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Directions for making the army woolen mitten. : First sew the welt on the thumbpiece; then close up the thumb on the back, and fit it in its place, where it must be firmly stitched; then close up the side and finger. It is best to leave the edges of the s

Henry H. McCargo, dealer in all makes of sewing machines, 1611 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia.

Willcox & Gibbs' sewing machine salesrooms, no. 720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia

Making ends meet.

[Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Company trade cards]

[Centennial Exhibition raffle trade cards advertising the New American sewing machine manufactured by American B.H.O. (Button Hole Overseaming) Machine Co., 1318 Chestnut St., Philadelpia, Pa.]

[Household Sewing Machine trade cards]

Louis Koenig, dealer in sewing machines, 730 N. 3d St. Branch, 1552 N. 5th St. [graphic].

Compliments of the American Sewing Machine Company :

[D.S. Ewing trade cards]

[American Sewing Machine Company trade cards]

Parham's sewing machine manufactory, George St. below Tenth, Philadelphia:

My boss sells the New York sewing machine. The brightest diamond of them all. [graphic].

[The Singer Manufacturing Company trade cards]

Office of the daily terror. The Davis Sewing Machine Co. [graphic].

Buy the light running Domestic sewing machine [graphic].

The light-running New Home sewing machine, D.S. Ewing, general agent, 1127 Chestnut St. Phila, PA. [graphic].

Singer Sewing Machine Company's Building

Scrapbook of Trade Cards, Holiday Cards, etc.


Compliments of the Domestic Sewing Machine Co. [graphic].

It stands at the head. "Domestic" sewing machine [graphic].

Compliments of the Domestic Sewing Machine Co. [graphic].

[Domestic Sewing Machine Co. trade cards]

[Seventh & Chestnut streets, looking west]

Compliments of the Domestic Sewing Machine Co. [graphic].

"Wes don got de "Domestic," we has!" [graphic].

"Wes don got de "Domestic," we has!" [graphic].