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Respond to the governor's call to defend the state. : Gray Reserve Reg now recruiting. Co. A, Market Street ab. 8th, " C " " " Co. D, Eighteenth and Chestnut Sts. Companies B, E, F, G, H, and I, City Armory, Broad Street below Race.

$50 bounty! Rally men of Philadelphia for the defence of your city and state. : Recruits wanted for company E, First Regiment Grey Reserves! Armory---Broad Street, below Race. Come to the rescue. Equipment furnished and bounty paid.

$50 bounty! Gray Reserve Reg't : Recruits wanted for "Co. G" 100 days' service! Apply at once, at Armory, Board St. bel. Race. / S.W. Pettit. Recruiting officer.

$50 bounty! Gray Reserve Reg't : Recruits wanted for "Co. H" 100 days' service! Apply at once, at Armory, Board St. bel. Race. / Lieut. Charles O. Klett. Recruiting officer.

$50 bounty! Gray Reserve Reg't Recruits wanted for "Co. F" 100 days' service! : Apply at once, at Armory, Broad St. bel. Race. Captain Kennedy.

$50 bounty! Gray Reserve Reg't Recruits wanted for "Co. K" 100 days' service! : Apply at once, at Armory, Broad St. bel. Race. J.G. Brittain, recruiting sargeant.

Gray Reserve Regiment : The regiment is now recruiting for 100 days' service! Under the call of Governor Curtin. Each recruit receives $50 bounty $50 Do not hesitate, but come at once! Armory Co. A, 810 Market Street, Armory Co. C, 808 Market Street, Armo

$50 bounty! Gray Reserve Reg't Recruits wanted for "Co. C" 100 days' service! : Apply at once, at Armory, No. 808 Market St. James H. Errickson, O.S.