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Canterbury Music Hall, N.W. cor. of Fifth & Chestnut Sts. : Robert Gardiner, proprietor. Great combination of talent. Great applause! Full houses! No humbug! No puffery! The people's favorite resort! The best company in the city! The two great and popular

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third. : Saturday evening, November 26, 1864 House crowded to excess to witness Sanford's Opera Troupe 25 performers 25 Programme. ... Strange scenes from the stranger ... Lawyer outdone! ... To conc

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third. : Thanksgiving bill! Afternoon & evening Afternoon, doors open quarter to 2. Commence quarter past 2. Evening, doors open half-past 6. Commencing half-past 7. Sanford's Opera Troupe in burlesq