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The South East Prospect of the City of Philadelphia

Remarks on the slave trade [graphic].

[Sailing ship near an ocean coast]


Section of a slave ship [graphic].

Revolte sur un bâtiment négrier [graphic].

Wood from the Petite Hermine

Bann[er of] the sea. National song and chorus. [graphic].

John H. Brown & Co. No. 307 Market St.

La traite des noirs [graphic] / Trichon ; Fath.

Delaware River, Philadelphia harbor.

Delaware River, Philadelphia harbor. [graphic] / Langenheim.

Delaware River, Philadelphia harbor.

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia [graphic] / Langenheim.

Shipped in good order & well conditioned by Soutter & Bell. [bill of lading]

ASSU Illustration 8003

Swiss store. Fans, baskets, sea beans, sea shells, fine porcelains, swiss carvings. E. Misson, 26 Washington St., Cape May, N.J.

Bought of Potts & Roberts, importers and dealers in foreign and American iron & steel and heavy hardware. Warehouse, Third & Willlow Sts.

To John Hartman, dr. East End Steam Biscuit Work, No. 412 South Wharves, and 413 Penn St. Plain & fancy biscuit & crackers

N. & G. Taylor Co., importers of tin plate, metals, sheet iron &c. [graphic] : Established 1810.

A slave-ship [graphic].

African mother on a rock [graphic].

Cooper's Point, on the Delaware, New Jersey.

[Scenes from Guinea] [graphic].

Insurrection on board a slave ship [graphic] / W.L. Walton, lith.

The Africans of the slave bark "Wildfire" [graphic] / M.N.

[The Morro Castle (ship) beached near shore at Asbury Park, New Jersey]

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor. [graphic] / Langenheim.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor.

[Plan and sections of a slave ship]

ASSU Illustration 875

Sailing ship woodcut

[Robert Morgan of New Haven, washed ashore after a storm in Atlantic City, N.J.]

Transportation Building. 250 x 960 feet. Cost $280,000.

H.M.S. Pinafore.

Luckenbach Lines steamship on the Delaware River, South Philadelphia, Philadelphia.

Coggins & Harbach, No. 36 North Eighth St., Philadelphia.

Brennan, jeweler, 13 South Eighth St., Phila.

[Middle passage: instruments of restraint and torture] [graphic].

Shipping scene.

[J. Hartman's biscuit bakery, No. 90 Penn Street, Philadelphia]

[Frontispiece for Histoire philosophique et politique] [graphic] / Ch. Eisen del. ; N. Delaunay Sulpt.

Branding a female slave [graphic].

Scene in the hold of the "Blood-Stained Gloria." (Middle Passage) [graphic].

Chestnut St. Bridge, Philada. [graphic].

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia.

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia.
