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View of the toll-house, Superintendents residence, and part of Schuylkill Canal, &c. on the W. side of River Schuylkill, opposite Fairmount [graphic].

[A view of the Fairmount Water-Works with Schuylkill in the distance. Taken from the mount.]

[A View of the Fairmount Waterworks with Schuylkill in the distance. Taken from the mount.]

[Fairmount Waterworks. Pictorial Embellishment of the Philada. Saturday Courier a family paper of the largest size published at two dollars a year in advance including two engravings of this kind yearly.]

[Fairmount Waterworks. Pictorial Embellishment of the Philada. Saturday Courier a family paper of the largest size published at two dollars a year in advance including two engravings of this kind yearly.]