Three-quarter length portrait of Miss Shaw, seated, wearing a shawl and holding a rose. Ornate border around the portrait depicts angels and flowers. An eagle at the top of the portrait holds in its mouth a circular medal reading: PLUMBE Gold Medal., In Loder, George. Lady! The rose I give to thee (Philadelphia, 1846), vignette., The actress Charlotte Shaw debuted at the Bowery Theater on Dec. 14, 1842. Cf. Hall, Lillian A. Catalogue of dramatic portraits (1930-1934)., “[John] Plumbe devised a method whereby his studio copied original photographic images onto a lithographer’s stone by an early and innovative method of mechanical photoreproduction that still remains a mystery. Plumbeotypes were thus actually lithographs, but with a difference, for the stones were created with the new process.”--P. 48. LCP AR [Annual Report] 1992.
Waist-length portrait of Mrs. Fant wearing a wedding gown, veil, and gloves, surrounded by pastoral vignettes and a Gothic revival border depicting flowers and animals., In Hewitt, John Hill. The betrothed (Philadelphia, 1840), cover., “Written, composed and inscribed to Mrs. Edward Fant of Baltimore, by John H. Hewitt”.
Full-length portrait of the young girl in color, wearing a white dress with large red sash and flowers in hair. Seated on grass, amidst trees and flowers, with a large brown dog., In Southgate, F. Affection schottisch (Baltimore, 1858)., “To Miss Georgiana Smith of Boston”.