity of Lehigh Avenue and Richmond Street, Port Richmond, Philadelphia.

Overbrook High School.

The Camden & Atlantic Railroad. The short and popular route to Atlantic City.

Hotel Aubry, Walnut Street from 33rd to 34th Sts. Philadelphia.

Engel & Wolf's brewery & vaults at Fountain Green. Office No. 26 & 28 Dillwyn St. between Vine & Callowhill & Third & Fourth Sts. Philadelphia.

Engel & Wolf's brewery & vaults at Fountain Green. Office No. 26 & 28 Dillwyn St. between Vine & Callowhill & Third & Fourth Sts. Philadelphia.

Merchants' Exchange. Philadelphia.

Construction of airplane hangars

St. Agatha's Church Philadelphia, Penna.

Fairmount. [graphic].

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Excursion! Free, to the city and back Sanford's complimentary benefit, on Saturday evening, Dec. 17th, 1864 Card.--The directors of the Southwark and Frankford Road will, on the above evenin
