Billhead of the Philadelphia druggist containing block lettering and pictorial details, including a frame-like ornament, filigree, and flourishes. Ornament overprinted with text reading "Barker's Sarsaparilla. Barker's Pills. Moore's Syrup Tar. Mein's Syrup Blackberry. Ffirst National White Lead and Colors. Barker's Flavoring Extracts., Completed in manuscript to J. F. Wagernhuss (i.e., Wagonhurst) on December 31, 1895 for several items, including fenugreek and salt petre, for $22.27., Stamped on recto: 30 days, Less 1 per cent. Discount in 10 days., Inscribed on recto: Paid 1/31/96., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads 1880- (N-R) - R [P.2011.46.400]
Collection of billheads, dated between 1886 and 1899, containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, vignette illustrations, and pictorial details. Illustrations depict exteriors of storefronts and factories (some adorned in signage); mortars and pestles, including a trademark with an eagle perched on the tool; and an allegorical scene juxtaposing a mule caravan in tropical setting with a "Quinine Chemical Works." Pictorial details include floral and cloud imagery, frames, and flourishes. Firms represented include New York Quinine Chemical Works (N.Y.); Nichols & Harris (New London, Conn.); Noyes Brothers & Cutler (St. Paul, Minn.); Ohio Truss Co. (Cincinnati); Gilbert R. Parker (Johnston, R.I.); Charles H. Pleasants (N.Y.); Plimpton Cowan & Co. (Buffalo, N.Y.); John B. Raser (Reading, Pa.); Raynolds & Churchill (Burlington, Ia.); Robert Baker & Co. (Philadelphia); R. W. Robinson & Son (N.Y.); and Rodgers, Tedford & Co. (Knoxville, Tenn.). Billed patrons include The Resinol Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md.; C. D. Clark; A. Hirschle Smith, Amenia, N.D.; C. H. Case, Jefferson, Ohio; Walter W. Place; [New York] Dept. of Public Charities & Correction; A. E. Phillips, Sinclairville, N.Y.; J. F. Wagonhurst, Mertztown, Pa.; J. S. Banes, Villisca, Ia.; J. F. Wagernhuss (i.e., Wagonhurst?); E. S. Stokes; and Marion Roberts., Some items contain manuscript notes and/or stamps acknowledging receipt of payments and terms of sale., Printers include Falls City Litho. Co. Louisville, KY; Ketterlinus, Phila; Gast, St. LS. N.Y; G.H. Dunston, Buffalo, N.Y.; and Lith. Pioneer Press Co., St. Paul, Minn., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads, 1880- (N-R) [P.2011.46.391-402]