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ASSU Illustration 4427

Reading Iron Company Foundry, Reading, Pennsylvania.

Reading Cold Storage

ASSU Illustration 3775

ASSU Illustration 6314

ASSU Illustration 7933

[John H. and Lydia S. Webster reading] [graphic].

[Group reading in a den] [graphic].

[Philadelphia and Reading Railroad facilities, Reading, Pennsylvania.]

Berkshire Country Club, Reading, Pennsylvania.

Aerial views of the city of Reading, Pennsylvania.

Reading Fair, Berks County, Pa.

On the Wissahickon above Ridge Av.

[Carpenter Steel Company, Reading, Pennsylvania.]

[Real estate development on the outskirts of Reading, Pennsylvania.]

ASSU Illustration 6598

ASSU Illustration 5849

ASSU Illustration 6252

The Pennsylvania cyclone. / Composed and sung by Bessel and Harvey, authors of Mud Run disaster, Whitechapel murders, Wreck of the Allentown, Whiteling poisoning case, Fairmount Park mystery, &c.

The Pennsylvania cyclone.

[Vanity Fair textile mill and environs, Reading, Pennsylvania.]

Nolde and Horst

A. Wilhelm Company

[Penn Hardware Company foundry and environs, Reading, Pennsylvania.]

ASSU Illustration 6454

ASSU Illustration 3209

ASSU Illustration 3777

Jacob H. Hain, manufacturer of saddles, harnesss, bridles, collars, covers, whips, No. 321 Penn Street, Reading, Pa., (a few doors below the "Adler" Printing Office,) orders respectfully solicited and all work warranted.

[Falls Bridge, Philadelphia, Pa.]

Aerial Views of Reading, Pennsylvania

Theatre at Odd Fellows' Hall. : Manager Mr. S.C. Dubois Ladies' night ... Friday evening, August 7th, 1863, will be presented the great play of The stranger! or, Misanthropy and repentance. ... To conclude with The happy cobbler or, Love vs. leather. ...

[Bound Brook Route trade cards]

Metropolitan Edison Power Plant

The Apostle's Creed.

The "Reading" route for Philadelphia and New York, is the quickest and best.

J. Geo. Hintz, books, stationery and artist materials, no. 734 Penn St., Reading, Pa.

John A. Dorward, veterinary surgeon. Office: 1043 North Ninth St., Reading, Pa.

Reading's Sesqui-Centennial, Reading, Pa. Jubilee Week June 5th to 12th, 1898. 150th Anniverary.

Reading circles. [To commence in early October.] These are intended to give variety and interest to a course of instruction in English Literature,

[Ridge Avenue and Philadelphia & Reading Railroad bridges over the Wissahickon Creek, Roxborough, Philadelphia.]

View from Belmont, Phila. Park. Schuylkill River in the distance with Penna R.R. Bridge.

View from Belmont looking S.E.

Birds-eye view of property on Alleghany Avenue Philadelphia 25th Ward formerly 19th looking S.E. from Frankford Road.

Old Falls Bridg[e] Schuy[l]kill R[i]ver.

View from the New Park, Phila[delphia]

Connecting R.R. Bridge, Philadelphia, Pa.

Near Belmont Cottage

Reading room, Union League, Philad[elphi]a
