Advertisement showing the busy small manufactory complex established by Simons in 1831. Several laborers work diligently in the yard, and at the windows and workshops of the wheel making establishment. In the yard, workers carry slabs of wood from a large pile, fashion wheels near an open fire, and lead a horse-drawn truck of wagon parts past an idle truck marked "Wm. Massey, New Orleans" and wagons marked "T. Craven Old Point Virginia" and "U.S. 1720." Wagon wheels and frames rest along the buildings where laborers toil away at the windows. Also show workers hoisting wagon bodies, blacksmithing at an anvil, working on a wheel and wagon body, and operating a large piece of machinery in the workshops. Crates, handcarts, and carriages are also visible through shop openings. In the right of the image, the rear of a small street car marked "Philadelphia Fox & Grass" that is occupied by two ladies travels toward the "Henry Simons Office" located behind the factory. The office is attached to an open shed storing wood slabs. Smokestacks and a steeple with bell and weather vane adorn the roofs of the buildings, including the main building marked "Philadelphia Wheelwright Works." A partial view of a shed and piles of wood are visible in the left foreground and background, Philadelphia on Stone, Atwater Kent Museum: 54.29.2/2
Reynolds, R. F., artist
[ca. 1850]
Atwater Kent Museum | Print Department AKM AKM 54.29.2/2