Trade card for the Philadelphia branch of the Singer Sewing Manufacturing Company containing a comic view showing a boy sewing the ends of two cat's tails together with a Singer sewing machine. Two other boys hold the horrified looking cats, while a dog sits near the machine. Singer Manufacturing Company relocated to 1202 Chestnut Street in 1882., Advertising text printed on verso: Principal Office of The Singer Manufacturing Company Removed to 1202 Chestnut Street. Genuine Singer Sewing Machines. At Low Prices For Cash., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler., For duplicate, see trade card - Singer [1975.F.865]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Trade cards & Blotters [P.2011.10.59]
Series of illustrated trade cards depicting comic views entitled "This coat was sewed on a Singer machine," "What I have sewed together and no one rip asunder," "Making ends meet," and "As ye sew so shall ye rip," showing a man caught and hanging from a windowsill by his coat looking in the face of a frightened cat with its back arched; a couple attired in their wedding clothes, which Cupid stitches together behind them; a boy sewing the ends of two cat's tails together with a Singer sewing machine. Two other boys hold the horrified looking cats, while a dog sits near the machine; a boy sitting on the edge of a sewing machine with his back to the viewer as another boy sews; musicians playing french horn, flute, and baritone; and two men lounging in a hay field, one of them asleep and mischeviously being prodded by the other with a twig, with a post and rail fence in background. The Singer Manufacturing Company relocated to 1106 Chestnut Street from 1609 Ridge Avenue ca. 1876 and moved to 1202 Chestnut Street in 1882., Title supplied by cataloger., Four prints contain the following advertising text printed on versos: Advertising text printed on verso: Principal Office of The Singer Manufacturing Company Removed to 1202 Chestnut Street. Genuine Singer Sewing Machines. At Low Prices For Cash., Two prints contain the following advertising text printed on versos: The world's award. First premium to the singer. 232, 444 (Two hundred and thirty-two thousand four hundred and forty-four,) machines sold in one year, 113, 254 more machines than were sold by the next highest company. Machines sold on easy monthly installments, No. 1106 Chestnut St., Phila., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Two prints [P.9387.1 & 2] gift of Alan Smith., For duplicate of "Making ends meet" see Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Trade cards & Blotters [P.2011.10.59], Digitized.
[ca. 1876-1882]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Singer [1975.F.786; 1975.F.864-866; P.9387.1 & 2]